Why Iran Hates the US


Sep 7, 2015
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You don't put much stock in content do you? Maybe thats what Con Chrusher means eh?

Looks to me like there was plenty of content here sport. If you'd like to know more about the 1953 coup that we and the UK orchestrated against the then democratic public of Iran there is a very good and weel sourced article on Wikipedia but my guess is you don't want to know anything factual. My guess is you are a Fox News viewer.

Con Crusher mean that I find right wingnut liars and I crush them like I just did with you. See how that works.

If you actually gave a crap about history and the fate of the world and truth you would do some research and add to the discussion anything you think may be lacking but instead you did what CONS do and that led to you getting crushed.
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I know many Iranians. Toronto. I'm not feeling the hate.
Canada usually doesn't screw with other countries and try to steal their oil. Canada has a lot of oil.

The reason the Republicans are against the deal is because it will flood the oil market with low cost oil and the interests in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana ect.. will not make as much selling oil. As usual when it comes to the Middle East it's about the West stealing their oil.
I know Iran's history, and I couldn't care less. I am of the opinion they should receive one clear warning concerning nuclear weapons, and if they ignore it we send them a few.
Lefties always like to ignore the threat of the Cold War when they excuse the current criminal fascist gang running Iran with a less bad puppet thing that was running iran in the past. That's when you know they get their misguided info from PBS or NPR or other left wing dominated mainstream media.
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I know Iran's history, and I couldn't care less. I am of the opinion they should receive one clear warning concerning nuclear weapons, and if they ignore it we send them a few.

Then we would not be able to steal their oil if it all full of radio active isotopes.
Lefties always like to ignore the threat of the Cold War when they excuse the current criminal fascist gang running Iran with a less bad puppet thing that was running iran in the past. That's when you know they get their misguided info from PBS or NPR or other left wing dominated mainstream media.

It's called history and that fact is. The US and the Brits raped Iran, overthrew their democratically elected government, stole their oil and installed the Shah who was a criminal. That's not news. That's history.


Where do you get your news? Let me guess.

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Iran hates the US and the US hates Iran.

The US hates Iran because they're sitting on oil and won't do what the US demands they do. The Saudis do what they're told, officially, but the Iranians don't.

The Iranians hate the US because the US has meddled so much in their country. There wouldn't be an Islamic state if it weren't for the US meddling.
Poor innocent Iran. Most of those "evil American Army bases" surround Iran cause most of those countries invited us to put them there. Like Saudi. This country subjugates no one and most of those countries enjoy the American dollar along with the American protection that America provides. I am sure Iran hates that saddam is gone.

The piece of shit OP is nothing more than a typical left wing brainwashed asshole who is taught all of these things. Do you know liberals are so ridiculous that they say saddam was actually a good man?

They use key words or phrases like American Army bases or oil and every other cliche. This typical asshat of an OP has no clue about logistics and how it works. He like every other amateur would rather close up ALL of our evil Army bases around the world and bring everyone back home. No amateur understands logistics. That is what makes them amateurs.

Trust this, if the OP had it his way, he would close down the military period. That is how dumb the left is. You think I am kidding?

Fucking liberals folks. They are all morons.
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I agree with the OP, even M. Albright said it was the wrong to do (the coup). Also the Zionist moved in to Palestine which caused mush turmoil and bloodshed in Palestine and the surrounding countries, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and their treatment and genocide of the Palestinians has been appalling. Due to Iran helping these countries, the US has been sanctioning Iran to death till now. SA is very jealous of Iran as well and they and Israel also hate Iran. Israel wants Syria and Lebanon and Iran is in the way.
I agree with the OP, even M. Albright said it was the wrong to do (the coup). Also the Zionist moved in to Palestine which caused mush turmoil and bloodshed in Palestine and the surrounding countries, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and their treatment and genocide of the Palestinians has been appalling. Due to Iran helping these countries, the US has been sanctioning Iran to death till now. SA is very jealous of Iran as well and they and Israel also hate Iran. Israel wants Syria and Lebanon and Iran is in the way.
You stupid fucking loser.
I know many Iranians. Toronto. I'm not feeling the hate.
Canada usually doesn't screw with other countries and try to steal their oil. Canada has a lot of oil.

The reason the Republicans are against the deal is because it will flood the oil market with low cost oil and the interests in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana ect.. will not make as much selling oil. As usual when it comes to the Middle East it's about the West stealing their oil.
I agree with the OP, even M. Albright said it was the wrong to do (the coup). Also the Zionist moved in to Palestine which caused mush turmoil and bloodshed in Palestine and the surrounding countries, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and their treatment and genocide of the Palestinians has been appalling. Due to Iran helping these countries, the US has been sanctioning Iran to death till now. SA is very jealous of Iran as well and they and Israel also hate Iran. Israel wants Syria and Lebanon and Iran is in the way.

what countries is Iran "helping"?? What gives you the impression that Saudi arabia specifically "hates" Iran or is "jealous" of Iran. What evidence do. you
have that Israel "wants Syria and Lebanon and iran is in the way"? The USA has
a policy of sanctioning Iran because Iran "helps" Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. Have Lebanon, and Jordan and Egypt been INFORMED that they are being "helped" by Iran ---------of course elements in Syria are being armed with bombs to murder other Syrians----is that the "help" to which you refer?

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