Why is DJIA coming back on the heels of an Obama recession?

It's time to put the bullshit away JRK. The only real effort to reduce the deficit was the final years of the Clinton Administration when the two parties talked to and not at each other. They did get the economy on track but failed to protect the country because the focus was on Monica and Paula and not on critical issues. That foolish effort to convict The President and the current and continuing effort of the GOP to discredit President Obama on other foolish matters is treasonous. The GOP's lust for power lost has harmed our country and dumb fucks like you support them.

Piss and moan all your like about Obama increasing the deficit, he and the Democrats brought us back from the brink, put the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on budget (and honest thing to do and one GWB did not do) and President Obama has reduced the number of Federal Employees.

For years the GOP and its fellow travelers claimed government cannot create jobs, yet your kind now complains that President Obama is a failure because he cannot create jobs. Most people, sane and honest people, would be embarrassed to post hypocrisy and hyperbole chronically as do you and the rest of the echo chamber.

So fuck off and post your statistics. Over a century ago Mark Twain wrote about you when he penned, "There are liars, damn liars and statistics". You are a damn liar JRK.
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It's time to put the bullshit away JRK. The only real effort to reduce the deficit was the final years of the Clinton Administration when the two parties talked to and not at each other. They did get the economy on track but failed to protect the country because the focus was on Monica and Paula and not on critical issues. That foolish effort to convict The President and the current and continuing effort of the GOP to discredit President Obama on other foolish matters is treasonous. The GOP's lust for power lost has harmed our country and dumb fucks like you support them.

Piss and moan all your like about Obama increasing the deficit, he and the Democrats brought us back from the brink, put the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on budget (and honest thing to do and one GWB did not do) and President Obama has reduced the number of Federal Employees.

For years the GOP and its fellow travelers claimed government cannot create jobs, yet your kind now complains that President Obama is a failure because he cannot create jobs. Most people, sane and honest people, would be embarrassed to post hypocrisy and hyperbole chronically as do you and the rest of the echo chamber.

So fuck off and post your statistics. Over a century ago Mark Twain wrote about you when he penned, "There are liars, damn liars and statistics". You are a damn liar JRK.


Wry do not take this stuff personal
Hate will fix nothing
Accepting the failures that this country is facing is the only hope we have of fixing it
We had a balanced budget until 9-11, the recession of 2002, as well as the Nasdaq bubble bursting in 2000
All GWB added was no child left behind and medicare D
We had no choice with the wars
In 2007 we had a balanced budget with no wars, simply put with a robust economy we were close

BTW the wars were in the budget
Just not the way you wanted to be
Supplemental spending is a normal way to deal with matters that are short term, so deal with it

Now as for calling me a liar
provide us with one lie I have told
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Has there really been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector?

Yes, but then you need to consider the ripple effect: Other job sectors benefit from the growth of jobs producing a basic resource: Workers buy more than non-workers, regardless of how they are employed.

Developing unconventional gas and oil reserves require steel, chemicals, plastics, machinery, trucks, and a host of basic services that then depend on tertiary services that employ everyone from health, safety, and environmental personnel to cooks, drivers, mechanics...ETC, etc.
Has there really been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector?

Yes, but then you need to consider the ripple effect: Other job sectors benefit from the growth of jobs producing a basic resource: Workers buy more than non-workers, regardless of how they are employed.

Developing unconventional gas and oil reserves require steel, chemicals, plastics, machinery, trucks, and a host of basic services that then depend on tertiary services that employ everyone from health, safety, and environmental personnel to cooks, drivers, mechanics...ETC, etc.

A fact this admin does not understand
This would include getting the housing market back to normal
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Has there really been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector?

Yes, but then you need to consider the ripple effect: Other job sectors benefit from the growth of jobs producing a basic resource: Workers buy more than non-workers, regardless of how they are employed.

Developing unconventional gas and oil reserves require steel, chemicals, plastics, machinery, trucks, and a host of basic services that then depend on tertiary services that employ everyone from health, safety, and environmental personnel to cooks, drivers, mechanics...ETC, etc.

A fact this admin does not understand
This would include getting the housing market back to normal

I'm not convinced it matters whether or not this admin understands.

Money Talks: Bullshit Walks

Even the Soviets eventually learned this lesson.
It's time to put the bullshit away JRK. The only real effort to reduce the deficit was the final years of the Clinton Administration when the two parties talked to and not at each other. They did get the economy on track but failed to protect the country because the focus was on Monica and Paula and not on critical issues. That foolish effort to convict The President and the current and continuing effort of the GOP to discredit President Obama on other foolish matters is treasonous. The GOP's lust for power lost has harmed our country and dumb fucks like you support them.

Piss and moan all your like about Obama increasing the deficit, he and the Democrats brought us back from the brink, put the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on budget (and honest thing to do and one GWB did not do) and President Obama has reduced the number of Federal Employees.

For years the GOP and its fellow travelers claimed government cannot create jobs, yet your kind now complains that President Obama is a failure because he cannot create jobs. Most people, sane and honest people, would be embarrassed to post hypocrisy and hyperbole chronically as do you and the rest of the echo chamber.

So fuck off and post your statistics. Over a century ago Mark Twain wrote about you when he penned, "There are liars, damn liars and statistics". You are a damn liar JRK.


Wry do not take this stuff personal
Hate and accepting the failures that this country is facing is the only hope we have of fixing it
We had a balanced budget until 9-11, the recession of 2002, as well as the Nasdaq bubble bursting in 2000
All GWB added was no child left behind and medicare D
We had no choice with the wars [Yep we did, Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11]
In 2007 we had a balanced budget with no wars, simply put with a robust economy we were close [Are you serious?]

BTW the wars were in the budget
Just not the way you wanted to be
Supplemental spending is a normal way to deal with matters that are short term, so deal with it [Short term? We defeated Germany and Japan in years less time]

Now as for calling me a liar
provide us with one lie I have told

Lies of omission. Placing too much emphasis on the long term debt of this country and blaming it on Obama is dishonest. Failing to recognize that the recession ended and the economy is in recovery and blaming Obama for a failure to create jobs is dishonest; not acknowledging how the H. of Reps. under Boehner's 'leadership' spends time and energy on bills to limit a women's choice, to name post offices and other silly matters is dishonest; ignoring the adding riders (poison pills) to legislation solely to earn political points and stalling the vote on critical issues such as raising the debt - making a mockery of our system of government.

I don't hate you or the GOP - I abhor dishonesty and the manner in which the GOP and its fellow travelers have dumbed down debate and made us a laughing stock to the world.
Yes, but then you need to consider the ripple effect: Other job sectors benefit from the growth of jobs producing a basic resource: Workers buy more than non-workers, regardless of how they are employed.

Developing unconventional gas and oil reserves require steel, chemicals, plastics, machinery, trucks, and a host of basic services that then depend on tertiary services that employ everyone from health, safety, and environmental personnel to cooks, drivers, mechanics...ETC, etc.

A fact this admin does not understand
This would include getting the housing market back to normal

I'm not convinced it matters whether or not this admin understands.

Money Talks: Bullshit Walks

Even the Soviets eventually learned this lesson.

Samson This admin has went from condoms to gun control to Obama care to class war fare to attacking the previous admin as well as the GOP
Where is the focus like this on jobs?

Every tool this Admin has should have been from day one focused on jobs, not adding 500 billion dollars to the GWB baseline and then blame it on him
Not to save the UAW, but to create opportunities for unions that work as well as non union sectors that work
I fully support the trade unions such as the carpenters. I have managed such projects

That 80 billion along with sensible regulations on coal and the Oil and Ga sector would have created many more jobs than that wasted 80 billion
W spent 100s of billions of federal dollars on Scrubbers while GWB was president
It created jobs, helped the environment
It was a win win event

Yet this admin only focuses on destruction of the conservative movement
They never allow a crises to go to waste
With the GDP shrinking the left is trying to change the 2nd amendment
Does that make sense to you?
A fact this admin does not understand
This would include getting the housing market back to normal

I'm not convinced it matters whether or not this admin understands.

Money Talks: Bullshit Walks

Even the Soviets eventually learned this lesson.

Samson This admin has went from condoms to gun control to Obama care to class war fare to attacking the previous admin as well as the GOP
Where is the focus like this on jobs?


Yet this admin only focuses on destruction of the conservative movement
They never allow a crises to go to waste
With the GDP shrinking the left is trying to change the 2nd amendment
Does that make sense to you?

The "conservative movement?"


Frankly, I don't know what the fuck that means, outside of LimbaughHannityO'Whatchmacallit......yeah, O'Reilly.

The BUSINESS of America is BUSINESS, and it always will be. Government creates jobs....FOR GOVERNMENT employees. Sure they buy stuff, tanks, aircraft carriers, pencils. computer programs, academic studies, but they do not PRODUCE anything profitably and therefore will remain irrelevant, regardless of whatever partisan crappola either "conservatives" or 'liberals" insist is the better flavor.
Has there really been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector?

Yes, but then you need to consider the ripple effect: Other job sectors benefit from the growth of jobs producing a basic resource: Workers buy more than non-workers, regardless of how they are employed.

Developing unconventional gas and oil reserves require steel, chemicals, plastics, machinery, trucks, and a host of basic services that then depend on tertiary services that employ everyone from health, safety, and environmental personnel to cooks, drivers, mechanics...ETC, etc.

Oh! All the private sector job gains we have had are related to the growth in the oil and gas sector. That is a really convenient analysis. Since nutters like to claim the energy sector as their baby.....they get to pretend that the job growth is due to nutter policy....and in spite of Obama.....who is obviously anti-gas and oil!

Dizzy yet?
Does anyone but me find it odd that the same people who are so concerned with the DEBT are the same people complaining that the money is all FIAT?

If the money isn't real, then how real can the debts be?
OK. The job growth is slow. And the economy is coming back with the speed of an arthritic turtle. However, the signs are positive, and I have seen my small peices of real estate gain over 10% in value on the market in the past three months.

But, at the same time, there are literally millions of jobs going begging. These are jobs in the crafts. Electricians, millwrights, ect. Jobs that pay 50K to 150K a year. Because these jobs have no glamour. They require hard physical work, and are also mentally challenging as every day involves problem solving. When people talk of desirable jobs, they don't even mention these trades. This lack of tradesmen is actually a minor contributor to the sluggish recovery.

The main cause being the rest of the world is still dealing with the economic consequences of the crash. But even in that sector, there is considerable optimism at present.

Much to the chagrin of our "Conservatives", it does look like the economy is going to pull out of this crash, slower than we would like, but it will improve, none the less.
Yet economic inequality continues to rise, regardless of which party controls the White House:

"The political problem faced by rentiers – the 'idle rich' siphoning off most of the economy’s gains for themselves – is to convince voters to agree that labor and consumers should be taxed rather than the financial gains of the wealthiest 1%.

"How long can they defer people from seeing that making interest tax-exempt pushes the government’s budget further into deficit?

"To free financial wealth and asset-price gains from taxes – while blocking the government from financing its deficits by its own public option for money creation – the academics sponsored by financial lobbyists hijacked monetary theory, fiscal policy and economic theory in general.

"On seeming grounds of efficiency they claimed that government no longer should regulate Wall Street and its corporate clients. Instead of criticizing rent seeking as in earlier centuries, they depicted government as an oppressive Leviathan for using its power to protect markets from monopolies, crooked drug companies, health insurance companies and predatory finance."

The Ideological Crisis Underlying Today?s Tax and Financial Policy » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Are you familiar who was running congress most of that time?
Are you familiar with the UE rate from left over Carter mess?
Clinton' s surplus came from Reagan's job creating policies as well as a GOP congress

Your claiming that a 100 billion dollar deficit some how is the same as a 1.5 trillion dollar defict?

You're blind as a bat.....a Republican bat. None of this debt bullshit started till Reagan did the massive tax cuts. I might also point out that Reagan got less than he asked for seven of the eight years.

.............................ANNUAL INTEREST/NATIONAL DEBT.............................

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

Dude your not impressing anyone with this
Not sure you desperation to defend a failed presidency is going to get you anywhere

If your no smarter than that, go away please

In 2007 we had a 162 billion dollar deficit
in 2009 after BHO added 500 billion to GWB base line, we had a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit

and your trying to blame this on Reagan?

It has been the same sense[/QUOTE]

I'm not very sure your recent loss to a "failed presidency" cuts a lot of ice either. Have you ever stopped to think about that? 'Couldn't even find a candidate who could come close to the first Black president in our nation's history in the middle of the worst recession since Hoover and the banks screwed things up. I really wonder what the future of the Republican party is.......they haven't done anything right since Richard Nixon. At least ol' Milhous kept his spending, debt and taxation balanced.

By the way....I voted for Nixon three times. That was back when the Republican party stood for something besides low taxes for the rich and bible thumping pricks.
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You're blind as a bat.....a Republican bat. None of this debt bullshit started till Reagan did the massive tax cuts. I might also point out that Reagan got less than he asked for seven of the eight years.

.............................ANNUAL INTEREST/NATIONAL DEBT.............................

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

Dude your not impressing anyone with this
Not sure you desperation to defend a failed presidency is going to get you anywhere

If your no smarter than that, go away please

In 2007 we had a 162 billion dollar deficit
in 2009 after BHO added 500 billion to GWB base line, we had a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit

and your trying to blame this on Reagan?

It has been the same sense

I'm not very sure your recent loss to a "failed presidency" cuts a lot of ice either. Have you ever stopped to think about that? 'Couldn't even find a candidate who could come close to the first Black president in our nation's history in the middle of the worst recession since Hoover and the banks screwed things up. I really wonder what the future of the Republican party is.......they haven't done anything right since Richard Nixon. At least ol' Milhous kept his spending, debt and taxation balanced.

By the way....I voted for Nixon three times. That was back when the Republican party stood for something besides low taxes for the rich and bible thumping pricks.[/QUOTE]

What does his race have to do with massive yearly deficits and no jobs in the private sector?
I have made many remarks as to the mess BHO not only inherited, he was a US senator when the wheels came off
What does that have to do with anything?
GWB had a recession
the NASDAQ bubble
as well as the 1000s of Enron s that went down in late 2001
And the job loss of GWB first 2 years in office
by 2007 we had added close to 8 million jobs and the deficit was 163 billion

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
4 million through his entire term (these numbers are 12/01 through 12/08
ES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
we are 4 million jobs short of 07 levels STILL with all of this money gone!!!!

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
CES0000000001 2009 M12 129373
CES0000000001 2010 M12 130395
CES0000000001 2011 M12 132498
CES0000000001 2012 M12 134668(P)
P : preliminary

So whats your point?

chill out dude
face the facts that this president has failed, he cannot undo the deficits he alone added to the baseline budget in 2009 with the dem parties blessing in congress. That money is gone
what exactly did he save?
Last edited:

Dude your not impressing anyone with this
Not sure you desperation to defend a failed presidency is going to get you anywhere

If your no smarter than that, go away please

In 2007 we had a 162 billion dollar deficit
in 2009 after BHO added 500 billion to GWB base line, we had a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit

and your trying to blame this on Reagan?

It has been the same sense

I'm not very sure your recent loss to a "failed presidency" cuts a lot of ice either. Have you ever stopped to think about that? 'Couldn't even find a candidate who could come close to the first Black president in our nation's history in the middle of the worst recession since Hoover and the banks screwed things up. I really wonder what the future of the Republican party is.......they haven't done anything right since Richard Nixon. At least ol' Milhous kept his spending, debt and taxation balanced.

By the way....I voted for Nixon three times. That was back when the Republican party stood for something besides low taxes for the rich and bible thumping pricks.

What does his race have to do with massive yearly deficits and no jobs in the private sector?
I have made many remarks as to the mess BHO not only inherited, he was a US senator when the wheels came off
What does that have to do with anything?
GWB had a recession
the NASDAQ bubble
as well as the 1000s of Enron s that went down in late 2001
And the job loss of GWB first 2 years in office
by 2007 we had added close to 8 million jobs and the deficit was 163 billion

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
4 million through his entire term (these numbers are 12/01 through 12/08
ES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
we are 4 million jobs short of 07 levels STILL with all of this money gone!!!!

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
CES0000000001 2009 M12 129373
CES0000000001 2010 M12 130395
CES0000000001 2011 M12 132498
CES0000000001 2012 M12 134668(P)
P : preliminary
Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject

So whats your point?

chill out dude
face the facts that this president has failed, he cannot undo the deficits he alone added to the baseline budget in 2009 with the dem parties blessing in congress. That money is gone
what exactly did he save?[/QUOTE]

Hey fella'. At the end of Geroge W. Bush's last budget the interest due and payable on the Reagan/Bushes debt was $454 billion. Unlike the debt itself the interest must be paid when it's due...in full. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that over a trillion and a half of Obama's debt went to pay interest on debt which was there when he took over. You didn't think all those foreign banks were loaning Reagan and the Bushes all those trillions because they liked their looks did you?

Government spending is already down thanks to the end of one of Bush's wars. Just wait till we can get out of Afghanistan and see it drop some more. We might actually get back to where we can patch some roads and dams and fix our shabby electric grid some day if we can keep our asses out of the business of countries 10,000 miles away. We have troops in 170 countries and the last time somebody surrendered to us was in 1945. We still have troops there too.
Last edited:
Dude your not impressing anyone with this
Not sure you desperation to defend a failed presidency is going to get you anywhere

If your no smarter than that, go away please

In 2007 we had a 162 billion dollar deficit
in 2009 after BHO added 500 billion to GWB base line, we had a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit

and your trying to blame this on Reagan?

It has been the same sense

I'm not very sure your recent loss to a "failed presidency" cuts a lot of ice either. Have you ever stopped to think about that? 'Couldn't even find a candidate who could come close to the first Black president in our nation's history in the middle of the worst recession since Hoover and the banks screwed things up. I really wonder what the future of the Republican party is.......they haven't done anything right since Richard Nixon. At least ol' Milhous kept his spending, debt and taxation balanced.

By the way....I voted for Nixon three times. That was back when the Republican party stood for something besides low taxes for the rich and bible thumping pricks.

What does his race have to do with massive yearly deficits and no jobs in the private sector?
I have made many remarks as to the mess BHO not only inherited, he was a US senator when the wheels came off
What does that have to do with anything?
GWB had a recession
the NASDAQ bubble
as well as the 1000s of Enron s that went down in late 2001
And the job loss of GWB first 2 years in office
by 2007 we had added close to 8 million jobs and the deficit was 163 billion

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
4 million through his entire term (these numbers are 12/01 through 12/08
ES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
we are 4 million jobs short of 07 levels STILL with all of this money gone!!!!

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
CES0000000001 2009 M12 129373
CES0000000001 2010 M12 130395
CES0000000001 2011 M12 132498
CES0000000001 2012 M12 134668(P)
P : preliminary
Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject

So whats your point?

chill out dude
face the facts that this president has failed, he cannot undo the deficits he alone added to the baseline budget in 2009 with the dem parties blessing in congress. That money is gone
what exactly did he save?

Hey fella'. At the end of Geroge W. Bush's last budget the interest due and payable on the Reagan/Bushes debt was $454 billion. Unlike the debt itself the interest must be paid when it's due...in full. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that over a trillion and a half of Obama's debt went to pay interest on debt which was there when he took over. You didn't think all those foreign banks were loaning Reagan and the Bushes all those trillions because they liked their looks did you?[/QUOTE]

What does that have to do with anything?
from 2007
BTW the interest on the debt came from all presidents
Not just the one who inherited J Carters mess and signed the Democrats budget plan nor the president that had a little event called 9-11 in hos his first 8 months that also had his last 2 years on the back of Dem spending
You have no idea what your talking about, you are the classic example of an educated voter
2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Total spending
A pie chart representing spending by category for the US budget for 2007
The President's actual budget for 2007 totals $2.8 trillion. Percentages in parentheses indicate percentage change compared to 2006. This budget request is broken down by the following expenditures:
$586.1 billion (+7.0%) - Social Security
$548.8 billion (+9.0%) - Defense[2]
$394.5 billion (+12.4%) - Medicare
$294.0 billion (+2.0%) - Unemployment and welfare
$276.4 billion (+2.9%) - Medicaid and other health related
$243.7 billion (+13.4%) - Interest on debt
$89.9 billion (+1.3%) - Education and training
$76.9 billion (+8.1%) - Transportation
$72.6 billion (+5.8%) - Veterans' benefits
$43.5 billion (+9.2%) - Administration of justice
$33.1 billion (+5.7%) - Natural resources and environment
$32.5 billion (+15.4%) - Foreign affairs
$27.0 billion (+3.7%) - Agriculture
$26.8 billion (+28.7%) - Community and regional development
$25.0 billion (+4.0%) - Science and technology
$20.5 billion (+0.8%) - Energy
$20.1 billion (+11.4%) - General governmen
All presidents have had to pay interest on the debt
The libs try and blame the GOP on everything. The personal hate they have for GWB is amazing

As shown above the interest on the debt in 07 was 250 billion
by 09 it was twice that
Massive job loss as well as BHO adding 500 billion to the GWB baseline is why it doubled
GWB asked for about 3 trillion in 2008, he never signed the 09 budget, Obama did in 09
see Omnibus
The income side of it fell from 2. 5 in 07 to 2.1 in 09
Total revenue $2.7 trillion (estimated)
$2.105 trillion (actual)[1]
Total expenditures $3.107 trillion (estimated)
$3.518 trillion (actual)[1]
Deficit $407 billion (estimated)
$1.413 trillion (actual)[1]
There blaming all of this on W
As you can clearly see the problem was loss of revenue
A 400 billion dollar deficit in reality would have been in time 1/2 of that as tarp that W overseen was paid back
Unlike the tarp BHO over seen

I have stated for the right reasons that Neither BHO nor W had little to do to influence the massive job loss
That was simple free market Greed

If the govt caused it, then Obama should have fixed it with his
failed stimulus
The last 50% of tarp

Let us not forget Iraq is no longer in these numbers, yet they have not changed
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Why did the market players ignore the fourteen per cent and rising unemployment rate in 1929? Jackie Wilson's "Higher and higher" playing non stop on their i-pads earphones?

Or maybe, today, they're too busy polishing the perennial erections they got after listening to O's inaugural speech and attending the galas?

Markets sometimes become detached from reality, to their own detriment. This is the most anti business president ever in the nation's history. Frinstance, Friday after all the reporters had exited their cubicles with Super Bowl weekend hijinks drifting across their gaze, the White House saw fit to release 160 pages of new regulations concerning school snacks. Try driving interstate 80 from coast to coast with the highway under that magnitude of construction repair and see how long it takes you, or being in business with that level of regulation and seeing how long it takes to make a profit. The only place profits are more or less guaranteed is in a business run by a guy like Jeff Immelt who lets Obama and the Democrats sodomize him and his business frequently and regularly in return for some lucrative governmental favors.
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Why did the market players ignore the fourteen per cent and rising unemployment rate in 1929? Jackie Wilson's "Higher and higher" playing non stop on their i-pads earphones?

Or maybe, today, they're too busy polishing the perennial erections they got after listening to O's inaugural speech and attending the galas?

Markets sometimes become detached from reality, to their own detriment. This is the most anti business president ever in the nation's history. Frinstance, Friday after all the reporters had exited their cubicles with Super Bowl weekend hijinks drifting across their gaze, the White House saw fit to release 160 pages of new regulations concerning school snacks. Try driving interstate 80 from coast to coast with the highway under that magnitude of construction repair and see how long it takes you, or being in business with that level of regulation and seeing how long it takes to make a profit. The only place profits are more or less guaranteed is in a business run by a guy like Jeff Immelt who lets Obama and the Democrats sodomize him and his business frequently and regularly in return for some lucrative governmental favors.

The market has totally detached itself from BHO
It has laid off
re grouped
found places such as Texas where there is still hope
away we go
trillions still are in 401ks
without profit in same, there is no bonuses
those people are not dumb. Never again will it be allowed to loan to those who cannot pay and turn that into a mutual fund

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