Why is Election Integrity Under Assault?


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May 3, 2011
My house
I've known about this for 14 years when I was posting at Time's now-defunct Pathfinder Boards, that some posters were bragging about voting 10 to 30 times apiece. At first I thought, goodness, they're just talking crazy. But after sleeping on it, I went back to the thread to print it out, and all the posts were erased. Then it dawned on me, there's something to this that the webmaster didn't want anyone to know. I never forgot the bragging and high-fiving that went on between these, and one even said he was a precinct chairman in well, I won't name the state, but it was a liberal stronghold back in the 90s and still may be. It wasn't meant to be seen by any conservative or Republican, and to tell the truth, there weren't many of us at Time Magazine back then since they were pretty smearing of people from a different perspective than ultra-liberal.

I have been concerned about the spate of voter fraud lawsuits that came after elections of 2008, where widespread abuse from a community organization, ACORN, was followed by Judicial Watch and other concerned American citizens. At their website, they have the following article:

Election Integrity Project

Election Integrity is Under Assault

The integrity of the 2012 elections is under systematic assault by leftist activists and politicians whose objective is clearly to manipulate the 2012 elections for their own gain. Judicial Watch investigators have evidence that special interests, government entities, and even the current administration are:

  • Refusing to force states to clean their voter rolls of deceased and moved voters;

  • Fighting state efforts to require voters to show a photo ID at the polls;

  • Failing to enforce our federal laws against illegal immigration and effectively ending the deportation of illegal aliens, thereby swelling the population of potential illegal voters.
And as Judicial Watch uncovers more and more evidence of the breadth and scale of this effort, it is becoming clear that the objective of what we are seeing reaches far beyond the results of the 2012 election. That’s why Judicial Watch is taking action by suing states to force them to clean their voter rolls. We invite you to join our effort now by taking action to support our 2012 Election Integrity Project.

Credit: Judicial Watch

I'm wondering how long this illegal voting activity has been going on, and I want it to go away. It will not unless people insist on one citizen, one vote, and producing a driver's license or whatever, only available to US citizens.

The alternative is making fingerprints or eyescans for positive ids. With people not raising their children in churches, or doing not enough in the way of moral training of children or expecting union teachers to teach morality, children are not going to be very honest as adults, because they will be teaching each other how to get by informally which could include some highly illegal imprinting of wrongful attitudes that will haunt these people for the remainder of their lives.

If we now have people who think killing is okay sometimes, we shouldn't be surprised, considering how many think killing in a movie is okay but may forget to emphasize to youthful watchers it's not a good practice in real life. Access to guns in uninformed hands has been checked somewhat when people have their children trained in NRA classes, but not if they just throw latch-key kids out on the street while parents are away from home working two jobs to make ends meet.

We have to change this trust of corrupt officials to distrust and let them know their ass is grass if they continue stuffing ballot boxes.

A public hanging in offending districts would not disturb me, since it would stop the practice dead in its tracks.

I know it's going on. I want voters in charge of who gets elected, not precinct chairmen with charter buses to pick up illegal immigrants from Somalia to vote like they did in Ohio last week:

Two volunteer poll workers at an Ohio voting station told Human Events that they observed van loads of Ohio residents born in Somalia — the state is home to the second-largest Somali population in the United States — being driven to the voting station and guided by Democratic interpreters on the voting process. No Republican interpreters were present, according to these volunteers. While it’s not unusual for get-out-the-vote groups to help voters get to the polls, the volunteers who talked to Human Events observed a number of troubling and questionable activities.
A source, who wishes to remain anonymous, is a volunteer outside the Morse Road polling center. She has witnessed Somalis who cannot speak English come to the polling center. They are brought in groups, by van or bus. The Democrats hand them a slate card and say, “vote Brown all the way down.” Given that Sherrod Brown is the incumbent Democrat Senator in Ohio, one can assume that this is the reference.
I've known about this for 14 years when I was posting at Time's now-defunct Pathfinder Boards, that some posters were bragging about voting 10 to 30 times apiece.

Yes, because everything posted on message boards is the truth.

I'm wondering how long this illegal voting activity has been going on, and I want it to go away.

Something that isn’t a problem to begin with can’t ‘go away.’

I know it's going on. I want voters in charge of who gets elected, not precinct chairmen with charter buses to pick up illegal immigrants from Somalia to vote like they did in Ohio last week:

This idiotic story was proven false, as there’s a 30 day cut-off for voter registration before a given election in Ohio.
I've known about this for 14 years when I was posting at Time's now-defunct Pathfinder Boards, that some posters were bragging about voting 10 to 30 times apiece.
Yes, because everything posted on message boards is the truth.

I'm wondering how long this illegal voting activity has been going on, and I want it to go away.
Something that isn’t a problem to begin with can’t ‘go away.’

I know it's going on. I want voters in charge of who gets elected, not precinct chairmen with charter buses to pick up illegal immigrants from Somalia to vote like they did in Ohio last week:
This idiotic story was proven false, as there’s a 30 day cut-off for voter registration before a given election in Ohio.
Yes it is. Democrats took away Norm Coleman's win in Minnesota a few years back and gave it to a celebrity named Al Franken. They're monsters.

As far as Ohio is concerned, this is truer than your posts ever were:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohCbqJsRztY"]Are Democrats commiting voter fraud in Ohio - YouTube[/ame]
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Partisan rightists are going to believe whatever nonsense they want, regardless the facts, regardless how idiotic they sound.

Unwilling to accept the simple fact a given republican candidate lost because voters rejected republican policy and conservative dogma, the right contrives the myth of ‘voter fraud’ as the only ‘explanation’ as how they could lose an election.

We’ll undoubtedly hear inane accusations of ‘voter fraud’ when Romney is defeated.

‘Voter fraud,’ republican article of religious faith, indeed.
Voter Fraud law in Pennsylvania:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z-JDe4pppI]Bill O'Reilly on Voter ID Laws - YouTube[/ame]
Partisan rightists are going to believe whatever nonsense they want, regardless the facts, regardless how idiotic they sound.

Unwilling to accept the simple fact a given republican candidate lost because voters rejected republican policy and conservative dogma, the right contrives the myth of ‘voter fraud’ as the only ‘explanation’ as how they could lose an election.

We’ll undoubtedly hear inane accusations of ‘voter fraud’ when Romney is defeated.

‘Voter fraud,’ republican article of religious faith, indeed.
Here's one on a lot of both parties committing voter fraud in public:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrBLxAt63Ks]VOTING FRAUD BY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS CAUGHT ON TAPE!!! WHY ARE THEY NOT IN JAIL?!?! - YouTube[/ame]
There will be cries of cheating and fraud, from the loser.

Always happens.
Al Franken isn't crying, and he was the loser.

Oh, wait. The people of Minnesota whose votes were disenfranchised in said election because 2 Demmie precinct chairmen stuffed the ballots after the voting was done, so the people are the real losers.

Democrats disenfranchised the majority of Minnesota voters who voted for Norm Coleman.
Minnesota Vote Fraud Case: 2812 Dead Voters

Whether the peculiar case of 2,800+ deceased individuals casting ballots is a matter of fraud, human error, or resurrection is of little importance at the moment.
According to current recount totals, Democrat Al Franken leads Republican Norm Coleman by a mere 312 votes. If the Minnesota Supreme Court rules in favor of Coleman later this month, which most analysts agree won’t be the case, an additional 4,000 votes will be added to the mix.
There is fraud, both intentional and unintentional in every election. Get over it.

What is needed is uniform ballots, uniform rules, and a positive picture id voter registration card. 1 voter; 1 vote.

Complaining about what was "stolen" from the GOP is hilarious. Complaining what was "stolen" from the DNC is just as hilarious. Grow up.

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