Why I dont post here


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
I am part jewish, and a dual citizen of both the US and Israel. I refrain from posting on Israel related issues because people will just assume bias.

lol way to toss around insults.

My mothers mother was full blooded hebrew. so that makes me 1/8 Jewish. Enough that Hitler would have killed me. however I was raised Christian.

But why am I talking to a petty insult artist anyways.
I am part jewish, and a dual citizen of both the US and Israel. I refrain from posting on Israel related issues because people will just assume bias.


Well that's pretty bigoted of you ! Give it a shot. Everyone is biased.
I'm Irish Catholic. My ex is Russian Jew. My children are obviously mixed. All the more reason for me to stand up to antisemitism. If not now, when?
Bias as in preference? And??? So what?

My point was any opinion I post on the Arab Israeli conflict will just be dismissed by many as the opinion of a Jew, even though I am an American, and Christian, and only Part Jewish by blood, and a dual citizen because my mother made me so when I was to young to even have a choice.

believe me when I say the Arab Israeli conflict has touched my life directly.
My point was any opinion I post on the Arab Israeli conflict will just be dismissed by many as the opinion of a Jew, even though I am an American, and Christian, and only Part Jewish by blood, and a dual citizen because my mother made me so when I was to young to even have a choice.

believe me when I say the Arab Israeli conflict has touched my life directly.

And my point was that I think you have an obligation to take stands on this issue. It's easy to stand quiet when you see people lying, misrepresenting and distorting.... but then no one is contradicting them and people who really are open-minded think they're telling the truth. And who cares if anyone thinks you have a bias. We all have preferences. I am biased toward city life, but that doesn't mean anyone would think I'm being untruthful or "biased" if I talk about a great restaurant; great park or whatever....
My point was any opinion I post on the Arab Israeli conflict will just be dismissed by many as the opinion of a Jew, even though I am an American, and Christian, and only Part Jewish by blood, and a dual citizen because my mother made me so when I was to young to even have a choice.

believe me when I say the Arab Israeli conflict has touched my life directly.

Well you got the victim part down pretty well. Get over it and post. Sheeesh !!
You would have to had dealt with anti semitism and the rampant distrust of Jews to Understand. I hear it all the time. You guys stated all the wars, You guys killed christ, You guys are so cheap yada yada yada.

I am telling you I have had friends who when they found out I was part Jewish all of the sudden hated me.

However I see your points, so I will post on issues that matter to me. Just please do not assume because I am part Jewish I automatically support everything Israel does, Nothing could be further from the truth. I do however support it's right to exsist, Which is more than I can say for a lot of people I come across.

Just the other day I argued with a guy in a game I play for an hour. He kept calling me a cheap Jew, and when I called him Racist he swore up and down it was not racist to assume all Jews are cheap. He said it was just a funny thing to say. Sterotyping whole races is Racist, no matter what anyone says. I am telling you IMO anti semitism is the only form of racism that is still acceptable in the US today.
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It seems to me that when Israel was given back to the Jews it was an exercise in salving conscience.Israels willingness to defend itself is testament to the courage of a people who are saying...No more fucking shit from you lot.For fucks sake who in their right mind would argue that Israel has no right to exist, if I was a Jew the antisemites amongst you would worry.
You would have to had dealt with anti semitism and the rampant distrust of Jews to Understand. I hear it all the time. You guys stated all the wars, You guys killed christ, You guys are so cheap yada yada yada.

I am telling you I have had friends who when they found out I was part Jewish all of the sudden hated me.

However I see your points, so I will post on issues that matter to me. Just please do not assume because I am part Jewish I automatically support everything Israel does, Nothing could be further from the truth. I do however support it's right to exsist, Which is more than I can say for a lot of people I come across.

Just the other day I argued with a guy in a game I play for an hour. He kept calling me a cheap Jew, and when I called him Racist he swore up and down it was not racist to assume all Jews are cheap. He said it was just a funny thing to say. Sterotyping whole races is Racist, no matter what anyone says. I am telling you IMO anti semitism is the only form of racism that is still acceptable in the US today.

If this response is to Jillian, I think she feels your pain, dude. You're doing the same thing you're saying others do ... assuming.

Maybe you ought to ask her if she is Jewish?
I am part jewish, and a dual citizen of both the US and Israel. I refrain from posting on Israel related issues because people will just assume bias.

Do you think Israel or America are 100 percent innocent in the way we deal with Palistine or every other Arab country?

I tend to agree with Israel, but I also try to see things from the other side.

The fact that the Jewish lobbyist group in America is the second largest, bigger than the gun lobbiests, proves the USA is bias to Israel.

They set our foreign policy in the Middle East.

Liebermann shows bias.

But thank God Jewish Americans are even starting to doubt Bush strategy.

Imagine Europe put Greece in the grand canyon because they say it is or was their holy land. How would the surrounding states and occupied Utahians take that.
Do you think Israel or America are 100 percent innocent in the way we deal with Palistine or every other Arab country?

I tend to agree with Israel, but I also try to see things from the other side.

The fact that the Jewish lobbyist group in America is the second largest, bigger than the gun lobbiests, proves the USA is bias to Israel.

They set our foreign policy in the Middle East.

Liebermann shows bias.

But thank God Jewish Americans are even starting to doubt Bush strategy.

Imagine Europe put Greece in the grand canyon because they say it is or was their holy land. How would the surrounding states and occupied Utahians take that.

Hahhahahahahhahahaha.........you are funny...:lol:
Do you think Israel or America are 100 percent innocent in the way we deal with Palistine or every other Arab country?

I tend to agree with Israel, but I also try to see things from the other side.

The fact that the Jewish lobbyist group in America is the second largest, bigger than the gun lobbiests, proves the USA is bias to Israel.

They set our foreign policy in the Middle East.

Liebermann shows bias.

But thank God Jewish Americans are even starting to doubt Bush strategy.

Imagine Europe put Greece in the grand canyon because they say it is or was their holy land. How would the surrounding states and occupied Utahians take that.

"they"??? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.... 1.5% of the population of the country runs things.... suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure it does.... no bias in spreading racist stereotypes...nah...

You are aware, aren't you, that trying to discredit groups that defend jews and defend Israel is in large part a continuation of the pro-palestinian propaganda that seems to have perverted a great deal of today's educational and political systems....

Tell me, are you whining about CAIR? Just wondering what the difference is between CAIR and AIPAC other than AIPAC doesn't support terrorist groups like Hamas.

Council on American-Islamic Relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just wondering....

So, it seems we all have bias...and worst, I really can't stand Joe Lieberman any more, but when I read stuff like you just wrote, it makes me want to defend his indefensible support of Baby Bush's sick policies.... because ultimately, what he sees on our side of the aisle are people who perpetuate the types of racist stereotyping that you just did.
Do you think Israel or America are 100 percent innocent in the way we deal with Palistine or every other Arab country?

I tend to agree with Israel, but I also try to see things from the other side.

The fact that the Jewish lobbyist group in America is the second largest, bigger than the gun lobbiests, proves the USA is bias to Israel.

They set our foreign policy in the Middle East.

Liebermann shows bias.

But thank God Jewish Americans are even starting to doubt Bush strategy.

Imagine Europe put Greece in the grand canyon because they say it is or was their holy land. How would the surrounding states and occupied Utahians take that.

If you had read any of my posts on the issue would not have to ask me if I think either side is 100% innocent.

I believe I used the words. "neither side are saints or Devils in that conflict"

Your grand canyon analogy is screwed because the Jews, have lived on that land for over 6000 years. They have been forced to leave, and returned, but they do have a historical connection, Unlike Greece and the Grand canyon.

Funny logic if you ask me.
If you had read any of my posts on the issue would not have to ask me if I think either side is 100% innocent.

I believe I used the words. "neither side are saints or Devils in that conflict"

Your grand canyon analogy is screwed because the Jews, have lived on that land for over 6000 years. They have been forced to leave, and returned, but they do have a historical connection, Unlike Greece and the Grand canyon.

Funny logic if you ask me.

I figure the palestinians have as much right to go back to Israel as I have to go back to Belarus....
The worst part of the whole right of return argument is that they want the right for not only those who left to return, but their families and decendents. If they were allowed the Jews in Israel would end up a very small minority in that land, and then you would see Genocide on a scale not seen since WWII. In the area anyways.

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