Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum?

I think the primary reason is the Palestinian supporters demand borders and Israeli concessions that the Israeli's KNOW will lead to their extermination. It's hard to be reasonable with those who are unreasonable.
But why does that affect people who just happen to be discussing it?
I think the primary reason is the Palestinian supporters demand borders and Israeli concessions that the Israeli's KNOW will lead to their extermination. It's hard to be reasonable with those who are unreasonable.
But why does that affect people who just happen to be discussing it?

Because a goodly proportion have relatives who live in Israel.
The reason for this thread is kind of a follow up to a recent conference at Harvard, where hundreds of Zionists and anti-Zionists got together with the sole purpose of discussing the issues of Israel and Palestine calmly, intelligently and with mutual respect for opposing opinions.

Historic Moment Signals a Revolution Brewing in the American Jewish Community

a grassroots-led and student-driven movement called Open Hillel launched a three-day conference, determined to create what Jewish institutions have largely refused to permit: dynamic spaces where both Zionists and anti-Zionists can come together and discuss Israel as equals, with equally valuable perspectives as respected members of the American Jewish community.

The Open Hillel conference certainly succeeded in creating such spaces, where for three days rooms were packed to hear Jews and Palestinians discuss Israel openly and honestly.
So I thought, if they can do that at Harvard, why can't we do it here? Not that we're going to. But maybe we can attempt to discuss it without going off into the abyss, like we normally do. Um, like I normally do.

And in the event someone does have a moment of weakness and does go off with an emotional, knee jerk response, I have no intention....in this thread at least.....to respond in kind, or treat that persons response any less than my own. If that is what someone chooses to say, so be it.

Bottom line, all comments are welcome. And I do mean "all"!
If you were going to name whom (or what) is responsible for the consistently deteriorating discord, who (or what) would it be?

the Zionists?
the anti-Zionists?
the Americans?
the Israeli's?
the Muslims?
the Jews?
the pro-Palestine crowd?
the pro-Israeli crowd?
human nature?
the seriousness of the topics being discussed?

If you had to put your finger on one thing that is preventing issues in this forum from being discussed in a civil, respectful manner, without all the emotional outbursts and name-calling, what would it be?
Because a goodly proportion have relatives who live in Israel.
Is "goodly" even a word?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I'm sure there are Israeli's, living in Israel, that can discuss their differences with Palestinian's in a respectful manner without getting all emotional? Whenever I go to the website, "Rabbi's for Human Rights", I don't see any of them going off.
I guess it goes without saying this is the most volatile forum at USMB? I don't think I've seen one thread where a shouting match didn't occur at some point. There is so much vitriol, one would think you'd have an "Enter at your own risk" sign on the first webpage before entering. I'm wondering why a lack of civility is so prevalent? And yes, I know, I'm one of the biggest violators of that. If there was a "Biggest Prick in the Forum" contest, I would probably make the meddle round.

If you were going to name whom (or what) is responsible for the consistently deteriorating discord, who (or what) would it be?

the Zionists?
the anti-Zionists?
the Americans?
the Israeli's?
the Muslims?
the Jews?
the pro-Palestine crowd?
the pro-Israeli crowd?
human nature?
the seriousness of the topics being discussed?​

If you had to put your finger on one thing that is preventing issues in this forum from being discussed in a civil, respectful manner, without all the emotional outbursts and name-calling, what would it be?

Anyone else think someone hijacked Billo's USMB account?

Ok, where's Billo and what have you done with him OP?
I guess it goes without saying this is the most volatile forum at USMB? I don't think I've seen one thread where a shouting match didn't occur at some point. There is so much vitriol, one would think you'd have an "Enter at your own risk" sign on the first webpage before entering. I'm wondering why a lack of civility is so prevalent? And yes, I know, I'm one of the biggest violators of that. If there was a "Biggest Prick in the Forum" contest, I would probably make the meddle round.

If you were going to name whom (or what) is responsible for the consistently deteriorating discord, who (or what) would it be?

the Zionists?
the anti-Zionists?
the Americans?
the Israeli's?
the Muslims?
the Jews?
the pro-Palestine crowd?
the pro-Israeli crowd?
human nature?
the seriousness of the topics being discussed?​

If you had to put your finger on one thing that is preventing issues in this forum from being discussed in a civil, respectful manner, without all the emotional outbursts and name-calling, what would it be?

the Zionists?

the anti-Zionists?
the Americans?
the Israeli's?

the Muslims?
the Jews?
the pro-Palestine crowd?
the pro-Israeli crowd?
human nature?
the seriousness of the topics being discussed?

Palestinian intransigence caused by religious dogma keeps reasonable people engaged with unreasonable people on the same small dime of land trying to move off from it, figuratively, to a more reasonable place.

But it never moves anywhere.

Why not?

See my first sentence.

And we return once again to the same small dime.

Nowhere else to go.

Nothing else to do.

No hope for any reasonable outcome.

Shit pot.
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I guess it goes without saying this is the most volatile forum at USMB? I don't think I've seen one thread where a shouting match didn't occur at some point. There is so much vitriol, one would think you'd have an "Enter at your own risk" sign on the first webpage before entering. I'm wondering why a lack of civility is so prevalent? And yes, I know, I'm one of the biggest violators of that. If there was a "Biggest Prick in the Forum" contest, I would probably make the meddle round.

If you were going to name whom (or what) is responsible for the consistently deteriorating discord, who (or what) would it be?

the Zionists?
the anti-Zionists?
the Americans?
the Israeli's?
the Muslims?
the Jews?
the pro-Palestine crowd?
the pro-Israeli crowd?
human nature?
the seriousness of the topics being discussed?​

If you had to put your finger on one thing that is preventing issues in this forum from being discussed in a civil, respectful manner, without all the emotional outbursts and name-calling, what would it be?

Let me give you a hint.

It usually starts with people abusing the f- u- c- k- buttons.
Because a goodly proportion have relatives who live in Israel.
Is "goodly" even a word?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I'm sure there are Israeli's, living in Israel, that can discuss their differences with Palestinian's in a respectful manner without getting all emotional? Whenever I go to the website, "Rabbi's for Human Rights", I don't see any of them going off.

How many of them are southerners?

Eh, never mind me, I'm just passing by...
the seriousness of the topics being discussed? how serious, killing kids for no good reasons, trigger happy iDF;s playing big shots with their rifles and army gear. Sick.

Israeli army kills 14-year old Palestinian with U.S. citizenship

The killing comes eight days after Israeli soldiers killed a 13-year-old boy during a raid on a West Bank village.

Orwah is the tenth Palestinian child killed by Israeli forces with live ammunition in the occupied West Bank in 2014,” said Brad Parker, attorney and international advocacy officer at Defense for Children International-Palestine. “Impunity is the norm for Israeli soldiers that commit violence against children as they consistently violate their own live-fire regulations and know that they will not be held accountable for their actions no matter what the result. There is no justice or accountability for child victims.” - See more at: Israeli army kills 14-year old Palestinian with U.S. citizenship 8211 Mondoweiss
I guess it goes without saying this is the most volatile forum at USMB? I don't think I've seen one thread where a shouting match didn't occur at some point. There is so much vitriol, one would think you'd have an "Enter at your own risk" sign on the first webpage before entering. I'm wondering why a lack of civility is so prevalent? And yes, I know, I'm one of the biggest violators of that. If there was a "Biggest Prick in the Forum" contest, I would probably make the meddle round.

If you were going to name whom (or what) is responsible for the consistently deteriorating discord, who (or what) would it be?

the Zionists?
the anti-Zionists?
the Americans?
the Israeli's?
the Muslims?
the Jews?
the pro-Palestine crowd?
the pro-Israeli crowd?
human nature?
the seriousness of the topics being discussed?​

If you had to put your finger on one thing that is preventing issues in this forum from being discussed in a civil, respectful manner, without all the emotional outbursts and name-calling, what would it be?

On the assumption this is a serious question, my serious answer would have to be, the Forum Moderators and staff. Ultimately they bear the responsibility as to the level of invective, name calling, uncivil behaviour, etc. that takes place on their board. They have it within their power to prevent behaviour they consider unsuitable so if people are allowed to get away with being rude and uncivil, it's human nature to respond in kind; there are no saints here. I have noticed there is a Clean Debate Forum on this board but it's unclear whether or not the Israel-Palestine question can be discussed there, but if you're willing to give it a go, I won't mind joining you or anyone else willing to have a serious discussion on this topic, there.
"Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum?"

Among many other reasons, because those who offer legitimate, appropriate, and factual criticism of Israel are immediately branded 'anti-Semites.'

As soon as they come out with Zionists, baby killers, war crimes, land thefts, illegal settlements and invasion you can take it as a given that they are not offering legitimate, appropriate and factual criticism just NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED
the seriousness of the topics being discussed? how serious, killing kids for no good reasons, trigger happy iDF;s playing big shots with their rifles and army gear. Sick.

Israeli army kills 14-year old Palestinian with U.S. citizenship

The killing comes eight days after Israeli soldiers killed a 13-year-old boy during a raid on a West Bank village.

Orwah is the tenth Palestinian child killed by Israeli forces with live ammunition in the occupied West Bank in 2014,” said Brad Parker, attorney and international advocacy officer at Defense for Children International-Palestine. “Impunity is the norm for Israeli soldiers that commit violence against children as they consistently violate their own live-fire regulations and know that they will not be held accountable for their actions no matter what the result. There is no justice or accountability for child victims.” - See more at: Israeli army kills 14-year old Palestinian with U.S. citizenship 8211 Mondoweiss

Don't you mean dual nationality, and the first question any decent human being would ask is what was he doing there after the US had made Palestine a no go area ?

Now I see he is a dually and he was involved in violent clashes and riots, so knew the dangers of attacking Israeli soldiers. So he brought it on himself.
"Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum?"

Among many other reasons, because those who offer legitimate, appropriate, and factual criticism of Israel are immediately branded 'anti-Semites.'

As soon as they come out with Zionists, baby killers, war crimes, land thefts, illegal settlements and invasion you can take it as a given that they are not offering legitimate, appropriate and factual criticism just NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED

There you have it, name calling .
"Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum?"

Among many other reasons, because those who offer legitimate, appropriate, and factual criticism of Israel are immediately branded 'anti-Semites.'

Or perhaps because so little of what is posted here is legitimate, appropriate, and factual criticism of Israel but rather is simply camel crap. Scratch the surface of most anti-Israel posters here and out pops the anti-Semite.
And this would be an example of why it is so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum.

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