Why I Love JFK..But Not the Rest of His Nut Hanger Family


May 23, 2014
#1.) JFK had testicles (Cuban Missile Crisis) and you do not. Not a biological statement, but a leadership statement.
#2.) JFK was a warrior. He served in combat in the South Pacific.
#3.) He would run as a Republican today for high office because abortion would NOT fit with his traditional Catholic values.
A serial adulterer, drug addict who brought the world to the very brink of nuclear Armageddon? He may have been slightly less personally murderous than his brother, but hardly a candidate for Mt. Rushmore II.
A serial adulterer, drug addict who brought the world to the very brink of nuclear Armageddon? He may have been slightly less personally murderous than his brother, but hardly a candidate for Mt. Rushmore II.
Yes.He was all of that. But he did one thing I liked. He bucked the Deep State. Got killed for it.
A serial adulterer, drug addict who brought the world to the very brink of nuclear Armageddon? He may have been slightly less personally murderous than his brother, but hardly a candidate for Mt. Rushmore II.
Yes.He was all of that. But he did one thing I liked. He bucked the Deep State. Got killed for it.
PS--The good thing was bucking the deep State. Not getting murdered by the Gov't and VP.
There was a lot of good about JFK. He loved the concept of America and it was his passion for Space that got us to the moon. He was also big on fitness and started the Presidential Fitness program in schools. When he was killed and LBJ took over, the Democrats turned Left and went downhill and have been sliding ever since. There pretty close to hitting bottom.
There was a lot of good about JFK. He loved the concept of America and it was his passion for Space that got us to the moon. He was also big on fitness and started the Presidential Fitness program in schools. When he was killed and LBJ took over, the Democrats turned Left and went downhill and have been sliding ever since. There pretty close to hitting bottom.
True.He was very popular with the people. But he made many enemies in the Gov't.
#1.) JFK had testicles (Cuban Missile Crisis) and you do not. Not a biological statement, but a leadership statement.
#2.) JFK was a warrior. He served in combat in the South Pacific.
#3.) He would run as a Republican today for high office because abortion would NOT fit with his traditional Catholic values.
I adored JFK and I was just a kid when he died. The dnc died with him.
I was a dem for many MANY years...only because I likened dems with JFK. Then I woke up. JFK has spun so many times in his grave over the antics of the DNC, his body is somewhere over in the antartic.
“A rising tide lifts all ships” - JFK . Today, Democrats say screw the tide and make sure everyone’s ship is the same size with the exception of an elite few.

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