'Trump First And America Last': Post Storm Georgia Stump Speech Shocks Angry Critics

The frightening aspect is that neither Biden or Harris are on site, they are THAT confident that they are going to win this election.

If China doesn't become the sole super power one day it will be because they made some major, unforeseen and unforced error along the way.
The frightening aspect is that some idiot from Canada keeps running his mouth hoping America does what his country won't. Because the governmemt in his country is smart enough not to listen to idiots.

Biden and Harris will show up when the people need them to be there.
Why would they go and distract attention from the relief work? Gumming up the works like that sounds positively Trumpian!
He.raised.over $1M.through GoFundme,.talked to Elon about giving them internet access and showed some support by being there in their dark hour. That is hurting these citizens? Should Rudy or Bush not have gone down after 9/11? Leaders represent their citizens.. It.is very good politically and important for their well.being. It's clear that Harris is going to win this election,.their confidence is too high..
He.raised.over $1M.through GoFundme,.talked to Elon about giving them internet access and showed some support by being there in their dark hour. That is hurting these citizens? Should Rudy or Bush not have gone down after 9/11? Leaders represent their citizens.. It.is very good politically and important for their well.being. It's clear that Harris is going to win this election,.their confidence is too high..
Talk is cheap and so is Trump. He can’t get things done like FEMA can. He needs to stay out if the wsy.

Talk is cheap and so is Trump. He can’t get things done like FEMA can. He needs to stay out if the wsy.

Your argument is unfortunately clouded due to politics. You demand little of your current admimistration. Zero expectations for them to show.up during catastrophies, to answer questions, engage with the public. It's as if they aren't really accountable to you anymore and you accept this. Man,.America hss.changed dramatically. As you expect less so wlll foreign citizens.expect less of their governments and your global Goodwill.will disappear.dramatically. It already has as China fills the vacuum.

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