Why is Jimmy Carter considered to have been a bad president?

they had to be born and alive during carter to understand. lol
Man oh man. it was horrible FOR US
He is almost as unmentionable as LBJ.

We got bitchslapped and hijacked by the Iranians, it was "so terrible", and the whole four years was an embarrassment.

Panama Canal now in Chinese hands due to Carter.

Telling people to put on a sweater if they were cold, because he could not ensue the world's oil market was open and stable.

Just a bad time all around.

I did love his speech on the inevitability of Soviet world dominance, and how America must simply accept a secondary role to our Soviet superiors. That was 1977. When the morons start trotting out that the USSR fell on it's own, I love linking to the Carter speech.
Damn I forgot about that speech. Cater was the FIRST to tour the world on the "It's ALL Americas fault" show. Obama has perfected it but Carter wrote it.


That IQ-214 of yours is showing again.

Actually, it should be noted that the ONLY ME-peace treaty that has been signed since the founding of the State of Eretz Israel and still holds, between Menachim Begin and Anwar Sadat was a treaty brokered personally by former Pres. Jimmy Carter.

You can say a lot of negative things about Jimmy Carter, but you cannot take away his record on this point.

Operation eagle Claw. the idiot should have let the IDF do it

Being the poster-child for VH-1's "One Hit Wonders" might have a bit to do with it. Carter lost re-election.
I regularly hear people refer to the Carter presidency as having been terrible. wikipedia tells me that the economy wasn't great, and the Iranian hostage crisis happened under his presidency, but nothing so terrible as to write his presidency off completely.

What made Jimmy Carter's presidency so bad that people don't feel the need to debate or elaborate when someone says he was the worst one?
You could start with the misery index......or the apathy he [Carter] generated until the entire country was one big myopic, gelatinous mess.....Of course there is the disastrous cuts to military spending which forced the two Presidents right after his term to spend outrageously just to catch back up...

I won't blame Iran hostage on him, but I will blame his incompetent reply to that fiasco....Double digit inflation....interest rates above 21%......

What was to hate??

I regularly hear people refer to the Carter presidency as having been terrible. wikipedia tells me that the economy wasn't great, and the Iranian hostage crisis happened under his presidency, but nothing so terrible as to write his presidency off completely.

What made Jimmy Carter's presidency so bad that people don't feel the need to debate or elaborate when someone says he was the worst one?

'Conservatives' and assorted libertoon loons hate him, and many Americans, being morons, think he personally created the phoney 'oil crisis" scam, but couldn't bring themselves to admit it was the multinational corps fleecing them. Americans at the time were wetting themselves and sniveling over having to wait in lines for gas for a while.

His foreign policy wasn't that great; his antisemitism led to his disaster in the desert in the hostage rescue attempt, but that is a matter of picking the wrong military man more than his personal failings.

Other than that, you can note that the economic policies he adopted were copied by Reagan; they didn't do Carter any good because the programs didn't kick in until after the election. In any case his Treasury guru Volcker stayed on, a good thing, since he shut down the 'Reaganomics' idiocy in a few months, rather than let it run for years.

The Carter Administration also promoted the rebuilding of the U.S. Navy, the '600 ship' Navy being the ideal goal.

Bad things he did include further dismantling and either grossly underfunding or providing no funding at all for what was left of the Great Society programs. He was not a supporter of working people, but then no President since Johnson has been either. He cut capital gains taxes, which did absolutely nothing for the economy, promoted tax deductions for interest on mortgages, which to this day only produces artificial real estate bubbles and high inflationary prices on housing, and other harmful economic 'incentives'.
Why is Jimmy Carter considered to have been a bad president?

because he is

in fact he WAS the worst president

until Barack Hussein Obama II came along

and swiftly moved into that spot

great fantasy there.I see you fall for propaganda by the CIA controlled media.
Being the poster-child for VH-1's "One Hit Wonders" might have a bit to do with it. Carter lost re-election.

of course he did.AGAIN the establishment has made sure the last several decades the good ones dont serve in office longer than one term,wake up.

the only exception to that rule has been Bush sr and that was because he was ready to step down from office at the time.He had already in reality served two terms as president because by the time Reagan served a second term,he had alzheimers and did not know what he was doing so Bush was running the country the last four years when Reagan was in office.
It's possible that most democrat administrations were as inept as Jimmy Carter but it shows what happens to a democrat when he has little or apparently no media support. Every speech was a joke and his "energy speech" took the prize while Americans were fighting in gas lines Jimmy appeared in a sweater and recommended that Americans put on sweaters to counter the lack of energy supplies during the winter. Personally I found it offensive that Carter's first act in office was to issue a blanket pardon every ass hole traitor who fled to Canada to avoid the draft.
I regularly hear people refer to the Carter presidency as having been terrible. wikipedia tells me that the economy wasn't great, and the Iranian hostage crisis happened under his presidency, but nothing so terrible as to write his presidency off completely.

What made Jimmy Carter's presidency so bad that people don't feel the need to debate or elaborate when someone says he was the worst one?
He is almost as unmentionable as LBJ.

We got bitchslapped and hijacked by the Iranians, it was "so terrible", and the whole four years was an embarrassment.

Panama Canal now in Chinese hands due to Carter.

Telling people to put on a sweater if they were cold, because he could not ensue the world's oil market was open and stable.

Just a bad time all around.

Why do Righties have to lie out their asses?

The Panama Canal is now in Chinese hands? Really?

What in the fuck are you smoking?

The Panama Canal is in Panamanian hands, exactly AS FORSEEN in the original treaty, which clearly stated US ownership for circa 100 years. The Torrijos-Carter treaties were just a logical extension of the original treaty and provided joint-ownership until the original treaty ran out.

Panama Canal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

My God, what are some Righties really, really uninformed.

Shame on you.
GWB is actually the worst ever. Certainly of modern times.

Carter just made SOME Americans feel bad. That's his unpardonable sin.
I regularly hear people refer to the Carter presidency as having been terrible. wikipedia tells me that the economy wasn't great, and the Iranian hostage crisis happened under his presidency, but nothing so terrible as to write his presidency off completely.

What made Jimmy Carter's presidency so bad that people don't feel the need to debate or elaborate when someone says he was the worst one?
He is almost as unmentionable as LBJ.

We got bitchslapped and hijacked by the Iranians, it was "so terrible", and the whole four years was an embarrassment.

Panama Canal now in Chinese hands due to Carter.

Telling people to put on a sweater if they were cold, because he could not ensue the world's oil market was open and stable.

Just a bad time all around.
thats propaganda.Carter was the only halfway decent president we have had since our last great president JFK.Like JFK he also tried to do the right thing and get rid of the CIA,plus our govenment did not start any wars under Carter.

the proof is in the pudding on the CIA thing that he tried to reform them.soon as he got elected he fired bastard Fords appointee George Bush and replaced him with Stansfiled Turner who cleaned house and got rid of all covert operations.

soon as carter was out of office,Reagan got in and got the CIA back to its evil ways again reactivating the covert operations when he brought in William Casey who got the CIA back to its dirty tricks operations.

Carter also tried to do the right thing and also serve the people.Thats another example of a good president who did not get to serve in officer very long.the good ones never do.
Carter was just the victim of bad timing. Following Vietnam and starting off with the growth and power surge of OPEC he was given little in the way of support to contest militarily or economically. Basically given a mess and a population that was fed up with the negativity American had found itself embroiled in. Reagan offered the hope of grandpa getting us back to the good old days of strength, peace and prosperity. Apathy dominated the Ford and Carter years. Reagan brought about motivation and a sense of self worth and positive attitudes towards the future, no matter how false or laden with traps it happened to represent. Blind ignorance was our friend and the nation followed him into creating the mess we made to finally feel good about ourselves after Vietnam.
they had to be born and alive during carter to understand. lol
Man oh man. it was horrible FOR US
Yeah, it made self-proclaimed Conservatives FEEL really bad. Like, really, Really, REALLY bad. You just had to be there to understand. You simply HAD to.
Hell, I voted for Carter first time around then Anderson because I couldn't bring myself to vote for Reagan. By the time Reagan's first term came to an end, I joined millions of other Americans in delivering a landslide of biblical proportions to the Gipper (49 states while Mondale barely hung on to Minnesota).

Reagan was giant of world history while Carter was a midget of American.
I regularly hear people refer to the Carter presidency as having been terrible. wikipedia tells me that the economy wasn't great, and the Iranian hostage crisis happened under his presidency, but nothing so terrible as to write his presidency off completely.

What made Jimmy Carter's presidency so bad that people don't feel the need to debate or elaborate when someone says he was the worst one?
He is almost as unmentionable as LBJ.

We got bitchslapped and hijacked by the Iranians, it was "so terrible", and the whole four years was an embarrassment.

Panama Canal now in Chinese hands due to Carter.

Telling people to put on a sweater if they were cold, because he could not ensue the world's oil market was open and stable.

Just a bad time all around.
thats propaganda.Carter was the only halfway decent president we have had since our last great president JFK.Like JFK he also tried to do the right thing and get rid of the CIA,plus our govenment did not start any wars under Carter.

the proof is in the pudding on the CIA thing that he tried to reform them.soon as he got elected he fired bastard Fords appointee George Bush and replaced him with Stansfiled Turner who cleaned house and got rid of all covert operations.

soon as carter was out of office,Reagan got in and got the CIA back to its evil ways again reactivating the covert operations when he brought in William Casey who got the CIA back to its dirty tricks operations.

Carter also tried to do the right thing and also serve the people.Thats another example of a good president who did not get to serve in officer very long.the good ones never do.

Notice how after I took all the carter bashers to school on this they have not come back?:biggrin: they all ignored that post and evaded it doing this in their evasion.:blahblah:
I regularly hear people refer to the Carter presidency as having been terrible. wikipedia tells me that the economy wasn't great, and the Iranian hostage crisis happened under his presidency, but nothing so terrible as to write his presidency off completely.

What made Jimmy Carter's presidency so bad that people don't feel the need to debate or elaborate when someone says he was the worst one?

'Conservatives' and assorted libertoon loons hate him, and many Americans, being morons, think he personally created the phoney 'oil crisis" scam, but couldn't bring themselves to admit it was the multinational corps fleecing them. Americans at the time were wetting themselves and sniveling over having to wait in lines for gas for a while.

His foreign policy wasn't that great; his antisemitism led to his disaster in the desert in the hostage rescue attempt, but that is a matter of picking the wrong military man more than his personal failings.

Other than that, you can note that the economic policies he adopted were copied by Reagan; they didn't do Carter any good because the programs didn't kick in until after the election. In any case his Treasury guru Volcker stayed on, a good thing, since he shut down the 'Reaganomics' idiocy in a few months, rather than let it run for years.

The Carter Administration also promoted the rebuilding of the U.S. Navy, the '600 ship' Navy being the ideal goal.

Bad things he did include further dismantling and either grossly underfunding or providing no funding at all for what was left of the Great Society programs. He was not a supporter of working people, but then no President since Johnson has been either. He cut capital gains taxes, which did absolutely nothing for the economy, promoted tax deductions for interest on mortgages, which to this day only produces artificial real estate bubbles and high inflationary prices on housing, and other harmful economic 'incentives'.

you pretty much nailed it.The only thing I would disagree with is that he was not a supporter of the working people.If you check the carter years and the reagan years,you notice that the economy didnt take tank until the reagan years.that we were doing pretty well economically around the country under carter.as i said before,ever since reagan the economy has tanked worse and worse under each president and reagan got the ball rolling.

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