Why in Hell is Obama Not Blocking Travel From Ebola Countries ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
What in the world is Obama and his cronies thinking, right now ? Obviously, travel from the 3 major Ebola stricken counties needs to be halted, at least until such time that it could be deemed to be safe once again. It is absurd that we should even have to be talking about this.

A Congressman from Obama's own party, Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL,) wrote to the White House 2 months ago, requesting that a travel ban be set, to stop the spread of Ebola to the US. That advice went unheeded, and because of that, we now have an Ebola problem, caused by one Liberian man who would/could /should have never entered the US, bringing the disease here. The guy is suspected of having contacted about 100 people, including ways that Ebola could spread by. Only time will tell where his case is going to take us.

In the meantime, there must be thousands of people in Africa, travel-restricted by other African nations, wanting to come to the US, seeking better medical care than what's available in Africa. And we have Obama saying sure, come on in. Pheeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle. Eyes rolling around in head)
He wants a crisis to scare the masses into signing up for Obamacare and to cause media deflection away from democrat candidates in trouble of being reelected.
He wants a crisis to scare the masses into signing up for Obamacare and to cause media deflection away from democrat candidates in trouble of being reelected.
By opposing a travel ban from ebola countries, I'd say he's putting them in MORE trouble.
Quarantines have always been the last option. Muslim counties are banning travel from west Africa to the "holy land" Mecca . I and I don't see what harm it is doing. Banning it to any where else, either. Ya think?
What countries ARE banning all travel...so far I haven't heard of any.

There is virtually 0 travel from any of those countries to the western world anyway, hence a ban would make little difference. I've been to these countries - Liberia has direct flights only to Accra (Ghana) and one or two other neaeby destinations.
BOBO hasn't yet concluded which move will bring in more LIB votes next month.
When he has he'll let us know his decision.
It really is that bad. Thanks to BOBO's 'base' the US got a fucking nitt-witt for a president.
You all remember this fact on every election day from now on.
He wants a crisis to scare the masses into signing up for Obamacare and to cause media deflection away from democrat candidates in trouble of being reelected.
By opposing a travel ban from ebola countries, I'd say he's putting them in MORE trouble.
Have a look at this protectionist.


Lot of reading there. What's the point ? Nutshell version.
Clearly, Obama and the CDC want an Ebola pandemic in the USA.

No, he just doesn't have the backbone to make decisions on this level.
The solutions that came out of Africa were also done by people on the ground who knew what to do better than the govt.

The only reason the outbreak in Nigeria was capped at 8 deaths
was a doctor took control and created an isolation area herself when govts were still in disagreement what to do.
She ended up dying, but is honored as a national hero for saving the country from worse contagion.

The initiatives are coming from the health workers, medical organizations and people directly affected.
This could lead to greater awareness and mobilization from the people who should be leading govt, not the other way.

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