Why Is George Soros Exempt From "Occupier" Scorn?...

Because he is providing the food and paying the people to be there?
Damn....not one lib willing to stand up for Soros. interesting:eusa_think:

maybe b/c this is another troll thread that shouldn't be in the politics section.

just sayin'

but then again, if all the rightwingnut troll threads were taken out of the politics section, there would hardly be any threads there.

Then take the left wing troll threads out and we all would be taking a nap. zzzzzzzzz :lol:
How often do you nutters demand answers to stupid questions in real life?

If I ask a stupid question of you, will you immediately post an answer that somehow validates the stupid question? Let's see.

Why haven't nutters here made any jokes about Michelle Bachman's husband being less manly than Ethel Merman? Is it because they only dislike effeminate liberals who don't pretend to be straight?

I couldn't give a fuck about Soros. No impact on my life.............and you wouldn't even know who he is if not for the fact that you worship an alcoholic morning zoo-keeper who figured out that a bunch of dummies would get hard if he hated the black President.
Why Is George Soros Exempt From "Occupier" Scorn?...

Because George Soros is not the enemy.

Fear not everyone. I think we've gotten to the bottom......of this. The occupiers have to select which billionaires are the chosen ones.


Video: True Sh*t: Young Man Goes In On The Federal Reserve, Banking System & More! (Occupy Wall Street Protest)

Most of them do not mention any millionaire or billionaire by name. But its ok, just keep pretending they are attacking the rich by name, it looks good...on you
Here is a list of rich ppl that have been demonized by name from the OWS movement


Get it, the OP is full of shit crying victim about imaginary bullies taking his wunch monwey
How often do you nutters demand answers to stupid questions in real life?

If I ask a stupid question of you, will you immediately post an answer that somehow validates the stupid question? Let's see.

Why haven't nutters here made any jokes about Michelle Bachman's husband being less manly than Ethel Merman? Is it because they only dislike effeminate liberals who don't pretend to be straight?

I couldn't give a fuck about Soros. No impact on my life.............and you wouldn't even know who he is if not for the fact that you worship an alcoholic morning zoo-keeper who figured out that a bunch of dummies would get hard if he hated the black President.

Who's on first?

I've known of Soros for several years, he has a conviction under his belt and he shorted the British # that hurt a country immensely. So you may not give a fuck, but........
George Soros is a great American patriot. He cares about the poor, middle class and ordinary Americans.
How often do you nutters demand answers to stupid questions in real life?

If I ask a stupid question of you, will you immediately post an answer that somehow validates the stupid question? Let's see.

Why haven't nutters here made any jokes about Michelle Bachman's husband being less manly than Ethel Merman? Is it because they only dislike effeminate liberals who don't pretend to be straight?

I couldn't give a fuck about Soros. No impact on my life.............and you wouldn't even know who he is if not for the fact that you worship an alcoholic morning zoo-keeper who figured out that a bunch of dummies would get hard if he hated the black President.

Who's on first?

I've known of Soros for several years, he has a conviction under his belt that had impact on peoples lives and he shorted the British # that hurt a country immensely. So you may not give a fuck, but........

Has any liberal member of this forum ever spent any effort posting a defense of George Soros in response to the littany of accusations made against the man? I've been here a week or so.....and you'll know better than me. But....I highly doubt it.

We Do Not Care. The man is not someone who guides the average American liberal in any way. The entire Soros thing is an example of overactive nutter imagination.
George Soros is a great American patriot. He cares about the poor, middle class and ordinary Americans.

Sometimes I think you say the stupidist things to just get a rise out the "other side" Lakhota.

What Soros did to Britain and the poor and middle class over there is anything but an American patriot. tsk, tsk

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