Why Is America Often Refered To As A She?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
For unless you're talking about a girl/woman then it doesn't have a gender. Then again neither does God, but He is often referenced as a He.
For unless you're talking about a girl/woman then it doesn't have a gender. Then again neither does God, but He is often referenced as a He.
It is not the use of feminine pronouns that is inherently problematic. Romance languages commonly designate a female gender to concepts of nation and country. Other nationalistic language, like “motherland,” evokes parentage and feelings of home. Traditionally, feminine pronouns are also commonly used for ships and people often refer to their property, like cars, as female.
Additionally, history and popular culture provide even more of a reason to refer to America as a "Motherland". From the late 18th Century to the early 1920s, Uncle Sam had a well-known feminine counterpart, known as Columbia. She looked like an armored Lady Liberty and the District of Columbia is her namesake.
Because America is strong, smart, and attractive.

Strongest country in the world. Indisputably.

The best universities in the world.

Drive across America and try to deny how beautiful America is. Attractive? We attract millions to our shores and our borders every year. So attractive millions risk their very lives to get here.

She is a great nation.
I read, in a work of fiction, probably while still a teen or in my early 20s, that an Irishman who was summoned to court, was forced to pay homage/fealty to the Queen of England, by writing and performing a song for her. This was during the time when the Irish who followed and worshipped according to the Catholic religion had to do so in secrecy otherwise, they would be risking their lives if it were discovered that they weren't 100% loyal to the crown.

In order to keep from being beheaded he wrote the song about a beautiful woman and his feelings for her and how he would always return to her and his home. Of course, this flattered the queen but in reality he was singing of his home and love for his country of Ireland.

Maybe it's code, but I never forgot this.

I am curious to know the real reason though. For the longest times hurricanes in the U.S. only bore female names.
... because she is represented by the 'Angel of Democracy.'"


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