Why is it?

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
Take a good look at your toilet. The flushing handle is most likely on the top left-hand side of the tank. Why is that? Why couldn't it just as easily be on the right hand side of the tank or maybe even in the middle? Is this a plot by some left-hand individual to take control of America? It just doesn't seem fair that we don't have a choice concerning the location of the handle.
you can order them on either side and there are ones with it in the middle as well.....
Most people are right handed and would use that hand to wipe their butts and such. It would seem that putting the handle on the left would make it more logical for one to then use their clean left hand to flush.

Regardless, clean that toilet handle frequently!
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The last two bathrooms I remodeled, I used these:


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