Why is bacon so appealing?

The problem is,.they move around significantly more than cows for instance who are born to stand in a box boxed, killed and eaten. Those creatures live a horrble existence. When one really thinks of it, humans are pure savages. It is enough to drive one to vegetarianism at times but I can never do so for long. :(
so youre saying when a human instantly kills a pig or cow after giving it a comfortable existence is more savage than a pack of wolves that start eating before they kill them??
so youre saying when a human instantly kills a pig or cow after giving it a comfortable existence is more savage than a pack of wolves that start eating before they kill them??
I am stating that they live and exist from birth to desth in a trapped box, often unable to even move much. They are then eaten.
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Nearly 99% of meat comes from factory farms. So your post was misleading because you acted as if the person you were replying to was wrong and you didn't acknowledge that he was talking about factory farms, where the overwhelming MAJORITY of farmed animals are.

Secondly, even in the tiny percent that you are trying to use as an example, there are still cruel practices that take place, and they still end up with their throats slit, which in my view is cruel in and of itself. Not because of the process that takes place, but just the fact that their life is being taken (against their will) when it is completely unnecessary. In the same way it would be cruel to take your dog's life in order to eat his flesh, it's no different. The only difference is that you've been deeply conditioned to accept one as normal and the other as not.
Nearly 99% of meat comes from factory farms. So your post was misleading because you acted as if the person you were replying to was wrong and you didn't acknowledge that he was talking about factory farms, where the overwhelming MAJORITY of farmed animals are.

Secondly, even in the tiny percent that you are trying to use as an example, there are still cruel practices that take place, and they still end up with their throats slit, which in my view is cruel in and of itself. Not because of the process that takes place, but just the fact that their life is being taken when it is completely unnecessary. In the same way it would be cruel to take your dog's life in order to eat his flesh, it's no different. The only difference is that you've been deeply conditioned to accept one as normal and the other as not.
whats more cruel than ripping the flesh off of a live animal and eating it while it watches you??

I dont by from the corp. farms,, do you??
whats more cruel than ripping the flesh off of a live animal and eating it while it watches you??

Irrelevant. If you're trying to use predatory animals killing other animals as a justification, then you haven't thought this through. Animals do all sorts of things, like rape or eat their own caca... is that a justification for humans doing those things? lol. Are wild animals really your moral compass? Shouldn't we aim a little higher than that?

Also, it's illogical to say "Well it's less cruel than_____" as a justification. Why do something less cruel when you don't have to do it at all? Why not choose to not do something cruel in the first place?

I dont by from the corp. farms,, do you??

I didn't think this needed to be said but I don't eat any animal products. But again, the overwhelming majority comes from factory farms... so pointing to the tiny percent that doesn't is akin to people in the abortion debate pointing to the 1 percent of pregnancies from rape as their first argument. It's not really an honest and realistic way to debate the topic.
Irrelevant. If you're trying to use predatory animals killing other animals as a justification, then you haven't thought this through. Animals do all sorts of things, like rape or eat their own caca... is that a justification for humans doing those things? lol. Are wild animals really your moral compass? Shouldn't we aim a little higher than that?

Also, it's illogical to say "Well it's less cruel than_____" as a justification. Why do something less cruel when you don't have to do it at all? Why not choose to not do something cruel in the first place?

I didn't think this needed to be said but I don't eat any animal products. But again, the overwhelming majority comes from factory farms... so pointing to the tiny percent that doesn't is akin to people in the abortion debate pointing to the 1 percent of pregnancies from rape as their first argument. It's not really an honest and realistic way to debate the topic.
in the end humans are the least cruel carnivores on the planet,,

and IF you are a vegan of what ever flavor you identify as you are the real cruel ones that kill animals for no other reason than they are in your way,,,

just think of all the animals that are killed or displaced and left to rot so your fields of kale and broccoli can be grown??

if I were you I would stay away from mirrors,,
Spam smells good and tastes as good as bacon. Why is it so demonized? The media/hollywood has a lot of power to influence consumer tastes.
Spam smells good and tastes as good as bacon. Why is it so demonized? The media/hollywood has a lot of power to influence consumer tastes.

Irrelevant. If you're trying to use predatory animals killing other animals as a justification, then you haven't thought this through. Animals do all sorts of things, like rape or eat their own caca... is that a justification for humans doing those things? lol. Are wild animals really your moral compass? Shouldn't we aim a little higher than that?

Also, it's illogical to say "Well it's less cruel than_____" as a justification. Why do something less cruel when you don't have to do it at all? Why not choose to not do something cruel in the first place?

I didn't think this needed to be said but I don't eat any animal products. But again, the overwhelming majority comes from factory farms... so pointing to the tiny percent that doesn't is akin to people in the abortion debate pointing to the 1 percent of pregnancies from rape as their first argument. It's not really an honest and realistic way to debate the topic.
I guess you looked into that mirror and didnt like what you saw,,,

Why is bacon so appealing?​

As Emeril used to say, “fat equals flavor, baby.”

Also, salt and smokey flavor combines to yield a savory sensation on the tongue.

And sometimes a bit of sweetness combines with the above to round out that favorable taste.

And, cooked properly, It also has some crunch to it, which provides it with another pleasing sensation.

Finally, of course, we kind of all intuitively understand that it’s not actually healthy, so it offers a nod to a guilty pleasure.
Maybe if Spam took on a social issue and put homeless degenerates on the can it would improve sales. Then again maybe not.
in the end humans are the least cruel carnivores on the planet
You're willfully ignorant, like most others. Facing reality means seeing yourself for what you are. This is exactly why there are so few true Christians in the world.

The things our culture allows us to do to other living things is evil incarnate. It is not abit different from our ongoing abortion crisis.

You're willfully ignorant, like most others. Facing reality means seeing yourself for what you are. This is exactly why there are so few true Christians in the world.

The things our culture allows us to do to other living things is evil incarnate. It is not abit different from our ongoing abortion crisis.

still not more cruel than ripping the flesh off and eating it while the animal is still alive watching you,,,

and of course your example is the exception not the rule for good people,,
but they do kill every living creature for absolutely no reason,,

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