Why I Do (and Do Not) Support President Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This comes from a blog I follow every day; the Madness of the Combat Medic. He did 2 tours in Iraq and I generally appreciate his stories about combat medicine. So, I found this article and decided to read it. Much to my surprise, I found it quite interesting and informative.

At best my personal opinion about the President could best be described as "neutral." I want to judge him, and his administration on what he actually does, not what media, and elitist political leaders tell me. So far every "forest fire" that has been touted as proof positive that he should be removed from office has been tantamount to a "matchbook." His ability to send his opposition into complete and utter irrationality is amusing, and to be honest horrifying.

I think this is truly worth a read and would like your reactions to it. Full essay @ the Madness of the Combat Medic: Why I Do (and Do Not) Support President Trump
But let's be honest here, the real beauty of the Trump us the Lulz that follow him. :thup:
In general, I support Trump all the way. There are a few things he likes that I don't. I believe we should repeal Obamacare and NOT replace it. In general however, he's done a great job so far.
The level of delusion someone would have to have to think Trump has "done a great job" so far would have to be through the roof. What planet do you weirdos live on? He hasn't done anything at all.
The level of delusion someone would have to have to think Trump has "done a great job" so far would have to be through the roof. What planet do you weirdos live on? He hasn't done anything at all.
. . . and that is the way the puppet masters want it.

Pretty much the same as Obama.
I agree with him and that pretty much sums up my own feelings toward Trump. I genuinely want him to succeed and I think a lot of people do, whether they voted for him or not. I think the far left who are on the verge of insanity are making a grave mistake in their approach toward him and this will cost them in 2018. If they continue to be guided by their rage and anger instead of issues and ideas, not only will they lose a ton in the midterms, he'll beat them by a larger margin in 2020 than he did in 2016.

The one thing I had slight disagreement with was the sentiment that Trump is unpredictable. I don't think that's the case at all. I think he is very predictable and means exactly what he says. He's not predictable in a political sense-- meaning, you can't say, oh he's a republican so he must favor X,Y and Z! He is not an ideologue and his views are often pragmatic and populist.
I agree with him and that pretty much sums up my own feelings toward Trump. I genuinely want him to succeed and I think a lot of people do, whether they voted for him or not. I think the far left who are on the verge of insanity are making a grave mistake in their approach toward him and this will cost them in 2018. If they continue to be guided by their rage and anger instead of issues and ideas, not only will they lose a ton in the midterms, he'll beat them by a larger margin in 2020 than he did in 2016.

The one thing I had slight disagreement with was the sentiment that Trump is unpredictable. I don't think that's the case at all. I think he is very predictable and means exactly what he says. He's not predictable in a political sense-- meaning, you can't say, oh he's a republican so he must favor X,Y and Z! He is not an ideologue and his views are often pragmatic and populist.

Really? Trump means what he says? Like he did when he told N. Korea that he had 3 carriers stationed off their coast?
I agree with him and that pretty much sums up my own feelings toward Trump. I genuinely want him to succeed and I think a lot of people do, whether they voted for him or not. I think the far left who are on the verge of insanity are making a grave mistake in their approach toward him and this will cost them in 2018. If they continue to be guided by their rage and anger instead of issues and ideas, not only will they lose a ton in the midterms, he'll beat them by a larger margin in 2020 than he did in 2016.

The one thing I had slight disagreement with was the sentiment that Trump is unpredictable. I don't think that's the case at all. I think he is very predictable and means exactly what he says. He's not predictable in a political sense-- meaning, you can't say, oh he's a republican so he must favor X,Y and Z! He is not an ideologue and his views are often pragmatic and populist.

Really? Trump means what he says? Like he did when he told N. Korea that he had 3 carriers stationed off their coast?


hes easier to catch in a lie than it is to find a sea food dinner in san fransisco
He has a lot of time left and after the idiots on the left finish shooting themselves in the foot, he'll get more done. The man loves America, unlike the rat bastard he succeeded, and knowing that that is his rudder, I like where he's taking the ship.

Hopefully he'll get at least one more SCOTUS pick, two would save this country, but one more would help.

God Bless President Donald Trump.
I agree with him and that pretty much sums up my own feelings toward Trump. I genuinely want him to succeed and I think a lot of people do, whether they voted for him or not. I think the far left who are on the verge of insanity are making a grave mistake in their approach toward him and this will cost them in 2018. If they continue to be guided by their rage and anger instead of issues and ideas, not only will they lose a ton in the midterms, he'll beat them by a larger margin in 2020 than he did in 2016.

The one thing I had slight disagreement with was the sentiment that Trump is unpredictable. I don't think that's the case at all. I think he is very predictable and means exactly what he says. He's not predictable in a political sense-- meaning, you can't say, oh he's a republican so he must favor X,Y and Z! He is not an ideologue and his views are often pragmatic and populist.

Really? Trump means what he says? Like he did when he told N. Korea that he had 3 carriers stationed off their coast?

Operational deception.
The level of delusion someone would have to have to think Trump has "done a great job" so far would have to be through the roof. What planet do you weirdos live on? He hasn't done anything at all.

We live on a planet where the previous President increased poverty, decreased family income, really really increased debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth. A real failure and the worst President this country ever had.

We also live on a planet where Trump is tying to undo some of the damage done by that incompetent asshole Obma and that is a good thing. Trump is fighting against a swamp filled with Liberal scum and that is a hard battle.

Trump has the right agenda for the American people for the most part and seems to be fighting hard. His success in the long run will be a function of how hard the filthy greedy special interest groups will be successful in stopping him from representing the American people instead of the welfare queens, illegals and globalists. You know, the dipshits that supported Crooked Hillary.

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