Ask Yourself Why You Would Support People Like Kamala And Joe Biden

That is bewildering to me too.

I know some very good people who will be voting for Kamala because they so want to believe the narrative the deep state controlled media puts out there coupled with they just don't like Trump personally. That creates a disconnect that they CHOOSE to believe a dishonest and manipulative media, google search engine, social media censors, etc. and reject or avoid even considering any opposing information.

They shut off the analytical parts of their brain and salve their conscience by embracing the controlled message of the left and refuse to consider anything else.
You literally have to switch off your brain to vote for someone like Kamala. Which means you are also voting for Biden, Obama, Hillary, and every other nutcase leftist in Washington.
A vote for POS trump, the lying con man, is something I will NEVER do.
You literally have to switch off your brain to vote for someone like Kamala. Which means you are also voting for Biden, Obama, Hillary, and every other nutcase leftist in Washington.
That's pretty much it. It's a 'my mind is made up and I'm not interested in any other information' kind of thing.

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