Why is Donald letting everyone walk over him?


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Freedom Caucus, and counting. Is this all apart of the master plan?

Your opinion? That's it? LOL

No, actually objective facts. That's why it is titled evidence of weakness and not opinions of weakness.

Donald Trump has issued ultimatums to Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and North Korea. All of those nations defied his empty threats, IE, walked right over him. He is a pathetic little weakling and a disgrace to the failing United States.
Your opinion? That's it? LOL

No, actually objective facts. That's why it is titled evidence of weakness and not opinions of weakness.

Donald Trump has issued ultimatums to Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and North Korea. All of those nations defied his empty threats, IE, walked right over him. He is a pathetic little weakling and a disgrace to the failing United States.
You can "title" it anything you want but what you're doing is throwing out vague generalities and calling it evidence. That doesn't cut it.
No one's walking over Trump at all. He's made it very clear he won't be pushed around by other countries, especially Syria, unlike Obama allowed himself to be.
Trump was an inherited rich boy, a draft dodger, a failure in almost every business venture, so why would that change? For the interested read, 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston. For the apologists for this con-artist nothing can change their opinion as they are among the emasculated Americans who need a savior to lead them. Trump's words are all they need, that they are empty doesn't matter.

7 psychological concepts that explain the Trump era of politics
This is one of the weakest regressor lies yet. Who's running over Trump? I don't see it.
Trump was an inherited rich boy, a draft dodger, a failure in almost every business venture, so why would that change? For the interested read, 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston. For the apologists for this con-artist nothing can change their opinion as they are among the emasculated Americans who need a savior to lead them. Trump's words are all they need, that they are empty doesn't matter.

7 psychological concepts that ex
He isn't Hillary so that a big win for America. You can foam up all you want, doesn't matter. A lot has been done already and I don't need a shrink to tell me why libs are unhappy.
Your opinion? That's it? LOL

No, actually objective facts. That's why it is titled evidence of weakness and not opinions of weakness.

Donald Trump has issued ultimatums to Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and North Korea. All of those nations defied his empty threats, IE, walked right over him. He is a pathetic little weakling and a disgrace to the failing United States.
What makes an ultimatum so surprising is that it tends to be rare and comes as a surprise. He broke the principle of surprise. He dropped the value of an ultimatum and proved the American law system with all its faults can resist a president of their own enough for innocent "ultimatum victims" to remain quite unmoved.

Besides for the shivers of disgust as they remember - Trump. Out there, somewhere...:puke3:

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