Why is Kasich still in the race?

I don't understand this "Mathematical" argument... Lets say people wake up and realize that its Donald Trump or Ted Cruz headed towards the nomination which would equal a disaster... This epiphany, long shot as it maybe, would direct voters towards the only sensible choice left. Now for some math:
Current Delegates:
Trump: 678
Cruz: 413
Kasich: 143

Delegates Left: 1,059

Lets say Kasich picks up 75% ; 10% Trump and 15% Cruz of the remaining delegates... They go into the convention with:

Trump: 783
Cruz: 572
Kasich: 795

Hows that for math?? I know its a long shot but it makes me shake my head when I hear dipshits like Cruz saying that there is Zero mathematical possibility for Kasich to win or compete. He could very well go into the convention with a majority of delegates or at least competitive enough to win if the unbound delegates give him their vote.

He is hoping for a brokered convention, alternately referred to as a contested convention, and sometimes as an open convention
Yes that is obvious... And when people like Cruz spout out these lies about him not having a mathematical chance or pathway to the whitehouse, he is showcasing his manipulation. The only thing that kasich can't do is lock up the 1237 prior to the convention. It's looking like none of the candidates will do that though. It is however possible for Kasich to go in with a competitive amount of delegates if he finishes strong

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