Why is Kasich still in the race?

This ^^ chief democratic talking point you will be hearing quite a lot of between now and the RNC convention would be eliminated if the GOP simply outed their Canadian candidate and went with the one candidate who would thereafter sweep away Trump with an actual majority (even if Kasich falls short of the 1,200 whatever but has more than Trump) of delegates than if Cruz stays in the race to actually give credence and weight to what MarcATL just said..

Since we know a liberal Supreme Court anxious to settle the score of the 2,000 Gore v Bush travesty would find against Cruz, we might as well show him the door now, instead of when it's too late..

Not sure why you are down on Cruz, he's the only one left who shares your homophobic views.
Not sure why you are down on Cruz, he's the only one left who shares your homophobic views.

Because he's got a Canadian birth certificate, spent his formative years in Canada and then illegally immigrated to Texas with his Cuban father. And I know how the law works, and how desperate the left's majority on the Court would be to disqualify him in a brutal blow to the GOP at the last minute..
When Bill Clinton was president the press gave us the impression that everything was hunkydoery. However, 1993 I was in Mogadishu Somalia where over a dozen Rangers and Special Forces team Delta operators died during a 2 day firefight starting October 3rd. 99 were wounded.

Um, so fucking what?
Don't you mean "What difference does it make?"
Not sure why you are down on Cruz, he's the only one left who shares your homophobic views.

Because he's got a Canadian birth certificate, spent his formative years in Canada and then illegally immigrated to Texas with his Cuban father. And I know how the law works, and how desperate the left's majority on the Court would be to disqualify him in a brutal blow to the GOP at the last minute..

Um, not really. First, it's not likely that a court challenge to Cruz would get to SCOTUS in time for this election. Secondly, ifhe is disqualified after he is elected, his Republican VP would just take over.
When Bill Clinton was president the press gave us the impression that everything was hunkydoery. However, 1993 I was in Mogadishu Somalia where over a dozen Rangers and Special Forces team Delta operators died during a 2 day firefight starting October 3rd. 99 were wounded.

Um, so fucking what?
Don't you mean "What difference does it make?"

No, I mean so fucking what? Why should I give a shit about something that happened 23 years ago?
When Bill Clinton was president the press gave us the impression that everything was hunkydoery. However, 1993 I was in Mogadishu Somalia where over a dozen Rangers and Special Forces team Delta operators died during a 2 day firefight starting October 3rd. 99 were wounded.

Um, so fucking what?
Don't you mean "What difference does it make?"

No, I mean so fucking what? Why should I give a shit about something that happened 23 years ago?
Bet you didn't say that about Bush's National Guard service, Mitt Romney's college hazing incident, or Ronald Reagan's Iran/Contra affair.

Besides, I wasn't talking to you, shitforbrains! !!
Bet you didn't say that about Bush's National Guard service, Mitt Romney's college hazing incident, or Ronald Reagan's Iran/Contra affair.

Besides, I wasn't talking to you, shitforbrains! !!

I don't think any of those were comparable.

Clinton made a decision to continue Bush-41's intervention into Somalia. Both parties agreed this was the sensible thing to do.

I don't really care about Bush's guard service, so never mind that.

Mitt's HIGH SCHOOL hazing incident reflects on his character.

Iran-Contra was anillegal action. I give Reagan a little slack in that he was trying to save American lives. But he should have kept a closer eye on what his boys were doing.
Um, not really. First, it's not likely that a court challenge to Cruz would get to SCOTUS in time for this election. Secondly, ifhe is disqualified after he is elected, his Republican VP would just take over.

Sure it would. The Court fast-tracks emergency issues. The race is now. You'd like the GOP to bank on that they wouldn't hear it, I'm sure... And the court wouldn't be foolish enough to wait until after the election. They'd hand down a Cruz defeat about two or three weeks before the election. Then it would be pandemonium in the GOP. A scenario you probably drool over.
I don't understand this "Mathematical" argument... Lets say people wake up and realize that its Donald Trump or Ted Cruz headed towards the nomination which would equal a disaster... This epiphany, long shot as it maybe, would direct voters towards the only sensible choice left. Now for some math:
Current Delegates:
Trump: 678
Cruz: 413
Kasich: 143

Delegates Left: 1,059

Lets say Kasich picks up 75% ; 10% Trump and 15% Cruz of the remaining delegates... They go into the convention with:

Trump: 783
Cruz: 572
Kasich: 795

Hows that for math?? I know its a long shot but it makes me shake my head when I hear dipshits like Cruz saying that there is Zero mathematical possibility for Kasich to win or compete. He could very well go into the convention with a majority of delegates or at least competitive enough to win if the unbound delegates give him their vote.
I don't understand this "Mathematical" argument... Lets say people wake up and realize that its Donald Trump or Ted Cruz headed towards the nomination which would equal a disaster... This epiphany, long shot as it maybe, would direct voters towards the only sensible choice left. Now for some math:
Current Delegates:
Trump: 678
Cruz: 413
Kasich: 143

Delegates Left: 1,059

Lets say Kasich picks up 75% ; 10% Trump and 15% Cruz of the remaining delegates... They go into the convention with:

Trump: 783
Cruz: 572
Kasich: 795

Hows that for math?? I know its a long shot but it makes me shake my head when I hear dipshits like Cruz saying that there is Zero mathematical possibility for Kasich to win or compete. He could very well go into the convention with a majority of delegates or at least competitive enough to win if the unbound delegates give him their vote.
Kasich could, but it is extremely unlikely.

He would first have to have seven pounds of his brain removed and start talking about how big his dick is and how much he hates Muslims and Mexicans.


I've had it up to here with these illegal Canadians!
Sure it would. The Court fast-tracks emergency issues. The race is now. You'd like the GOP to bank on that they wouldn't hear it, I'm sure... And the court wouldn't be foolish enough to wait until after the election. They'd hand down a Cruz defeat about two or three weeks before the election. Then it would be pandemonium in the GOP. A scenario you probably drool over.

Naw, the Scenario I'm drooling over is Cruz and Trump delegates, the hard core racists, misogynists and homophobes that make up their base, being most of the delegates to the convention, trying to find who can be the most pious and hateful. I want America to get a full view of what the GOP has turned into.
You don't want to be around these people and not be rich. This is the Clintons in a nutshell. They feel they are above the law because they're rich Southern Democrats. Jimmy Carter was a micro manager, and he was a disaster. Hillary is just pure evil. Bill was her way into the White House....and she didn't get enough of it while she was there. I don't think Bill wants to go back, because he's under the microscope while he's there. Hillary loves the power and she wants everyone afraid of her.

Those are the facts, bud.

Guy, you really haven't presented any facts. You've presented some hearsay that you heard from a guy who heard from a guy that is what they were like in the White House.

Here's the facts. When Bill Clinton was president- we had peace, we had prosperity, we had real wage growth. If you go back to the Reagan Question, "Are you better off?" comparing 1992 to 2000, most Americans could resoundingly say, "Yes!"

But Bill Clinton - gasp - lied about a blow job, and that allowed George W. Stupid to get close enough to steal the election. We got War, we got recessions, we got mismanaged natural disasters, we got terrorist attacks.

Frankly, I'd like my life from the 1990's back.

Clinton raped many many young women and basically buried them with the help of his "wife". You can tell a lot about a man's character by the way he treats women and his wife.
Sure it would. The Court fast-tracks emergency issues. The race is now. You'd like the GOP to bank on that they wouldn't hear it, I'm sure... And the court wouldn't be foolish enough to wait until after the election. They'd hand down a Cruz defeat about two or three weeks before the election. Then it would be pandemonium in the GOP. A scenario you probably drool over.

Naw, the Scenario I'm drooling over is Cruz and Trump delegates, the hard core racists, misogynists and homophobes that make up their base, being most of the delegates to the convention, trying to find who can be the most pious and hateful. I want America to get a full view of what the GOP has turned into.

this reply is absolute bullshit- you bought what the media told you. How in the hell can you say this crap with a straight face? Do you have evidence of any of the lies in your post here? The lib template has ALWAYS been cons are racists, bigots, sexists, homophobe- none of its true- none. It is you libtards that are intolerant- PROJECTION is in your blood.
Clinton raped many many young women and basically buried them with the help of his "wife". You can tell a lot about a man's character by the way he treats women and his wife.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating Clinton's sex life, and after a certain point, he didn't believe most of these women were credible. Here's the thing guy, after you spend 70 million dollars, and the ONLY thing you can prove is he got a blow job from someone who really wanted to suck his dick, you really, really have nothing.

this reply is absolute bullshit- you bought what the media told you. How in the hell can you say this crap with a straight face? Do you have evidence of any of the lies in your post here? The lib template has ALWAYS been cons are racists, bigots, sexists, homophobe- none of its true- none. It is you libtards that are intolerant- PROJECTION is in your blood.

Guy, you are about to nominate a guy who wants to engage in a Hitler like deportation of Mexicans, and you are claiming you aren't racist?

I've been involved in Republican politics. I know the kinds of things they say when the cameras arent' rolling.
I don't understand this "Mathematical" argument... Lets say people wake up and realize that its Donald Trump or Ted Cruz headed towards the nomination which would equal a disaster... This epiphany, long shot as it maybe, would direct voters towards the only sensible choice left. Now for some math:
Current Delegates:
Trump: 678
Cruz: 413
Kasich: 143

Delegates Left: 1,059

Lets say Kasich picks up 75% ; 10% Trump and 15% Cruz of the remaining delegates... They go into the convention with:

Trump: 783
Cruz: 572
Kasich: 795

Hows that for math?? I know its a long shot but it makes me shake my head when I hear dipshits like Cruz saying that there is Zero mathematical possibility for Kasich to win or compete. He could very well go into the convention with a majority of delegates or at least competitive enough to win if the unbound delegates give him their vote.
Kasich could, but it is extremely unlikely.

He would first have to have seven pounds of his brain removed and start talking about how big his dick is and how much he hates Muslims and Mexicans.


I've had it up to here with these illegal Canadians!

Not True, g5000

This year is unique in that your far, far, far right, with the help of some Obama and the GOP political misteps, got control of constituents perceptions!

Every since I started hearing that Dems and Rep are exactly the same, I knew this was an attack on the parties leadership by their extremes. Seems like it finally paid off for the far right
I don't understand this "Mathematical" argument... Lets say people wake up and realize that its Donald Trump or Ted Cruz headed towards the nomination which would equal a disaster... This epiphany, long shot as it maybe, would direct voters towards the only sensible choice left. Now for some math:
Current Delegates:
Trump: 678
Cruz: 413
Kasich: 143

Delegates Left: 1,059

Lets say Kasich picks up 75% ; 10% Trump and 15% Cruz of the remaining delegates... They go into the convention with:

Trump: 783
Cruz: 572
Kasich: 795

Hows that for math?? I know its a long shot but it makes me shake my head when I hear dipshits like Cruz saying that there is Zero mathematical possibility for Kasich to win or compete. He could very well go into the convention with a majority of delegates or at least competitive enough to win if the unbound delegates give him their vote.

He is hoping for a brokered convention, alternately referred to as a contested convention, and sometimes as an open convention

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