Why is Kasich still in the race?

. Cruz can't compete in NJ, PA, NY, WI or California. Trump would crush him and WALTZ into the nomination. Kasich is there ONLY to siphon of votes and delegates in the more moderate states while Cruz siphons off votes and delegates in the more conservative states.

Kasich has big support in PA & CA. That's like 250 delegates right there. So, Kasich is in for more than just a siphon. He's in for a real shot at the nomination.

Not so much that Kasich has big support. But he has big potential for support. He has to make an appeal to would-have-been Rubio and Bush supporters, and any undecideds that might be out there still.

2016 Pennsylvania Republican Presidential Primary - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Harper Polling (3/1-3/2 2016)
. Cruz can't compete in NJ, PA, NY, WI or California. Trump would crush him and WALTZ into the nomination. Kasich is there ONLY to siphon of votes and delegates in the more moderate states while Cruz siphons off votes and delegates in the more conservative states.

Kasich has big support in PA & CA. That's like 250 delegates right there. So, Kasich is in for more than just a siphon. He's in for a real shot at the nomination.

Not so much that Kasich has big support. But he has big potential for support. He has to make an appeal to would-have-been Rubio and Bush supporters, and any undecideds that might be out there still.

The primaries are about picking a candidate who will win the general election. Kasich beats Hillary by more than 10 points, Trump would lose to Hillary when you subtract black, Hispanic and many women voters; as well as conservatives who would and could never vote for Trump out of conscience of putting a sociopath in the Oval Office. So, since the bottom line is the bottom line in primaries, and the only other guy is legally fit for Prime Minister of Canada, but not POTUS, that leaves Kasich as the only choice for the GOP; providing they want to win the general election.

I've always maintained that Trump ran to serve as a reverse Ralph Nader for the democrats; to whom he has given tons of money to, so they could defeat the GOP in past election cycles...

He won't

this is going to be a Trump-Clinton thing

that's all

Yup. It's going to be Hillary taking 50 states after Trump melts down and alienates everyone.

Holly hell, they tear him a new one and then pour alcohol on it.

If he and Hillary have say three debates, he only has to make one gaf like that and there will be no reason for voting. It's over. Even now with all he's said he is the hail mary candidate.
. Cruz can't compete in NJ, PA, NY, WI or California. Trump would crush him and WALTZ into the nomination. Kasich is there ONLY to siphon of votes and delegates in the more moderate states while Cruz siphons off votes and delegates in the more conservative states.

Kasich has big support in PA & CA. That's like 250 delegates right there. So, Kasich is in for more than just a siphon. He's in for a real shot at the nomination.

Yep, Kasich only needs 101.5% of the available delegates, and he'll be a shoe in.
Simple math. To stump Trump. Spread out votes between 3 people instead of 2, taking away votes from the leader, Trump, resulting in a contested convention. This is what the republican establishment wants.
Guess what - it won't work. Voters are pissed. And, judging from these primaries, voters are speaking out for Trump, and against the do-nothing establishment.
All of a sudden you people AREN'T proud of do- nothing, Repubs.

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For 7 years it was all, "As long as Obama doesn't get anything done." Now...not so much.

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Simple math. To stump Trump. Spread out votes between 3 people instead of 2, taking away votes from the leader, Trump, resulting in a contested convention. This is what the republican establishment wants.
Guess what - it won't work. Voters are pissed. And, judging from these primaries, voters are speaking out for Trump, and against the do-nothing establishment.
All of a sudden you people AREN'T proud of do- nothing, Repubs.

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That's all we had, moron. It's either no ideas or bad ideas. I'll take no ideas over bad all day long.
What's the good idea now?

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He won't

this is going to be a Trump-Clinton thing

that's all

Yup. It's going to be Hillary taking 50 states after Trump melts down and alienates everyone.

This is why Trump is cleaning up the primaries. Although I don't believe he will win the general election, you simply can't beat someone with no one. That's what these ads sorely lack.

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Did anyone tell him he cannot mathematically be elected?

Math was never his strong suit.

That's why he went into politics.

Just look at the national deficit. That's why they all go into politics.
Maybe he's counting on a Trump implosion.

The problem with that line of thought is they hope Trump isn't genuine. Fact is, you're seeing who Trump is. You're not seeing who everyone else is, especially Hillary. She's the plastic candidate that is scared to death that people will see what she's really like when the cameras are off.

Aids said that when they were in the White House Hillary would be screaming at Bill during an elevator ride, the former president red-faced and silent. The swearing and the poisonous tongue lashing was hard to bear. The moment the doors to the elevator opened, the rage in Hillary's face would vanish and be replaced by that stupid practiced smile. It's like turning off a switch.

More "some people say" and "I know a guy" clap trap from the right.

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someone has to milk off a few dels from trump - kruz so they can't win outright

^^^ This is the correct answer right here. Cruz can't compete in NJ, PA, NY, WI or California. Trump would crush him and WALTZ into the nomination. Kasich is there ONLY to siphon of votes and delegates in the more moderate states while Cruz siphons off votes and delegates in the more conservative states.

It's the Establishments grand plan. THEY choose the nominee...how dare we interfere with our democracy...do we not understand that they only give us the ILLUSION of choice?

There you have it folks, the people don't vote for their candidate, the party does.

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Maybe he's counting on a Trump implosion.

The problem with that line of thought is they hope Trump isn't genuine. Fact is, you're seeing who Trump is. You're not seeing who everyone else is, especially Hillary. She's the plastic candidate that is scared to death that people will see what she's really like when the cameras are off.

Aids said that when they were in the White House Hillary would be screaming at Bill during an elevator ride, the former president red-faced and silent. The swearing and the poisonous tongue lashing was hard to bear. The moment the doors to the elevator opened, the rage in Hillary's face would vanish and be replaced by that stupid practiced smile. It's like turning off a switch.

More "some people say" and "I know a guy" clap trap from the right.

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I tend to believe the insider information I get over the years instead of the bullshit that passes for truth during an election year campaign.

The farther away from election day that you hear something, the more likely that it's the truth. The closer to election day you discover it, the more likely it's a lie.

I've been hearing this about Hillary since she and her husband first got into the White House. Christ, we all know how dishonest she is, and the rumors about her temper are legendary.

I used to have a White House level security clearance, and in my time in the military, I've met people that worked there. One guy told me he was there during the transition from Ford to Jimmy Carter. The public perceptions of a president are dependent on the press. The press loves Democrats, obviously, so they cover up the truth about their beloved representatives in the Oval Office. He told me the real differences between Ford and the Carters. Jimmy Carter had this reputation in the media of being a smiling guy and his wife Roseline was just a lovely couple. Ford was supposedly a clumsy buffoon. Truth is Ford was a nice guy who would walk down the hallway shaking hands and greeting people, whereas when Jimmy or his wife came down the hall, and I quote "It was like a cold wind". People ran for cover and got out of the way. You were not allowed to speak unless spoken to first. Jimmy and his wife were Southern Democrats who felt they were like royalty and expected to be treated like they were back living in that big white house on his plantation, and the servants literally treated like slaves. Everything you say the Republicans are, the Carters were in spades. Blacks were treated like crap. Even worse than the white staff.

You don't want to be around these people and not be rich. This is the Clintons in a nutshell. They feel they are above the law because they're rich Southern Democrats. Jimmy Carter was a micro manager, and he was a disaster. Hillary is just pure evil. Bill was her way into the White House....and she didn't get enough of it while she was there. I don't think Bill wants to go back, because he's under the microscope while he's there. Hillary loves the power and she wants everyone afraid of her.

Those are the facts, bud.
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You don't want to be around these people and not be rich. This is the Clintons in a nutshell. They feel they are above the law because they're rich Southern Democrats. Jimmy Carter was a micro manager, and he was a disaster. Hillary is just pure evil. Bill was her way into the White House....and she didn't get enough of it while she was there. I don't think Bill wants to go back, because he's under the microscope while he's there. Hillary loves the power and she wants everyone afraid of her.

Those are the facts, bud.

Guy, you really haven't presented any facts. You've presented some hearsay that you heard from a guy who heard from a guy that is what they were like in the White House.

Here's the facts. When Bill Clinton was president- we had peace, we had prosperity, we had real wage growth. If you go back to the Reagan Question, "Are you better off?" comparing 1992 to 2000, most Americans could resoundingly say, "Yes!"

But Bill Clinton - gasp - lied about a blow job, and that allowed George W. Stupid to get close enough to steal the election. We got War, we got recessions, we got mismanaged natural disasters, we got terrorist attacks.

Frankly, I'd like my life from the 1990's back.
There you have it folks, the people don't vote for their candidate, the party does.

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This ^^ chief democratic talking point you will be hearing quite a lot of between now and the RNC convention would be eliminated if the GOP simply outed their Canadian candidate and went with the one candidate who would thereafter sweep away Trump with an actual majority (even if Kasich falls short of the 1,200 whatever but has more than Trump) of delegates than if Cruz stays in the race to actually give credence and weight to what MarcATL just said..

Since we know a liberal Supreme Court anxious to settle the score of the 2,000 Gore v Bush travesty would find against Cruz, we might as well show him the door now, instead of when it's too late..
Did anyone tell him he cannot mathematically be elected?

Math was never his strong suit.

That's why he went into politics.

Just look at the national deficit. That's why they all go into politics.
If Trump makes it to the convention without the threshold delegates, he too cannot be nominated. Trump also can't be elected in the general. Kasich beats Hillary much more handily than Trump by a nice margin.

Why not do the math of the general election first and then work backwards? The name of the game is for the GOP to win the general election, not the primaries..
You don't want to be around these people and not be rich. This is the Clintons in a nutshell. They feel they are above the law because they're rich Southern Democrats. Jimmy Carter was a micro manager, and he was a disaster. Hillary is just pure evil. Bill was her way into the White House....and she didn't get enough of it while she was there. I don't think Bill wants to go back, because he's under the microscope while he's there. Hillary loves the power and she wants everyone afraid of her.

Those are the facts, bud.

Guy, you really haven't presented any facts. You've presented some hearsay that you heard from a guy who heard from a guy that is what they were like in the White House.

Here's the facts. When Bill Clinton was president- we had peace, we had prosperity, we had real wage growth. If you go back to the Reagan Question, "Are you better off?" comparing 1992 to 2000, most Americans could resoundingly say, "Yes!"

But Bill Clinton - gasp - lied about a blow job, and that allowed George W. Stupid to get close enough to steal the election. We got War, we got recessions, we got mismanaged natural disasters, we got terrorist attacks.

Frankly, I'd like my life from the 1990's back.
When Bill Clinton was president the press gave us the impression that everything was hunkydoery. However, 1993 I was in Mogadishu Somalia where over a dozen Rangers and Special Forces team Delta operators died during a 2 day firefight starting October 3rd. 99 were wounded. Leading up to that, over 200 clan members were butchered by the UN using our choppers from the 160th Nightstalkers Special Operations airwing at the direction of President William Jefferson Clinton, and UN General Secretary Boutros Boutros Ghalli. This was a response to the killing of several UN peacekeepers during the Summer of 93. Several of them were hacked to pieces with machetes along with a journalist after a surprise weapons inspection in the armory housing confiscated arms from Somali clan members. The weapons were discovered missing. After the killing of UN troops, a price was placed on the head of Mohamed Farrah Aidid.

"Elected in 1991 as Secretary-General, the top post of the UN, Boutros-Ghali's term in office remains controversial. In 1992, he submitted An Agenda for Peace, a suggestion for how the UN could respond to violent conflict. However, he was criticised for the UN's failure to act during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, which officially left over one million people dead, and he appeared unable to muster support in the UN for intervention in the continuing Angolan Civil War. One of the hardest tasks during his term was dealing with the crisis of the Yugoslav Wars after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. His reputation became entangled in the larger controversies over the effectiveness of the UN and the role of the United States in the UN. Some Somalis believed he was responsible for an escalation of the Somalia crisis by undertaking a personal vendetta against Mohamed Farrah Aidid and his Habr Gidr clan, favouring their rivals, the Darod the clan of the former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre. It was believed that he demanded the 12 July 1993 US helicopter attack on a meeting of Habr Gidr clan leaders, who were meeting to discuss a peace initiative put forward by the leader of the UN Mission in Mogadishu, retired U.S. Admiral Jonathan Howe. It is generally believed that the majority of the clan elders were eager to arrange a peace and to rein in the provocative activities of their clan leader, Mohamed Farrah Aidid, but, after this attack on a peaceful meeting, the clan was resolved on fighting the Americans and the UN, leading to the Battle of Mogadishu on 3–4 October 1993.[8]"
Boutros Boutros-Ghali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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