Why is Donald letting everyone walk over him?

he is selling them weapons......does the us want to continue to be the global arms dealer? military spending does not have a good return dollar for dollar
Your opinion? That's it? LOL

No, actually objective facts. That's why it is titled evidence of weakness and not opinions of weakness.

Donald Trump has issued ultimatums to Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and North Korea. All of those nations defied his empty threats, IE, walked right over him. He is a pathetic little weakling and a disgrace to the failing United States.
You have no clue what is going on. If you did you would be part of it. instead you are just another hapless Trump basher on the internet who is so desperately pathetic to make a fool of themselves, they make up crap.
Most embarrassing was Mexico. After all the lies and bragging, watching him looking at his shoes, that idiotic bobby pin in his hair.

Poor, gullible RWNJs got dirt thrown in their faces and now they're desperate to look less stupid so they for him. And they blame Obama for drumpfs lies and massive mistakes.

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Most embarrassing was Mexico. After all the lies and bragging, watching him looking at his shoes, that idiotic bobby pin in his hair.

Poor, gullible RWNJs got dirt thrown in their faces and now they're desperate to look less stupid so they for him. And they blame Obama for drumpfs lies and massive mistakes.

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Huh? What drug are you on? Mexico is back peddling so fast they've almost spun the grease out of their hair.
Your opinion? That's it? LOL

No, actually objective facts. That's why it is titled evidence of weakness and not opinions of weakness.

Donald Trump has issued ultimatums to Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and North Korea. All of those nations defied his empty threats, IE, walked right over him. He is a pathetic little weakling and a disgrace to the failing United States.
You can "title" it anything you want but what you're doing is throwing out vague generalities and calling it evidence. That doesn't cut it.

If only you had watched his campaign speeches. There were dozens of times he swaggered and threatened and he's still doing the same thing.

And he's blaming Obama for what congress did.

The cheeto owns it now. Period.

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You know you have them cornered when their only defense is to bring up Obama.
No one's reading this.
five of us have so far
I didn't read it, I just posted in a fit of fly over country rube degenerate anger.

RWNJs never inform and educate themselves before spouting their harebrained opinions.

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Oh, you mean like you do? You get all your crap from the media or you pull it out of backside.

Your opinion? That's it? LOL

No, actually objective facts. That's why it is titled evidence of weakness and not opinions of weakness.

Donald Trump has issued ultimatums to Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and North Korea. All of those nations defied his empty threats, IE, walked right over him. He is a pathetic little weakling and a disgrace to the failing United States.
You can "title" it anything you want but what you're doing is throwing out vague generalities and calling it evidence. That doesn't cut it.

If only you had watched his campaign speeches. There were dozens of times he swaggered and threatened and he's still doing the same thing.

And he's blaming Obama for what congress did.

The cheeto owns it now. Period.

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Be specific instead of throwing out mindless ramblings.
Your opinion? That's it? LOL

No, actually objective facts. That's why it is titled evidence of weakness and not opinions of weakness.

Donald Trump has issued ultimatums to Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and North Korea. All of those nations defied his empty threats, IE, walked right over him. He is a pathetic little weakling and a disgrace to the failing United States.
You can "title" it anything you want but what you're doing is throwing out vague generalities and calling it evidence. That doesn't cut it.

If only you had watched his campaign speeches. There were dozens of times he swaggered and threatened and he's still doing the same thing.

And he's blaming Obama for what congress did.

The cheeto owns it now. Period.

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Be specific instead of throwing out mindless ramblings.

Republicans/Trump lied to armchair qb Obama well now we want to see what Donald is going to do about

North Korea, Russia, Syria, Iran & Israel. Good luck Jared Kushner
Your opinion? That's it? LOL

No, actually objective facts. That's why it is titled evidence of weakness and not opinions of weakness.

Donald Trump has issued ultimatums to Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and North Korea. All of those nations defied his empty threats, IE, walked right over him. He is a pathetic little weakling and a disgrace to the failing United States.
You can "title" it anything you want but what you're doing is throwing out vague generalities and calling it evidence. That doesn't cut it.

If only you had watched his campaign speeches. There were dozens of times he swaggered and threatened and he's still doing the same thing.

And he's blaming Obama for what congress did.

The cheeto owns it now. Period.

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Be specific instead of throwing out mindless ramblings.

Republicans/Trump lied to armchair qb Obama well now we want to see what Donald is going to do about

North Korea, Russia, Syria, Iran & Israel. Good luck Jared Kushner
More mindless rambling with no specificity. Anybody else wanna try?
No one's walking over Trump at all. He's made it very clear he won't be pushed around by other countries, especially Syria, unlike Obama allowed himself to be.

You say that as literally every country pushes him around and walks over him. No one takes Donald seriously or respects him. Many countries are using his sponge like impressionability and incompetence to manipulate him.
This is one of the weakest regressor lies yet. Who's running over Trump? I don't see it.

Are you blind?

Germany will pay us nonexistent debts! They laugh at him.

Mexico will pay for the wall! The call him names and Americans are paying.

We're putting Iran on notice! Iran conducts a second ballistic missile test next week.

There will be consequences if North Korea continues their course! They conduct several more missile tests.

Now Syria...
What makes an ultimatum so surprising is that it tends to be rare and comes as a surprise. He broke the principle of surprise. He dropped the value of an ultimatum and proved the American law system with all its faults can resist a president of their own enough for innocent "ultimatum victims" to remain quite unmoved.

Besides for the shivers of disgust as they remember - Trump. Out there, somewhere...:puke3:

Donald's only negotiating tactic is bluster. He doesn't understand anything about diplomacy, foreign relations, or realpolitik. Well now every ruler on earth has called his bluffs and are ignoring him, mocking him, and manipulating him.
he is inviting war criminals to the white house

He told infamous human rights abuser el-Sisi that he was doing a fantastic job. This is a man that massacres protesters, cracks down on dissenting information, jails, tortures, and executes his political opposition.
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he is selling them weapons......does the us want to continue to be the global arms dealer? military spending does not have a good return dollar for dollar

Good point about Saudi Arabia. They have killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Yemen as part of a coordinated saturation bombing campaign.

The last administration banned them from attaining certain weapons, and Donald lifted the ban so now the RSA can continue blowing up civilian populated areas cheap.
Your opinion? That's it? LOL

No, actually objective facts. That's why it is titled evidence of weakness and not opinions of weakness.

Donald Trump has issued ultimatums to Germany, Mexico, Syria, Iran, and North Korea. All of those nations defied his empty threats, IE, walked right over him. He is a pathetic little weakling and a disgrace to the failing United States.

He's still too busy shitting in the face of our nations un-American whackos, illegals and bottom feeders....look, you're still pissing your pants 100 days in....hahaha
Donald Trump is a White alpha male Patriot. Nobody is walking over him or pushing him around.
The evidence is all there. Fat little Donny is a wimp .
What makes an ultimatum so surprising is that it tends to be rare and comes as a surprise. He broke the principle of surprise. He dropped the value of an ultimatum and proved the American law system with all its faults can resist a president of their own enough for innocent "ultimatum victims" to remain quite unmoved.

Besides for the shivers of disgust as they remember - Trump. Out there, somewhere...:puke3:

Donald's only negotiating tactic is bluster. He doesn't understand anything about diplomacy, foreign relations, or realpolitik. Well now every ruler on earth has called his bluffs and are ignoring him, mocking him, and manipulating him.
Only Putin is manipulating him. And that he should laughed at the same time is part of the plan.

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