Musk says that the Democrats will end democracy in America

People who call themselves republicans have been making some variation of this claim as far back as Clinton. Some unbelievable disaster will somehow befall the United States if a democrat is elected. This is the oldest republican playbook for getting their followers to believe anything. Meanwhile the US experienced the worst terrorist attack on this country ever under Bush, the worst single state flood in our history happened under W because he pulled funding, we got trapped in a 20 year war in the middle east under Bush due to a lie, the housing crisis literally sunk the economy into the deepest recession since the great depression under Bush. Then Trump comes along, and we have what may in fact be the most historic mishandling of a health crisis in our history, he balloons the national deficit by 8.4t, he threatens war with Iran, Trump incites a mob of thousands to storm the capitol building in DC in order to harm or drag out all of our politicans, Trump is caught attempting to overturn our elections when he loses. These are literally major near cataclysmic events in our history, and they all happened under republican rule, but it's the democrats who are "destroying" America.

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