Why Iran Hates the US

The reason the Republicans are against the deal is because it will flood the oil market with low cost oil and the interests in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana ect.. will not make as much selling oil. As usual when it comes to the Middle East it's about the West stealing their oil.

Camel crap. Unlike self-anointed, loony left "ConCrushers," Repubs love America and Americans and enjoy when we have more money to spend. In this case, lower petro product prices means more to spend on other stuff. For some reason - perhaps genetic - leftists just can't ever seem to see the big picture and when faced with a simple 2+2 dilemma they invariably get 5.

They love their wallets more than anything. Yes the big shot from SA came over and said he was going to lower our gas prices, expecting a regime change in Syria. SA we do not need you any more, Trump is right about that.

It is not at all clear to me that your post makes any sense at all. Can you cite
your source for TRUMP's rejection of the putative offer by Saudi arabia lowering the price of oil? -------with a rude "we do not need you anymore"??? -----did Trump say that he PREFERS Iran control on oil shipping because he likes to lick Iranian shit?
The reason the Republicans are against the deal is because it will flood the oil market with low cost oil and the interests in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana ect.. will not make as much selling oil. As usual when it comes to the Middle East it's about the West stealing their oil.

Camel crap. Unlike self-anointed, loony left "ConCrushers," Repubs love America and Americans and enjoy when we have more money to spend. In this case, lower petro product prices means more to spend on other stuff. For some reason - perhaps genetic - leftists just can't ever seem to see the big picture and when faced with a simple 2+2 dilemma they invariably get 5.

They love their wallets more than anything. Yes the big shot from SA came over and said he was going to lower our gas prices, expecting a regime change in Syria. SA we do not need you any more, Trump is right about that.

It is not at all clear to me that your post makes any sense at all. Can you cite
your source for TRUMP's rejection of the putative offer by Saudi arabia lowering the price of oil? -------with a rude "we do not need you anymore"??? -----did Trump say that he PREFERS Iran control on oil shipping because he likes to lick Iranian shit?

Read the news. The King talked to Obama about it.
Oh Trump saying we don't need Saudi Arabia, listen to the news.
So read and listen to the news.
The reason the Republicans are against the deal is because it will flood the oil market with low cost oil and the interests in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana ect.. will not make as much selling oil. As usual when it comes to the Middle East it's about the West stealing their oil.

Camel crap. Unlike self-anointed, loony left "ConCrushers," Repubs love America and Americans and enjoy when we have more money to spend. In this case, lower petro product prices means more to spend on other stuff. For some reason - perhaps genetic - leftists just can't ever seem to see the big picture and when faced with a simple 2+2 dilemma they invariably get 5.

They love their wallets more than anything. Yes the big shot from SA came over and said he was going to lower our gas prices, expecting a regime change in Syria. SA we do not need you any more, Trump is right about that.

It is not at all clear to me that your post makes any sense at all. Can you cite
your source for TRUMP's rejection of the putative offer by Saudi arabia lowering the price of oil? -------with a rude "we do not need you anymore"??? -----did Trump say that he PREFERS Iran control on oil shipping because he likes to lick Iranian shit?

Read the news. The King talked to Obama about it.
Oh Trump saying we don't need Saudi Arabia, listen to the news.
So read and listen to the news.

that's the best you can do, Penelope??? you are agreeing that Trump said he wants to lick Iranian shit?
I found no source for Penelope's claim that Trump said he wants to lick Iranian shit
The reason the Republicans are against the deal is because it will flood the oil market with low cost oil and the interests in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana ect.. will not make as much selling oil. As usual when it comes to the Middle East it's about the West stealing their oil.

Camel crap. Unlike self-anointed, loony left "ConCrushers," Repubs love America and Americans and enjoy when we have more money to spend. In this case, lower petro product prices means more to spend on other stuff. For some reason - perhaps genetic - leftists just can't ever seem to see the big picture and when faced with a simple 2+2 dilemma they invariably get 5.

They love their wallets more than anything. Yes the big shot from SA came over and said he was going to lower our gas prices, expecting a regime change in Syria. SA we do not need you any more, Trump is right about that.

It is not at all clear to me that your post makes any sense at all. Can you cite
your source for TRUMP's rejection of the putative offer by Saudi arabia lowering the price of oil? -------with a rude "we do not need you anymore"??? -----did Trump say that he PREFERS Iran control on oil shipping because he likes to lick Iranian shit?

Read the news. The King talked to Obama about it.
Oh Trump saying we don't need Saudi Arabia, listen to the news.
So read and listen to the news.

that's the best you can do, Penelope??? you are agreeing that Trump said he wants to lick Iranian shit?
Never said that. You didn't really look did you, took me 10 seconds to find a link for Trump said we don't need SA anymore. They should pay us. End of discussion on this topic.
Donald Trump Adds Saudi Arabia to List of Countries Ripping Off the U.S.
Camel crap. Unlike self-anointed, loony left "ConCrushers," Repubs love America and Americans and enjoy when we have more money to spend. In this case, lower petro product prices means more to spend on other stuff. For some reason - perhaps genetic - leftists just can't ever seem to see the big picture and when faced with a simple 2+2 dilemma they invariably get 5.

They love their wallets more than anything. Yes the big shot from SA came over and said he was going to lower our gas prices, expecting a regime change in Syria. SA we do not need you any more, Trump is right about that.

It is not at all clear to me that your post makes any sense at all. Can you cite
your source for TRUMP's rejection of the putative offer by Saudi arabia lowering the price of oil? -------with a rude "we do not need you anymore"??? -----did Trump say that he PREFERS Iran control on oil shipping because he likes to lick Iranian shit?

Read the news. The King talked to Obama about it.
Oh Trump saying we don't need Saudi Arabia, listen to the news.
So read and listen to the news.

that's the best you can do, Penelope??? you are agreeing that Trump said he wants to lick Iranian shit?
Never said that. You didn't really look did you, took me 10 seconds to find a link for Trump said we don't need SA anymore. They should pay us. End of discussion on this topic.
Donald Trump Adds Saudi Arabia to List of Countries Ripping Off the U.S.

THANKS FOR THE CITATION ----- It, in no way, supports your idiotic post ------Trump could just as well say the same about IRAN ----the country which is STRUGGLING to get complete control on the OIL trade by controlling SHIPPING-------by ATTACKING AND INVADING ports ------He probably will. You made no point.
I know many Iranians. Toronto. I'm not feeling the hate.

Average 'man on the street' loves the US, It's their government who hates our government. Our people like each other fine.
Not exactly.
Iranians living in Iran the hate US and also hate their militants govt.
Iranians here in US love US also hate the militants govt. This is what I gathered from several Iranian people I know here in US. And political science professor at UCLA.
The major reason Iranians hate US is the sanctions. Sanctions applied to Iran was designed to hurt the citizens.
If I cut off your daily livelihood. What do I expect from you? Do you love me or hate me? That is why you hear this Death to America.
Iranians love American culture iPhones, clothing styles, music etc. The sanctions did not work well because they can still afford and find away to buy iPhone on the black market and other luxury items.

They hate the U.S. because they believe in Islam and want to spread Sharia around the world...and the U.S. is the biggest obstacle to that goal....and they are just evil.
I know many Iranians. Toronto. I'm not feeling the hate.

Average 'man on the street' loves the US, It's their government who hates our government. Our people like each other fine.
Not exactly.
Iranians living in Iran the hate US and also hate their militants govt.
Iranians here in US love US also hate the militants govt. This is what I gathered from several Iranian people I know here in US. And political science professor at UCLA.
The major reason Iranians hate US is the sanctions. Sanctions applied to Iran was designed to hurt the citizens.
If I cut off your daily livelihood. What do I expect from you? Do you love me or hate me? That is why you hear this Death to America.
Iranians love American culture iPhones, clothing styles, music etc. The sanctions did not work well because they can still afford and find away to buy iPhone on the black market and other luxury items.

Iranians are taught to hate the USA and Jews in school and mosque, since 1979 I have an Iranian
relative who left Iran only about 25 years ago--------maybe 30. I have been
conversant with Iranians for the past -----more than 45 years in the USA-----
Iranians are still trickling out. I do not believe that the SANCTIONS did it.
The death to America and death to Israel thing is OLD circa 1979. If sanctions are lifted -----Iranians will continue to chant-------they are being prepared to fight

An actual real look at the history of Iran and the revolution....

Iran: The Shah, Mossadegh, and the CIA | National Review Online

Nonetheless, Shah Pahlavi allowed Mossadegh to form a new government, and in the summer of ’52, Mossadegh demanded authority to appoint a new minister of war and a new chief of staff, which would give him control of Iran’s military — thitherto under the authority of (and loyal to) the Shah. The Shah refused; Mossadegh resigned, and began to organize anti-Shah demonstrations. Iran was thrown into chaos, and, fearing collapse of the country, the Shah acquiesced, re-appointed Mossadegh, and gave him full control over the military. (Quite the fascist was Shah Reza Pahlavi.)

Reinstated, Mossadegh — in the tradition of all great democrats — persuaded the parliament to grant him emergency powers, which he used to confiscate the Shah’s land, ban him from communicating with foreign countries, and exile his sister. Mossadegh also used his emergency powers to institute collective farming. According to Stephen Kinzer’s book All the Shah’s Men, “Iranians were becoming poorer and unhappier by the day. Mossadegh’s political coalition was fraying.” You may have noticed that, up to this point, the dark and shadowy hand of the CIA has not made an appearance.

In fact, the U.S.’s only role in the proceedings thus far was as an intermediary between Iran and Britain in an effort to reach a settlement everyone could live with — something that turned out not to be possible. (The U.S. also played an accidental role in aggravating the situation when an American oil company reached a 50-50 oil-revenue agreement with the Saudis, which made Iran’s 16 percent deal look shabby by comparison.)

The rest of the piece is quite good and it puts a lie to the usual left wing drivel about what happened in Iran............but, if the left didn't lie, there would be no reason for them to post.....

An actual real look at the history of Iran and the revolution....

Iran: The Shah, Mossadegh, and the CIA | National Review Online

Nonetheless, Shah Pahlavi allowed Mossadegh to form a new government, and in the summer of ’52, Mossadegh demanded authority to appoint a new minister of war and a new chief of staff, which would give him control of Iran’s military — thitherto under the authority of (and loyal to) the Shah. The Shah refused; Mossadegh resigned, and began to organize anti-Shah demonstrations. Iran was thrown into chaos, and, fearing collapse of the country, the Shah acquiesced, re-appointed Mossadegh, and gave him full control over the military. (Quite the fascist was Shah Reza Pahlavi.)

Reinstated, Mossadegh — in the tradition of all great democrats — persuaded the parliament to grant him emergency powers, which he used to confiscate the Shah’s land, ban him from communicating with foreign countries, and exile his sister. Mossadegh also used his emergency powers to institute collective farming. According to Stephen Kinzer’s book All the Shah’s Men, “Iranians were becoming poorer and unhappier by the day. Mossadegh’s political coalition was fraying.” You may have noticed that, up to this point, the dark and shadowy hand of the CIA has not made an appearance.

In fact, the U.S.’s only role in the proceedings thus far was as an intermediary between Iran and Britain in an effort to reach a settlement everyone could live with — something that turned out not to be possible. (The U.S. also played an accidental role in aggravating the situation when an American oil company reached a 50-50 oil-revenue agreement with the Saudis, which made Iran’s 16 percent deal look shabby by comparison.)

The rest of the piece is quite good and it puts a lie to the usual left wing drivel about what happened in Iran............but, if the left didn't lie, there would be no reason for them to post.....

your story seems more plausible to me than "THE US DID A COUP"------I base
my impression on things Iranians told me----as far back as the late 60s. It did seem to me that the SHAH was under lots of control by people over there. He did not get to do what he wanted to do and was even kinda forced to divorce his first wife because she had no sons- ------and the second wife because she was BARREN ---or something like that. He did seem to be trying hard to fix the
country but then there was SAVAK-------Most important-----I never met an Iranian back then who did not like the SHAH------they seemed to LOVE HIM. I also got
some information about "religious fanatics" taking over----sometime circa 1970. I never met an Iranian muslim who read the koran or knew a word of
Arabic. ------they seemed to find the very idea APPALLING
I know many Iranians. Toronto. I'm not feeling the hate.

Average 'man on the street' loves the US, It's their government who hates our government. Our people like each other fine.
Not exactly.
Iranians living in Iran the hate US and also hate their militants govt.
Iranians here in US love US also hate the militants govt. This is what I gathered from several Iranian people I know here in US. And political science professor at UCLA.
The major reason Iranians hate US is the sanctions. Sanctions applied to Iran was designed to hurt the citizens.
If I cut off your daily livelihood. What do I expect from you? Do you love me or hate me? That is why you hear this Death to America.
Iranians love American culture iPhones, clothing styles, music etc. The sanctions did not work well because they can still afford and find away to buy iPhone on the black market and other luxury items.

Iranians are taught to hate the USA and Jews in school and mosque, since 1979 I have an Iranian
relative who left Iran only about 25 years ago--------maybe 30. I have been
conversant with Iranians for the past -----more than 45 years in the USA-----
Iranians are still trickling out. I do not believe that the SANCTIONS did it.
The death to America and death to Israel thing is OLD circa 1979. If sanctions are lifted -----Iranians will continue to chant-------they are being prepared to fight
Agree and disagree. I discussed this topic with my friend a political science prof. at UCLA a PHD in ME studies which also published a book. The young's means 20 to mid 40s have different views with the hardliners (aka militants ) and are hoping US will invade Iran. The Iranians in the 70s that triggered the end of the Shah are militants. Not all Iranians favored militants but the sanctions add hatred to US.
Iran's Shah Pahlavi's twin sister Princess Ashraf dies at 96...

Iranian Princess Ashraf, Shah's Twin Sister, Dies at Age 96
Jan 8, 2016 - Iranian Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, the twin sister of the country's deposed shah whose glamorous life epitomized the excesses of her brother's rule, has died after decades in exile. She was 96.
Many in Iran before the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution believed Princess Ashraf served as the true power behind her brother, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and pushed him into taking power in a 1953 coup engineered by the U.S. Immortalized in her royal prime by an Andy Warhol portrait with bright red lips and raven-black hair, Princess Ashraf's years out of power more resembled a Shakespearean tragedy. Assassins killed her son on a Paris street just after the Islamic Revolution, her twin brother died of cancer shortly after, while a niece died of a 2001 drug overdose in London and a nephew killed himself in Boston 10 years later.

Still, she always defended her brother's rule and held onto her royal past. "At night, when I go into my room, that's when all the thoughts come flooding in," the princess told The Associated Press in a 1983 interview in Paris. "I stay up until 5 or 6 in the morning. I read, I watch a cassette, I try not to think. But the memories won't leave you." Reza Pahlavi, a son of the shah, announced his aunt's death in a Facebook post on Thursday night. Her personal website said she died Thursday, without elaborating. A longtime adviser to Princess Ashraf in New York could not be immediately reached for comment Friday. In Iran, local media reported her death relying on international reports. State television reported she died in Monte Carlo and described her as being famous for being corrupt.

Born Oct. 26, 1919, Princess Ashraf was the daughter of the monarch Reza Shah, who came to power in a 1921 coup engineered by Britain and later was forced to abdicate the throne after a 1941 invasion by Britain and Russia. By 1953, America helped orchestrate the coup that overthrew Iran's popularly elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, over fears he was tilting toward the Soviet Union. That brought her brother to power and set the stage for decades of mistrust between the countries. But the shah was "a man of indecision," according to a long-classified CIA account of the coup first published by The New York Times in 2000. To push the coup along, the plotters reached out to "the shah's dynamic and forceful twin sister" who already had been in touch with U.S. and British agents, according to the account. After "considerable pressure" by her and a U.S. general, the shah reportedly agreed.


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