Why I Am A Happy LIBERAL


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I call myself a happy LIBERAL because:

I believe science is NOT a Liberal conspiracy
I believe corporations are businesses, not people
I believe in equal rights, regardless of sexual orientation
I believe Jesus when he said: "Judge not, lest you be judged."
I believe that 47% of Americans aren’t looking for a government handout
I believe in climate change, not that God has decided to use weather to “punish sin”
I believe we must learn from history, not repeat it
I believe education is not elitist...it is simply the opposite of stupid.
I believe women deserve the same rights as men
I believe our sexual orientation is something we’re born with, not something we choose
I believe immigration is what has made this country great, not what will bring it down
I believe spending twice as much $$ on CORPORATE welfare, as on the poor is wrong.
I believe freedom for all means freedom for all
I believe we have the right to own guns, but our Second Amendment says “well regulated” for a reason
I believe in a living wage
I believe you can’t create wealth by giving rich people more money
I believe in showing compassion for the poor, not demonizing them

Conservatives: You can insult us all you want, but LIBERALS will survive...and thrive! Have a nice day :bye1:
I call myself a happy LIBERAL because:

I believe science is NOT a Liberal conspiracy
I believe corporations are businesses, not people
I believe in equal rights, regardless of sexual orientation
I believe Jesus when he said: "Judge not, lest you be judged."
I believe that 47% of Americans aren’t looking for a government handout
I believe in climate change, not that God has decided to use weather to “punish sin”
I believe we must learn from history, not repeat it
I believe education is not elitist...it is simply the opposite of stupid.
I believe women deserve the same rights as men
I believe our sexual orientation is something we’re born with, not something we choose
I believe immigration is what has made this country great, not what will bring it down
I believe spending twice as much $$ on CORPORATE welfare, as on the poor is wrong.
I believe freedom for all means freedom for all
I believe we have the right to own guns, but our Second Amendment says “well regulated” for a reason
I believe in a living wage
I believe you can’t create wealth by giving rich people more money
I believe in showing compassion for the poor, not demonizing them

Conservatives: You can insult us all you want, but LIBERALS will survive...and thrive! Have a nice day :bye1:
You mean liberal settled science?
@op You need to create a new party, probably easier than taking yours back/regaining the trust of mainstream dems. I wish you luck in the endeavor either way, I fear you're going to need it.
I call myself a happy LIBERAL because:

I believe science is NOT a Liberal conspiracy
I believe corporations are businesses, not people
I believe in equal rights, regardless of sexual orientation
I believe Jesus when he said: "Judge not, lest you be judged."
I believe that 47% of Americans aren’t looking for a government handout
I believe in climate change, not that God has decided to use weather to “punish sin”
I believe we must learn from history, not repeat it
I believe education is not elitist...it is simply the opposite of stupid.
I believe women deserve the same rights as men
I believe our sexual orientation is something we’re born with, not something we choose
I believe immigration is what has made this country great, not what will bring it down
I believe spending twice as much $$ on CORPORATE welfare, as on the poor is wrong.
I believe freedom for all means freedom for all
I believe we have the right to own guns, but our Second Amendment says “well regulated” for a reason
I believe in a living wage
I believe you can’t create wealth by giving rich people more money
I believe in showing compassion for the poor, not demonizing them

Conservatives: You can insult us all you want, but LIBERALS will survive...and thrive! Have a nice day :bye1:
I used to be liberal, until I realized that most liberals are rich white entitled self righteous jerks with a guilt complex. Good lord, do I despise liberals now.
I call myself a happy LIBERAL because:

I believe science is NOT a Liberal conspiracy
I believe corporations are businesses, not people
I believe in equal rights, regardless of sexual orientation
I believe Jesus when he said: "Judge not, lest you be judged."
I believe that 47% of Americans aren’t looking for a government handout
I believe in climate change, not that God has decided to use weather to “punish sin”
I believe we must learn from history, not repeat it
I believe education is not elitist...it is simply the opposite of stupid.
I believe women deserve the same rights as men
I believe our sexual orientation is something we’re born with, not something we choose
I believe immigration is what has made this country great, not what will bring it down
I believe spending twice as much $$ on CORPORATE welfare, as on the poor is wrong.
I believe freedom for all means freedom for all
I believe we have the right to own guns, but our Second Amendment says “well regulated” for a reason
I believe in a living wage
I believe you can’t create wealth by giving rich people more money
I believe in showing compassion for the poor, not demonizing them

Conservatives: You can insult us all you want, but LIBERALS will survive...and thrive! Have a nice day :bye1:
I believe we have the right to own guns, but our Second Amendment says “well regulated” for a reason

I can agree with the majority of those, but I'm curious what you believe 'well regulated' means, and in what context.
I believe in science, but I am wary of scientists whose politics and/or lucre make them declare certainty in areas so complex that they likely do not understand it themselves.

I believe that corporations are made up of people who have pooled their money so as to be able to undertake greater enterprises, than they could alone.

I believe in equal rights, regardless of sexual orientation, but you cocksuckers are going to far, like California paying $100,000 for a sex change operation for a murderer with a life sentence.

I believe that the Liberal/Conservative Dynamic has been going on for a very long time, longer than since the terms have come to be understood. In England that was around the 1640's, and they have has been mutually beneficial to each over the centuries...the traditional Conservative likes things the way they are; the Traditional Liberal always pines for change.

The Conservatives have traditionally been more numerous than the Liberals, and so restrain their wilder and more ridiculous notions, but the Liberals have been strong enough to pull the Conservatives along to institute the best of their ideas. It made England the greatest society on Earth until they ceded that position to their progeny--America.

I believe the Liberal/Conservation balance is now distorted, because a debt of 20 trillion has been run up, on the credit of the productive American people, which has been largely spent to buy votes for Liberals...to the point that the Liberal wing has been taken over by Grievance Groups controlled by real radicals...by which I mean Marxists.

You can dress Marxism up and make it sound nice to the poorly educated, but you cannot make it work...no one ever has, and they have been trying for long before Marx was ever born.

I believe that you are living Fat off America today, because our ancestors left us a Jeffersonian Meritocracy, not a Marxist Utopia.
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I believe in facts, which don't have any political/ideological bent. American liberals are a toothless bunch, but they scare me because of their irrational group think conformist mentality that mirrors the same Republican Conservative anti-communist mentality of the 50's.
I call myself a happy LIBERAL because:

I believe science is NOT a Liberal conspiracy
I believe corporations are businesses, not people
I believe in equal rights, regardless of sexual orientation
I believe Jesus when he said: "Judge not, lest you be judged."
I believe that 47% of Americans aren’t looking for a government handout
I believe in climate change, not that God has decided to use weather to “punish sin”
I believe we must learn from history, not repeat it
I believe education is not elitist...it is simply the opposite of stupid.
I believe women deserve the same rights as men
I believe our sexual orientation is something we’re born with, not something we choose
I believe immigration is what has made this country great, not what will bring it down
I believe spending twice as much $$ on CORPORATE welfare, as on the poor is wrong.
I believe freedom for all means freedom for all
I believe we have the right to own guns, but our Second Amendment says “well regulated” for a reason
I believe in a living wage
I believe you can’t create wealth by giving rich people more money
I believe in showing compassion for the poor, not demonizing them

Conservatives: You can insult us all you want, but LIBERALS will survive...and thrive! Have a nice day :bye1:

Most of what you say makes a hell of a lot more sense then the opposite. ;)
I believe in facts, which don't have any political/ideological bent. American liberals are a toothless bunch, but they scare me because of their irrational group think conformist mentality that mirrors the same Republican Conservative anti-communist mentality of the 50's.

Everybody loves Facts....which is why people like to have their own.

Liberals are certainly the most guilty of this right now. Based on the postings on this board, they are clearly the poorest educated yet they have convinced themselves that they in fact are the smartest; they know what is best for us Heartland Rustics, and so they will Tell us how to behave.

So, your point is well taken.

John Kennedy was considered a hard core Liberal in his day. He said:

"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country".

Today's Liberal would scoff at that; and turn it completely around.
I call myself a happy LIBERAL because:

I believe science is NOT a Liberal conspiracy
I believe corporations are businesses, not people
I believe in equal rights, regardless of sexual orientation
I believe Jesus when he said: "Judge not, lest you be judged."
I believe that 47% of Americans aren’t looking for a government handout
I believe in climate change, not that God has decided to use weather to “punish sin”
I believe we must learn from history, not repeat it
I believe education is not elitist...it is simply the opposite of stupid.
I believe women deserve the same rights as men
I believe our sexual orientation is something we’re born with, not something we choose
I believe immigration is what has made this country great, not what will bring it down
I believe spending twice as much $$ on CORPORATE welfare, as on the poor is wrong.
I believe freedom for all means freedom for all
I believe we have the right to own guns, but our Second Amendment says “well regulated” for a reason
I believe in a living wage
I believe you can’t create wealth by giving rich people more money
I believe in showing compassion for the poor, not demonizing them

Conservatives: You can insult us all you want, but LIBERALS will survive...and thrive! Have a nice day :bye1:
I believe you've bought into the left's rhetoric. Good for you, everyone needs to believe in something regardless of how it's spun. Hell most on both sides believe in their own spin, why should you be any different.......... :dunno:

(Oh and I'm not a conservative........ or a libertarian......)
Conservatives back in the day used to bash people over the head with being "Communist" if they didn't fall into line. Liberals NOW use "Racism" (or some hodoo phobia) to bash people over the head to get in line. Is this what free thinking liberalism has come down too? One more ideology to use bully boy tactics to excuse being intolerant?
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I only believe in my own values and my own observations.

One of these beliefs is that those who divide the world into these two, great warring tribes are part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
Conservatives back in the day used to bash people over the head with being "Communist" if they didn't fall into line. Liberals NOW use "Racism" (or some hodoo phobia) to bash people over the head to get in line. Is this what free thinking liberalism has come down too? One more ideology to use bully boy tactics to excuse being intolerant?
Can you imagine America today if we hadn't stopped democrats then?
Here's where low information liberals succumb to left wing propaganda. Apparently lefties think the only "science" we need to focus on is the theory of Global Warming and anyone who doesn't believe that Americans are responsible for droughts and floods in Africa is a Neanderthal. Conservative science put the first man on the moon during the Nixon administration. Which word in the phrase "illegal aliens" is confusing to lefties? Why don't low information lefties understand that the concept of "freedom" means more than burning the Flag in the street? The 1st Amendment that guaranteed freedom of religion came a long time before hairy men decided to use the ladies room. Why can't self described liberals offer the same consideration to evangelical Christians as they do for freakazoid men who are confused about which bathroom to use?

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