Why I Am A Happy LIBERAL

What liberals REALLY believe:

They believe true science is only what Liberals approve of. All else is nonsense.

They believe corporations are evil, because they try to make a profit.

They believe in equal rights, regardless of sexual orientation, unless they are Christian or republican.

They believe Jesus when he said: "Judge not, lest you be judged." but it's ok to judge anyway because Christians are bad people.

They believe that 47% of Americans aren’t looking for a government handout, but they are working on reducing that number considerably.

They believe in climate change, and hope no one realizes the difference between that and the man-caused climate change scam.

They believe we must change history to something that pushes their agenda.

They believe education is not elitist, but it's a great tool to brainwash the masses.

They believe women deserve the same rights as men, unless they are Christian or republican.

They believe sexual orientation is something that can be used to get elected.

They believe "immigration" is the word that must be used and never "illegal immigration".

They believe spending twice as much $$ on CORPORATE welfare, as on the poor is wrong, so they need to give more to the poor. Never reducing corporate welfare.

They believe freedom for all means freedom for all, but of course that doesn't include rich people, white people, or Christians.

They believe we have the right to own guns but never use them for anything.

They believe in a living wage because money just appears out of thin air, why work for it?

They believe you can raise people out of poverty by punishing successful people.

They believe in showing compassion for the poor, but only in election cycles and keeping them poor and voting democrat their whole lives.

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