Why I Don't Fall for Manmade Global Warming

Don't make it about me..

Ironic given that is what you have been doing in this entire thread.

It began with the OP lying and he hasn't stopped.

Furthermore you have been taking everything way too personally. The subject matter is what options are least harmful to the planet. If you cannot agree that there is long term damage caused by nuclear fuels then it is a waste of my time to continue.
OH looky here, what a koinky dink news story.
Chernobyl is a wildlife haven now.

Chernobyl exclusion zone becomes wildlife haven
Don't make it about me..

Ironic given that is what you have been doing in this entire thread.

It began with the OP lying and he hasn't stopped.

Furthermore you have been taking everything way too personally. The subject matter is what options are least harmful to the planet. If you cannot agree that there is long term damage caused by nuclear fuels then it is a waste of my time to continue.
OH looky here, what a koinky dink news story.
Chernobyl is a wildlife haven now.

Chernobyl exclusion zone becomes wildlife haven

I LOVE this part of the article..

"It's very likely that wildlife numbers at Chernobyl are much higher than they were before the accident. This doesn't mean radiation is good for wildlife, just that the effects of human habitation, including hunting, farming and forestry, are a lot worse," said Professor Jim Smith of Portsmouth University in England, who led the study.

The researchers used a combination of field surveys and computer models to estimate the density of animal numbers throughout the exclusion zone. They found no evidence to suggest that any species of mammal had been adversely affected by the nuclear fallout.

That's the hard way to do conservation.. But it got US the heck out of there. I can imagine those 2 bison in picture having a conversion...

"ya know Ivan -- having 2 tails isn't that bad after all. I swat flys more better"

"Dah... As long as those freaking humans stay away,, I don't care if have 2 tails and a short penis"
How many days a year do you think the wind field produces ANY significant energy? Are you that dense??

Windmills are placed where there are consistent winds blowing.

Energy Dept. Reports: U.S. Wind Energy Production and Manufacturing Reaches Record Highs

The report finds that distributed wind in the U.S. reached a 10-year cumulative installed capacity of more than 812 megawatts (MW) at the end of 2012 – representing more than 69,000 units across all 50 states. Between 2011 and 2012, U.S. distributed wind capacity grew by 175 MW, with about 80 percent of this growth coming from utility-scale installations. At the state level, Iowa, Massachusetts, California and Wisconsin led the nation in new distributed wind power capacity in 2012.

Wind Generation Records & Turbine Productivity


And that 812MWatts of installed power PRODUCES about 280MWatts of SPORADIC power over the year.

THIS is the production chart for a well-sited DAnish off shore wind farm..

Answer my question. How many days of the year does a wind farm produce no substantial energy??

How many days a year does it even NEAR it's installed capacity?

There is no direct comparison in production capacities so that is a false premise.

The concept of distributed wind energy is based upon the fact that the wind is always blowing somewhere.

Similar concept to having a global market for food production. In winter you can still find fresh fruit and vegetables in your local supermarket. Same applies to wind power. The grid makes it possible to provide energy to you even when there is no local wind.

That is the realistic comparison to use.

And the sun is always shining somewhere, except where your head is usually located. Kumbaiya ...


Predictable response when faced with irrefutable facts!
irrefutable what? Playing PeeWee Hermanisms is lazy. The data you supplied was refuted, and your response is this? Put up a rebuttal big boy let's see the facts!!!!
Windmills are placed where there are consistent winds blowing.

Energy Dept. Reports: U.S. Wind Energy Production and Manufacturing Reaches Record Highs

The report finds that distributed wind in the U.S. reached a 10-year cumulative installed capacity of more than 812 megawatts (MW) at the end of 2012 – representing more than 69,000 units across all 50 states. Between 2011 and 2012, U.S. distributed wind capacity grew by 175 MW, with about 80 percent of this growth coming from utility-scale installations. At the state level, Iowa, Massachusetts, California and Wisconsin led the nation in new distributed wind power capacity in 2012.

Wind Generation Records & Turbine Productivity


And that 812MWatts of installed power PRODUCES about 280MWatts of SPORADIC power over the year.

THIS is the production chart for a well-sited DAnish off shore wind farm..

Answer my question. How many days of the year does a wind farm produce no substantial energy??

How many days a year does it even NEAR it's installed capacity?

There is no direct comparison in production capacities so that is a false premise.

The concept of distributed wind energy is based upon the fact that the wind is always blowing somewhere.

Similar concept to having a global market for food production. In winter you can still find fresh fruit and vegetables in your local supermarket. Same applies to wind power. The grid makes it possible to provide energy to you even when there is no local wind.

That is the realistic comparison to use.

And the sun is always shining somewhere, except where your head is usually located. Kumbaiya ...


Predictable response when faced with irrefutable facts!
irrefutable what? Playing PeeWee Hermanisms is lazy. The data you supplied was refuted, and your response is this? Put up a rebuttal big boy let's see the facts!!!!

No fact based substantive refutation was posted of the links and data that I provided.

Feel free to provide your own.

No fact based substantive refutation was posted of the links and data that I provided.

Feel free to provide your own.

:rofl: Except we've established that you don't know the difference between an atom bomb, a prostate procedure and a nuclear power plant..


Only in your wet dreams!

Nuclear accidents kill people and only an ignorant fool would deny that fact.

Nuclear waste is a major toxic problem that lasts for tens of thousands of years and only an ignorant fool would deny that fact too.

Advocating nuclear power that will endanger lives for tens of thousands of years as a "solution" to global warming is something only an ignorant fool who doesn't care about anything but himself would do.

And yes, that ignorant fool is the OP and you appear to agree with him 100%. :eek:
Ah, but nuclear is a point source, can only be built by the very rich using taxpayer money for the loans and insurance, and for taking care of the waste. Socializing the costs and privatizing the profits, works every time for our "Conservatives". And the power is very expensive.
Ah, but nuclear is a point source, can only be built by the very rich using taxpayer money for the loans and insurance, and for taking care of the waste. Socializing the costs and privatizing the profits, works every time for our "Conservatives". And the power is very expensive.

And that doesn't factor in the long term costs of dealing with the toxic nuclear waste for tens of thousands of years into the future long after the power has been used.

In real terms nuclear power is by far the most expensive of all energy sources.
Checked into solar power here in California, 100% Democrat controlled:
No financial incentive offered.
Net metering ends soon.
You can only build enough solar to meet your demand, no more.
Legislation is currently in progress to tax solar users because "they don't pay their fair share"

You see hundreds of private jets fly into climate change conferences, mansions heated and cooled by the doomsayers, etc etc.
Like I said, when leftards start acting like its a crisis I will start listening.

So, they need to start riding bicycles to conferences to make you a believer?

From the USGS: Flood Information website:

"Dr. Robert Holmes, USGS National Flood Hazard Coordinator, takes some time to discuss and answer some hot issues related to the flooding in South Carolina.

Is this flooding in South Carolina truly a 1000-year flood?

While this certainly was a catastrophic flood with lots of damage and tragic loss of life, USGS provisional data and preliminary analysis show NO indication that a 1000-year flood discharge occurred at any USGS streamgages. However, based on that analysis, it does appear that the USGS streamgage on the Black River at Kingstree, SC and the one on the Smith Branch at Columbia, SC both measured peak floods in the neighborhood of a 500-year flood."

They admit a very sparse event history and back away from any link to AGW... Looks like a few are seeing the writing on the Empirical Evidence wall..

Is this flood due to climate change?

USGS research has shown no linkage between flooding (either increases or decreases) and the increase in greenhouse gases...."

I can hear the alarmists heads exploding right now... CO2 has no effect on the hydro-logical cycle and water vapor (convection cycle)... Oh Lordy!!!!
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Ah, but nuclear is a point source, can only be built by the very rich using taxpayer money for the loans and insurance, and for taking care of the waste. Socializing the costs and privatizing the profits, works every time for our "Conservatives". And the power is very expensive.

Not a "point source" at all. Doesn't have to be. The power for a deep space probe is weight and cost restricted. Nuclear can be scaled at ANY level. You're living with the 1960's version of nuclear power. And spouting a bunch of senseless "free energy to the people" nonsense..
And that 812MWatts of installed power PRODUCES about 280MWatts of SPORADIC power over the year.

THIS is the production chart for a well-sited DAnish off shore wind farm..

Answer my question. How many days of the year does a wind farm produce no substantial energy??

How many days a year does it even NEAR it's installed capacity?

There is no direct comparison in production capacities so that is a false premise.

The concept of distributed wind energy is based upon the fact that the wind is always blowing somewhere.

Similar concept to having a global market for food production. In winter you can still find fresh fruit and vegetables in your local supermarket. Same applies to wind power. The grid makes it possible to provide energy to you even when there is no local wind.

That is the realistic comparison to use.

And the sun is always shining somewhere, except where your head is usually located. Kumbaiya ...


Predictable response when faced with irrefutable facts!
irrefutable what? Playing PeeWee Hermanisms is lazy. The data you supplied was refuted, and your response is this? Put up a rebuttal big boy let's see the facts!!!!

No fact based substantive refutation was posted of the links and data that I provided.

Feel free to provide your own.

Exactly why should I post up anything when you're the one that said that you had refutable facts. Which you didn't actually have.
There is no direct comparison in production capacities so that is a false premise.

The concept of distributed wind energy is based upon the fact that the wind is always blowing somewhere.

Similar concept to having a global market for food production. In winter you can still find fresh fruit and vegetables in your local supermarket. Same applies to wind power. The grid makes it possible to provide energy to you even when there is no local wind.

That is the realistic comparison to use.

And the sun is always shining somewhere, except where your head is usually located. Kumbaiya ...


Predictable response when faced with irrefutable facts!
irrefutable what? Playing PeeWee Hermanisms is lazy. The data you supplied was refuted, and your response is this? Put up a rebuttal big boy let's see the facts!!!!

No fact based substantive refutation was posted of the links and data that I provided.

Feel free to provide your own.

Exactly why should I post up anything when you're the one that said that you had refutable facts. Which you didn't actually have.

Your concession of your unsubstantiated position is duly noted and accepted.
And the sun is always shining somewhere, except where your head is usually located. Kumbaiya ...


Predictable response when faced with irrefutable facts!
irrefutable what? Playing PeeWee Hermanisms is lazy. The data you supplied was refuted, and your response is this? Put up a rebuttal big boy let's see the facts!!!!

No fact based substantive refutation was posted of the links and data that I provided.

Feel free to provide your own.

Exactly why should I post up anything when you're the one that said that you had refutable facts. Which you didn't actually have.

Your concession of your unsubstantiated position is duly noted and accepted.

And still no facts in evidence from the warmers. Any day dude, I'd say it is you who has conceded.

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