Why is "conspiracy theory" considered a dirty word?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Not all conspiracy theories are "absurd" (e.x. George Bush is an alien lizard in disguise), nor are they wrong - Watergate was a conspiracy theory, so are the theories about Trump colluding with Russia.

The way the term "conspiracy theory" is used in propaganda media, it's generally used derogatorily, I've even seen some uneducated idiots dishonestly conflate a "conspiracy theory" with a "scientific theory", and so on, even when they have nothing to do with one another at at all.

As an example, there are some "anti-vaccine" conspiracies, which claim there is a nefarious motive behind vaccines; the reality seems to be that these "extremist" claims aren't very believable, but that corporations which manufacture vaccines put out a lot of this propaganda regarding "anti-vaxxer" conspiracies due to manufacturer defects in vaccines which may have lead to health problems (over-the-top claims, such as vaccines were intentionally manufactured for nefarious reasons aren't believable, as opposed to claims in manufacturer defects having harmed people, and potentially meriting lawsuits).

(As typical, in this area, I've seen some idiots stupidly or dishonestly conflating "vaccines", or the medical industry with "science", as in the physical sciences such as physics, when the two aren't related at all).
"conspiracy theory" is associated with the political right because it's the left-biased media who decides what is a legitimate story and what is a baseless conspiracy.
"conspiracy theory" is associated with the political right because it's the left-biased media who decides what is a legitimate story and what is a baseless conspiracy.
For example, Lyin' Ted's dad possibly killing JFK is a legitimate story. Stories that have been thoroughly and publicly debunked countless times but still get the base riled up, also legitimate.
Not all conspiracy theories are "absurd" (e.x. George Bush is an alien lizard in disguise), nor are they wrong - Watergate was a conspiracy theory, so are the theories about Trump colluding with Russia.

The way the term "conspiracy theory" is used in propaganda media, it's generally used derogatorily, I've even seen some uneducated idiots dishonestly conflate a "conspiracy theory" with a "scientific theory", and so on, even when they have nothing to do with one another at at all.

As an example, there are some "anti-vaccine" conspiracies, which claim there is a nefarious motive behind vaccines; the reality seems to be that these "extremist" claims aren't very believable, but that corporations which manufacture vaccines put out a lot of this propaganda regarding "anti-vaxxer" conspiracies due to manufacturer defects in vaccines which may have lead to health problems (over-the-top claims, such as vaccines were intentionally manufactured for nefarious reasons aren't believable, as opposed to claims in manufacturer defects having harmed people, and potentially meriting lawsuits).

(As typical, in this area, I've seen some idiots stupidly or dishonestly conflating "vaccines", or the medical industry with "science", as in the physical sciences such as physics, when the two aren't related at all).

there is so much stupid in your comment I dont know where to start,,,
I'm pretty sure "conspiracy theory" isn't a dirty word phrase. Conspiracy theory! Conspiracy theory! See, I said it! And no one yelled at me for being obscene. No, I think you might be wrong about that.

As for vaccines, I got all the vaccines for years until this past year when the vaccine bullying by the elites started up. Let them mind their own business: don't ask, don't shame, don't guilt -- just butt out and let people be free!

I have rarely seen such a good reason to let people be free: the only people who can POSSIBLY be harmed by not getting vaccines are the ones who chose not to get vaccines, and their children. And that was a free choice.

I include Ebola: we have a vaccine now, and it works. Hey, pygmies and whatnot in the Congo don't want it, so why in the world should they be forced to? I expect they know what they want just as well as anyone else.

It's doctors and the medical industry wanting to keep their power as controlling know-it-all elites who are nervous about this rebellion of the people against their vaccine fascism and fighting against it. After all, vaccines are about millions of people going into doctors' offices and paying them money. I'd like to see somebody (not you all) tell me I have to get a flu shot now ----- I'll give 'em an earful back.
Not all conspiracy theories are "absurd" (e.x. George Bush is an alien lizard in disguise), nor are they wrong - Watergate was a conspiracy theory, so are the theories about Trump colluding with Russia.

The way the term "conspiracy theory" is used in propaganda media, it's generally used derogatorily, I've even seen some uneducated idiots dishonestly conflate a "conspiracy theory" with a "scientific theory", and so on, even when they have nothing to do with one another at at all.

As an example, there are some "anti-vaccine" conspiracies, which claim there is a nefarious motive behind vaccines; the reality seems to be that these "extremist" claims aren't very believable, but that corporations which manufacture vaccines put out a lot of this propaganda regarding "anti-vaxxer" conspiracies due to manufacturer defects in vaccines which may have lead to health problems (over-the-top claims, such as vaccines were intentionally manufactured for nefarious reasons aren't believable, as opposed to claims in manufacturer defects having harmed people, and potentially meriting lawsuits).

(As typical, in this area, I've seen some idiots stupidly or dishonestly conflating "vaccines", or the medical industry with "science", as in the physical sciences such as physics, when the two aren't related at all).
BTW, what the obammy team did here puts Watergate to shame.
"conspiracy theory" is associated with the political right because it's the left-biased media who decides what is a legitimate story and what is a baseless conspiracy.
For example, Lyin' Ted's dad possibly killing JFK is a legitimate story. Stories that have been thoroughly and publicly debunked countless times but still get the base riled up, also legitimate.

White replacement is cited as an "alt right conspiracy theory" by the guardians of truth in our media even though it is literally happening.
For example, Lyin' Ted's dad possibly killing JFK is a legitimate story. Stories that have been thoroughly and publicly debunked countless times but still get the base riled up, also legitimate.

I followed that story carefully. They only implied Daddy Cruz helped Oswald in some way --- what they had was a photo of him and Oswald and some others giving out pro-Cuba flyers, I think in Miami. And I have to say, yeah, it did look like a comparison photo of Daddy Cruz. Note that Cruz never, never said it wasn't true: he mocked it, but never denied it.

Probably because his dad DID know Oswald!

If Cruz was part of that interesting conspiracy, we'd know it by now. So I don't think so.
White replacement is cited as an "alt right conspiracy theory" by the guardians of truth in our media even though it is literally happening.

True ---- doing arithmetic is not the same as a conspiracy theory.
"conspiracy theory" is associated with the political right because it's the left-biased media who decides what is a legitimate story and what is a baseless conspiracy.
For example, Lyin' Ted's dad possibly killing JFK is a legitimate story. Stories that have been thoroughly and publicly debunked countless times but still get the base riled up, also legitimate.

White replacement is cited as an "alt right conspiracy theory" by the guardians of truth in our media even though it is literally happening.
If a white man has sex with a Hispanic woman and they have a child, was it because of a vast conspiracy to replace him with the child, snowflake?
For example, Lyin' Ted's dad possibly killing JFK is a legitimate story. Stories that have been thoroughly and publicly debunked countless times but still get the base riled up, also legitimate.

I followed that story carefully. They only implied Daddy Cruz helped Oswald in some way --- what they had was a photo of him and Oswald and some others giving out pro-Cuba flyers, I think in Miami. And I have to say, yeah, it did look like a comparison photo of Daddy Cruz. Note that Cruz never, never said it wasn't true: he mocked it, but never denied it.

Probably because his dad DID know Oswald!

If Cruz was part of that interesting conspiracy, we'd know it by now. So I don't think so.
My god in heaven. And these people vote.
"conspiracy theory" is associated with the political right because it's the left-biased media who decides what is a legitimate story and what is a baseless conspiracy.
For example, Lyin' Ted's dad possibly killing JFK is a legitimate story. Stories that have been thoroughly and publicly debunked countless times but still get the base riled up, also legitimate.

White replacement is cited as an "alt right conspiracy theory" by the guardians of truth in our media even though it is literally happening.
If a white man has sex with a Hispanic woman and they have a child, was it because of a vast conspiracy to replace him with the child, snowflake?

White people fed on a diet of materialism aren't having babies thats why the elites are importing 1 million+ immigrants a year.
"Conspiracy theory" is simply a rhetorical shortcut for crackpot stories by mental defectives.

Or in other words:

A conspiracy theory is an explanation of an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful actors, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable.

Conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
For example, Lyin' Ted's dad possibly killing JFK is a legitimate story. Stories that have been thoroughly and publicly debunked countless times but still get the base riled up, also legitimate.

I followed that story carefully. They only implied Daddy Cruz helped Oswald in some way --- what they had was a photo of him and Oswald and some others giving out pro-Cuba flyers, I think in Miami. And I have to say, yeah, it did look like a comparison photo of Daddy Cruz. Note that Cruz never, never said it wasn't true: he mocked it, but never denied it.

Probably because his dad DID know Oswald!

If Cruz was part of that interesting conspiracy, we'd know it by now. So I don't think so.
My god in heaven. And these people vote.
One of them is the current President of the United States. He's also a birther and often subscribes to other whackjob stories.
"conspiracy theory" is associated with the political right because it's the left-biased media who decides what is a legitimate story and what is a baseless conspiracy.
For example, Lyin' Ted's dad possibly killing JFK is a legitimate story. Stories that have been thoroughly and publicly debunked countless times but still get the base riled up, also legitimate.

White replacement is cited as an "alt right conspiracy theory" by the guardians of truth in our media even though it is literally happening.
If a white man has sex with a Hispanic woman and they have a child, was it because of a vast conspiracy to replace him with the child, snowflake?

White people fed on a diet of materialism aren't having babies thats why the elites are importing 1 million+ immigrants a year.
Oh white people have things so good that they're doing whatever they want instead of having kids. VAST CONSPIRACY

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