Why is DJIA coming back on the heels of an Obama recession?

The GDP that plummeted in 2008 when the wealth bubble exploded has had in reality no growth sense
Having an economy that grows 2% after falling 18% in 2008 is not growth despite record deficit spending, That is not even a correction

Companies are making money. Those lucky enough to be working are the last ones standing
Companies have trimmed the payroll as well as production, expansion, etc... that has made investors feel confident in they have learned there lesson.
There has been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector
Simply put, BHO anemic economy is priced in

I've been in the stock market to at least a small degree since the summer of 1966. I remember the impact of several drops but none which affected folks more than this:
October 9, 2007, DOW closed at 14,164.43 then closed at 6,594.44 on March 5, 2009. As you noticed we're just now back so what's so hard to calculate.....

I pulled out everything my wife and I had in equities when the DOW had dropped to about 11,000 and admittedly got back in a little early but ended up raking off about $75,000 above what I would have had if the dip had never occurred.

So true
Appl has HURT mine, but over all same here
Any 401K that stayed in during that dip is SMOKING

We put our two IRA's back into equities when the market had dropped to about 8000 so even though that didn't get the full advantage we have really done well.
The market is doing fairly well.

Its the folks on Main street who suffer.

Given that the middle class's primary investment vehicles got hammered down 30-40% in 2008 what can we expect?

40 years of eroding purchaing power for the bottom 80% of the nation has consequences on a macro economy, and one of those consequences WAS the meltdown.

Consumers cannot save the economy, now, because their grasp of it now is so feeble.

Their net worth (especially in comparison to the upper 20%) is weak and getting weaker.

No auyterity program is going to solve that.

In fact auterity is only going to make it much much worse.
here's one reason.

the feds are dumping 85 billion into the banks every month.
and the stock market right now is bank driven. When this thing corrects itself....oh wow.

Why is the stock market still rising?

The market is rising because Congress is dumping $85 billion of new money every month into the accounts of banks that would rather invest it than lend it. Ben Bernanke, who believes that a rising stock market and low interest rates will create enough consumer confidence to stimulate the economy, is off his rocker. What happens when the stimulus stops? Ben has no exit strategy, and many believe he’s putting the cart before the horse. But you may notice a gradual change in voter expectations as Washington promotes caring entitlement programs for the citizenry. Because we can’t create jobs, the Fed keeps interest rates low to grow stock prices, which generate profits that provide a tax base to pay these bills. Most Americans must reduce their future goals and expectations because the resources won’t be there. This is what we voted for.
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Between outsourcing and automation, there's not a whole lot of need for simple labor anymore.

People with skills willl always find work.

People without are screwed.
Between outsourcing and automation, there's not a whole lot of need for simple labor anymore.

People with skills willl always find work.

People without are screwed.

One of the big problems is dumbasses who are born rich and take up space through nepotism and political pull. George W. Bush might have made it to manager of a Walmart Superstore without his name and a trust fund.
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do you ever get tired of living in a fantasy land filled with hate and lies?

As the left will have us believe the economy is thriving like never before under the Obama
regime. :tongue:

After Hoover and the banks caused the mess in 1930 it took FDR eight years and a world war to straighten up the mess. Just be patient......It'll get better. What we needed was some more tax cuts for the wealthy which if you take out bible thumping, guns and governing women's bedrooms is about all that's left of the Republican party.

Oh....I almost forgot. They're great at gerrymandering.
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"If the purpose of our economic system is to deliver the maximum amount of goods and services with the least amount of effort, then the ability to deliver goods and services with the least amount of employment is actually desirable."

Social Credit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Industrial Revolution promised the machine would end the need for human toil.
Now the question becomes who allocates the spoils from the Industrial Revolution?
do you ever get tired of living in a fantasy land filled with hate and lies?

As the left will have us believe the economy is thriving like never before under the Obama
regime. :tongue:

No they're not, Roz.

Anyone claiming that the economy is doing well because of Obama is by definitely NOT a leftie.

NObody is doing a better job of pointing out the REAL mistakes of the Obama administration than the LEFT.

I think the problem is that you imagine that the DEM partisans are lefties.

Wrongo. mate.

the lefies were driven out of the Dem party probably before you were born.
Why not post the BLS data on job growth by sector. It is easily had. I feel like I should not do this for you....as you seem to want to post facts.

By the way...we have gone from "no job growth" to "very little job growth". I like the trend.

In the private sector It is a matter of opinion as to how many jobs have been actually created
With so many leaving the work force one can make the case for either
Bottom line is anemic is correct
It is amusing the Liberal would question that yet for a man who claimed this
CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... - CNN.com

And total nonfarm payrolls, including government workers, are down from 133.6 million workers at the beginning of 2009 to 133.2 million in July 2012. There's been a net loss of nearly 1 million public-sector jobs since Obama took office, despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census.

A matter of opinion?

You are disappointing.

You have nothing more to say than that?

First Term: Americans ‘Not in Labor Force’ Increased 8,332,000
At the same time, the number of retired workers collecting Social Security increased by only 4,234,480.

The increase in Americans opting out of the labor force during Obama’s first term resulted in a decrease in the labor force participation rate from 65.7 percent in January 2009, the month Obama was first inaugurated, to 63.6 percent in December 2012, the latest month reported. Before Obama took office, the labor force participation rate had not been as low as 63.6 percent since 1981, the year President Ronald Reagan took over from President Jimmy Carter.

To be in the labor force a person must either have a job or actively sought one in the previous four weeks.

When Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, there were 80,507,000 American civilians age 16 or older who did not have a job or seek one. In December 2012, there were 88,839,000—thus, the increase of 8,332,000
At the same time, the number of retired workers collecting Social Security increased by only 4,234,480
First Term: Americans ?Not in Labor Force? Increased 8,332,000 | CNS News

Simply put there is over 8 million people who no longer go against the UE rate.
Now in my opinion with only 50% of those going on SS that leaves close to 4 million people that are in fact UE yet have no bearing on the labor report, I cannot imagine how any-one could claim any jobs have been created
A sated in the CNN fact check if you take in account the "job created" number sense 7/2012 when the article was wrote, there has been a few created in the private sector even with trillions in borrowed spending in the private sector sense BHO took office
As I stated, it is a matter of opinion as to how many jobs have really been created
Do your DD.
This is why people who have been lying to got re elected

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do you ever get tired of living in a fantasy land filled with hate and lies?

As the left will have us believe the economy is thriving like never before under the Obama
regime. :tongue:

After Hoover and the banks caused the mess in 1930 it took FDR eight years and a world war to straighten up the mess. Just be patient......It'll get better. What we needed was some more tax cuts for the wealthy which if you take out bible thumping, guns and governing women's bedrooms is about all that's left of the Republican party.

Oh....I almost forgot. They're great at gerrymandering.

Tax cuts brought us millions of jobs through the wealth bubble bursting in 2008
Thr rest of your attack is re peat of lies that have no bearing on the failure of BHO and the left sense 2007
red vs blue map - Google Search
The will of the people need no such thing and to be honest
as far as th GOP part in it
began in 1788
look aat the red vs blue map and explain to me how th GOP is not in more in control in the house than they are?
The true will of the people
The GDP that plummeted in 2008 when the wealth bubble exploded has had in reality no growth sense
Having an economy that grows 2% after falling 18% in 2008 is not growth despite record deficit spending, That is not even a correction

Companies are making money. Those lucky enough to be working are the last ones standing
Companies have trimmed the payroll as well as production, expansion, etc... that has made investors feel confident in they have learned there lesson.
There has been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector
Simply put, BHO anemic economy is priced in

I've been in the stock market to at least a small degree since the summer of 1966. I remember the impact of several drops but none which affected folks more than this:
October 9, 2007, DOW closed at 14,164.43 then closed at 6,594.44 on March 5, 2009. As you noticed we're just now back so what's so hard to calculate.....

I pulled out everything my wife and I had in equities when the DOW had dropped to about 11,000 and admittedly got back in a little early but ended up raking off about $75,000 above what I would have had if the dip had never occurred.

If you are so smart, why are you wasting so much of your time on blogs such as this??
The DOW is behaving in accordance to low yielding bond and T Bill rates coupled with a continual flow of funds dedicated to retirement accounts. Once fear subsided, investors realized well run companies were employing austerity programs and adjusting business models, were not going to evaporate into thin air, and moved back in to equities to take advantage of beaten down high quality equities. Markets recover quicker and best when left alone to make required adjustments.
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The DOW is behaving in accordance to low yielding bond and T Bill rates coupled with a continual flow of funds dedicated to retirement accounts. Once fear subsided, investors realized well run companies were employing austerity programs and adjusting business models, were not going to evaporate into thin air, and moved back in to equities to take advantage of beaten down high quality equities. Markets recover quicker and best when left alone to make required adjustments.

A very educated analysis of the same I have stated
The crash in 08 had little to do with the govt
as is the recovery AFTER GWB tarp saving the whole thing (not the way BHO give his 50% away)
If AIG fails, it was over
The GDP that plummeted in 2008 when the wealth bubble exploded has had in reality no growth sense
Having an economy that grows 2% after falling 18% in 2008 is not growth despite record deficit spending, That is not even a correction

Companies are making money. Those lucky enough to be working are the last ones standing
Companies have trimmed the payroll as well as production, expansion, etc... that has made investors feel confident in they have learned there lesson.
There has been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector
Simply put, BHO anemic economy is priced in

Indeed...........makes no sense, does it? People making mega-profits in an economy with 2% growth........worst recovery since WWII. People need to start connecting the dots.

Watch what happens when the Fed stops pumping:eusa_dance:.........something not even on the radar of the k00ks in here.
The GDP that plummeted in 2008 when the wealth bubble exploded has had in reality no growth sense
Having an economy that grows 2% after falling 18% in 2008 is not growth despite record deficit spending, That is not even a correction

Companies are making money. Those lucky enough to be working are the last ones standing
Companies have trimmed the payroll as well as production, expansion, etc... that has made investors feel confident in they have learned there lesson.
There has been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector
Simply put, BHO anemic economy is priced in

Indeed...........makes no sense, does it? People making mega-profits in an economy with 2% growth........worst recovery since WWII. People need to start connecting the dots.

Watch what happens when the Fed stops pumping:eusa_dance:.........something not even on the radar of the k00ks in here.

I think the DOW does has little to do with BHO failed presidency
I guess my point is that these companies TCB, and profits, growth in places such as Texas, North Dakota, Okla. etc... is what the investor is looking at profits as well as growth (except APPL holy sh--)

Wall Mart excels because there expanding in locations where there are opportunities for growth
Cat is selling equipment in the heart of Private sector growth such as "frackville" as well as the power market starting to expand with the return of demand of Combined cycle power plants driven by turbines fed with natural gas

That free market growth is the only reason the 8 million people who have left the work force in the last 4 years is not 16 million

In Florida where my home is? it is still a mess
yet the rich in South Florida from the NE re-elected BHO for all the wrong reasons
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The GDP that plummeted in 2008 when the wealth bubble exploded has had in reality no growth sense
Having an economy that grows 2% after falling 18% in 2008 is not growth despite record deficit spending, That is not even a correction

Companies are making money. Those lucky enough to be working are the last ones standing
Companies have trimmed the payroll as well as production, expansion, etc... that has made investors feel confident in they have learned there lesson.
There has been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector
Simply put, BHO anemic economy is priced in

I've been in the stock market to at least a small degree since the summer of 1966. I remember the impact of several drops but none which affected folks more than this:
October 9, 2007, DOW closed at 14,164.43 then closed at 6,594.44 on March 5, 2009. As you noticed we're just now back so what's so hard to calculate.....

I pulled out everything my wife and I had in equities when the DOW had dropped to about 11,000 and admittedly got back in a little early but ended up raking off about $75,000 above what I would have had if the dip had never occurred.

If you are so smart, why are you wasting so much of your time on blogs such as this??

Just exactly where did I say I was smart. My financial advisor at the local Ameriprise office is the son of one of my high school classmates. I think he's smart.
The GDP that plummeted in 2008 when the wealth bubble exploded has had in reality no growth sense
Having an economy that grows 2% after falling 18% in 2008 is not growth despite record deficit spending, That is not even a correction

Companies are making money. Those lucky enough to be working are the last ones standing
Companies have trimmed the payroll as well as production, expansion, etc... that has made investors feel confident in they have learned there lesson.
There has been no job growth except in the oil and gas sector
Simply put, BHO anemic economy is priced in

Only a real idiot or a lying political hack would call the recession of 2008 O'bama's recession, even the dull normal know Obama did not take office until January 2009.
I've been in the stock market to at least a small degree since the summer of 1966. I remember the impact of several drops but none which affected folks more than this:
October 9, 2007, DOW closed at 14,164.43 then closed at 6,594.44 on March 5, 2009. As you noticed we're just now back so what's so hard to calculate.....

I pulled out everything my wife and I had in equities when the DOW had dropped to about 11,000 and admittedly got back in a little early but ended up raking off about $75,000 above what I would have had if the dip had never occurred.

So true
Appl has HURT mine, but over all same here
Any 401K that stayed in during that dip is SMOKING

We put our two IRA's back into equities when the market had dropped to about 8000 so even though that didn't get the full advantage we have really done well.
At 7500, I turned up My contribution to the 401k to the max and bought cheap. I made a killing.

That is why I always laugh at people who try to use the drop of 2008/9 as an argument for why we should not substitute the market for Social Security.
So true
Appl has HURT mine, but over all same here
Any 401K that stayed in during that dip is SMOKING

We put our two IRA's back into equities when the market had dropped to about 8000 so even though that didn't get the full advantage we have really done well.
At 7500, I turned up My contribution to the 401k to the max and bought cheap. I made a killing.

That is why I always laugh at people who try to use the drop of 2008/9 as an argument for why we should not substitute the market for Social Security.

I'll tell you why. My dad was a perfect example. With less than a high school education he worked hard all his life and while supporting the family the best he could ended up borrowing money to make ends meet. If you make any plan optional or give a person choices about how to invest it over half will end up with nothing. Right now the average IRA holds about $75,000 and the average family in the country has 10 credit cards and owes about $8000 of credit card debt.

It's called social security and was never intended to serve any purpose other than to let old people live their last years with a modicum of dignity. I only have a high school education but two of my three kids have masters degrees and the other one completed on the job training courses at a DOE nuclear facility and now earns six figures. I sometimes worked three jobs while they were in school and didn't save a penny until the mid eighties about the time I turned 50 but we've done pretty well since then.
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