Why I cant go live in the inner city in Europe


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
My wife is from Switzerland, she's from the Romande region of it, in Western Switzerland.

I asked her if I should go to Europe where the inner cities are where the productivity and the education and services in Europe are.

She said, ultimately you can, but its irresponsible for you to do.
I came here to the USA so you know who I am, you know that I am with you, but you shouldn't go there..

If you want to leave the USA, you should be thinking more about Canada or Australia than Europe.
Europe isn't all its cracked up to be by Europeans.

That's what she said.

Then I asked why..
And then she said...

Because the Demographics of Europe and the Geography of Europe, are the way they are today, through centuries of war, and discrimination.
Anti Americanism isn't just a simple attack on Americans, it just goes hand in hand with their whole way of life.

Even though Europe is much older than the USA, Freedom and Democracy and Trade and Industry are brand new to them.
My wife is from Switzerland, she's from the Romande region of it, in Western Switzerland.

I asked her if I should go to Europe where the inner cities are where the productivity and the education and services in Europe are.

She said, ultimately you can, but its irresponsible for you to do.
I came here to the USA so you know who I am, you know that I am with you, but you shouldn't go there..

If you want to leave the USA, you should be thinking more about Canada or Australia than Europe.
Europe isn't all its cracked up to be by Europeans.

That's what she said.

Then I asked why..
And then she said...

Because the Demographics of Europe and the Geography of Europe, are the way they are today, through centuries of war, and discrimination.
Anti Americanism isn't just a simple attack on Americans, it just goes hand in hand with their whole way of life.

Even though Europe is much older than the USA, Freedom and Democracy and Trade and Industry are brand new to them.
Most of this is nonsense. True is that anti-Americanism is on the rise. It is a side effect of the Islamization. The rest is nonsense.

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My wife is from Switzerland, she's from the Romande region of it, in Western Switzerland.

I asked her if I should go to Europe where the inner cities are where the productivity and the education and services in Europe are.

She said, ultimately you can, but its irresponsible for you to do.
I came here to the USA so you know who I am, you know that I am with you, but you shouldn't go there..

If you want to leave the USA, you should be thinking more about Canada or Australia than Europe.
Europe isn't all its cracked up to be by Europeans.

That's what she said.

Then I asked why..
And then she said...

Because the Demographics of Europe and the Geography of Europe, are the way they are today, through centuries of war, and discrimination.
Anti Americanism isn't just a simple attack on Americans, it just goes hand in hand with their whole way of life.

Even though Europe is much older than the USA, Freedom and Democracy and Trade and Industry are brand new to them.

I have read your post 3 times- and I still can't find an actual reason you have provided why you would not live in a European city.

Ever been to Amsterdam? Brussels? Rome? Zurich?

I could live in any of those cities- and known Americans who have. I am not in any rush to leave the United States, but that is mostly because I like it here- not because I have anything against European cities.
I grew up in Greece as a Greek-American during periods of virulent anti-Americanism. While the usual assortment of the lunatic fringe would protest in front of the US embassy, I knew communists, socialists and anarchists but they never, even remotely, even suggested any kind of threat to any Americans or foreigners for that matter. I have never heard of anyone being assaulted simply for being American, although a CIA agent attached to the embassy was killed by the November 17 terrorist organization back in the 80s.
My wife is from Switzerland, she's from the Romande region of it, in Western Switzerland.

I asked her if I should go to Europe where the inner cities are where the productivity and the education and services in Europe are.

She said, ultimately you can, but its irresponsible for you to do.
I came here to the USA so you know who I am, you know that I am with you, but you shouldn't go there..

If you want to leave the USA, you should be thinking more about Canada or Australia than Europe.
Europe isn't all its cracked up to be by Europeans.

That's what she said.

Then I asked why..
And then she said...

Because the Demographics of Europe and the Geography of Europe, are the way they are today, through centuries of war, and discrimination.
Anti Americanism isn't just a simple attack on Americans, it just goes hand in hand with their whole way of life.

Even though Europe is much older than the USA, Freedom and Democracy and Trade and Industry are brand new to them.

I have not read such moronic nonsense in a long time. By the way, democracy is a Greek word from several thousand years ago and industry is a word derived from the Latin word "industria", you dolt.

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