Why I Hate the Little League World Series


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
This perennial non-event gets a lot more public attention and notoriety than many much more meaningful amateur athletic events, and I find that more than a little bit bothersome.

Ignore the fact that "Little League" showcases the WORST behavior in parents and in youth sports in general...that's a subject for a different thread.

My problem is that the LLWS doesn't prove anything. It doesn't mean anything. It's not like these kids are the best players in their age groups and have any reasonable chance of making it into professional baseball. In fact, the winning teams and players are not BETTER than their opponents; in essentially all cases they are just bigger and more physically mature.

12 years old is an awkward age when some kids have grown to almost adult height and are starting to develop some real strength, while other kids the same age are still "little kids," and barely have the strength to do a single pushup. Take the same kids a couple years later, and their relative performance may flip 180 degrees, as the late bloomers catch up with their peers in size, strength, and skill.

When I was 12 years old I was 5'10" tall, and a relative monster. I could throw the ball 65 mph and half the kids couldn't even get around on it, let alone hit it. My adult height is 5'11", and many of those "little kids" from Little League tower over me now and far surpassed me in skill, as well. What was the significance of my success in Little League? Less than nothing.

And another thing. At that tender age, BIRTH DATE plays a significant role in size and skill. Kids born in August and September are almost a year older than other kids "in the same age bracket" who have the misfortune of being born in June and July.

When you watch the last couple rounds of the LLWS on television every August, HALF OF THE KIDS and 90% of the Pitchers are already 13 years old! They all have early August birthdates. They are not BETTER than the other kids, they are just older and bigger.

I know it makes me a "kill-joy" but I think the LLWS is bullshit.
Virtually ALL of the teams in the LLWS are All-Star teams. That obviously means that these kids are the best of the best in their region of the USA and the rest of the world.

You are comparing apples to oranges if you are trying to make the argument that SIZE MATTERS a lot more than SKILL in ANY level of baseball.
Who on earth cares enough about the Little League World Series to "hate" it?

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