Why is Kasich still in the race?

He's betting on a brokered convention. I don't see any way that he'd be able to pull it off even if it went that way, but there's really no downside for him (as long as he can keep raising money) to stay in.
That is the real insanity in him staying in though - there is no way that the GOP is going to select a nominee that managed to win one out of fifty states. That would just be moronic.

I don't think that he even believes he can pull it off - but a brokered convention would give him quite a bargaining position for VP or a cabinet position.

I don't think he is thinking about being Vice President, unless he has a foolproof and unassailable plan to ensure succession.

Vice Presidents, historically, are do nothing dunces, and Kasich is certainly NOT that.
"Why is Kasich still in the race?"

Because he's the only republican candidate left with a modicum of decency and an interest in sound, responsible governance.

He's wrong on most of the issues, of course, but those are good faith mistakes on his part.

That is one more than the remaining (and due to unprecedented cowardice of the Democratic universe) and ONLY candidates on the Democratic side.

One who is a potential prison inmate and the other is an envious and jealous old fart whose ideas have been proven a failure everywhere in the world.

Neither with "a modicum of decency and an interest in sound, responsible governance".
Trump is still a better choice than Clinton 24/7


What do you base that on?

Trump has never held elective office, his business success has been based on inheriting a shitload of money when his father died.

I don't like Hillary, but I have no doubt she could run the country if elected.

I don't think Trump could, based on the way he ran Trump University (defunct, subject of lawsuits) Trump Airlines (bankrupt) Trump Steaks (Bankrupt) Trump Clothing lines (Made in China) Trump Casinos (bankrupt).
Hillary proved that the only thing she's qualified at doing is lying and throwing gas on a fire.....and then acting like it doesn't make any difference if people are dying by the truckload every day thanks to her criminal neglect.
Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

All he had to do was shift away from real estate and park his money in the same place that you can: an unmanaged stock index fund.

The background
To compare Trump’s performance to that of an unmanaged index fund, we need to know two things: his beginning net worth and his current net worth.

There’s considerable debate about Trump’s net worth. It’s estimated at $4.1 billion in the latest “Forbes 400” list, which puts him in the No. 133 spot of the richest folks in America. However, in July, he issued a press release announcing his net worth at $10 billion.

Fine. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and assume his net worth is $10 billion.

Now we need to establish his net worth at some point in the past.

Trump was on the Forbes 400 in 1982, when the magazine published its first annual list of America’s wealthiest denizens.

That year, Forbes said Trump’s fortune was “estimated at over $200 million,” but also acknowledged that Trump claimed it was “$500 million,” according to Timothy L. O’Brien’s book “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald.”

Again, let’s give Trump the benefit of the doubt and assume he was worth $500 million in 1982.

The math
Imagine Trump had retired in 1982, sold his real estate holdings and invested his $500 million in the S&P 500 — that is, 500 stocks representing the American stock market.

From 1982 through the end of 2014, the S&P 500 index had an annualized return, including reinvested dividends, of 11.86 percent, according to MoneyChimp’s S&P 500 Compound Annual Growth Rate calculator.

Per this calculator, every dollar invested in January 1982 would have been worth $40 by December of 2014. That means Trump’s initial $500 million would have grown to $20 billion. That’s twice what Trump says he’s worth today.

So you think Trump should have just parked his money somewhere instead of creating jobs and staying busy?

He won't

this is going to be a Trump-Clinton thing

that's all

Yup. It's going to be Hillary taking 50 states after Trump melts down and alienates everyone.

Is that any worse or more offensive than what Democrats/liberal - and not just one person, but all of them - claim and proudly declare of all males, especially white males, and even more especially old, white males?

Women have it pretty easy. No press dare to say the truth about them.

They should stop complaining about imaginary wrongs.
Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

All he had to do was shift away from real estate and park his money in the same place that you can: an unmanaged stock index fund.

The background
To compare Trump’s performance to that of an unmanaged index fund, we need to know two things: his beginning net worth and his current net worth.

There’s considerable debate about Trump’s net worth. It’s estimated at $4.1 billion in the latest “Forbes 400” list, which puts him in the No. 133 spot of the richest folks in America. However, in July, he issued a press release announcing his net worth at $10 billion.

Fine. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and assume his net worth is $10 billion.

Now we need to establish his net worth at some point in the past.

Trump was on the Forbes 400 in 1982, when the magazine published its first annual list of America’s wealthiest denizens.

That year, Forbes said Trump’s fortune was “estimated at over $200 million,” but also acknowledged that Trump claimed it was “$500 million,” according to Timothy L. O’Brien’s book “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald.”

Again, let’s give Trump the benefit of the doubt and assume he was worth $500 million in 1982.

The math
Imagine Trump had retired in 1982, sold his real estate holdings and invested his $500 million in the S&P 500 — that is, 500 stocks representing the American stock market.

From 1982 through the end of 2014, the S&P 500 index had an annualized return, including reinvested dividends, of 11.86 percent, according to MoneyChimp’s S&P 500 Compound Annual Growth Rate calculator.

Per this calculator, every dollar invested in January 1982 would have been worth $40 by December of 2014. That means Trump’s initial $500 million would have grown to $20 billion. That’s twice what Trump says he’s worth today.

So you think Trump should have just parked his money somewhere instead of creating jobs and staying busy?
I just think that there are many things about him that are over-rated, most glaringly by him.
That's exactly what they said about Reagan. In 1976 they chose Ford, and we got Carter. In 80, it was a landslide, because the will of the people prevailed.

Uh, Reagan barely cleared 50% in 1980.

No Republican was going to win in 1976. you don't win when your party just had a president resign before being impeached.

Incidently, we'd have been better off without Reagan. We might still have a middle class in this country. Ahhh, I miss having a middle class.
Ford caught the backlash from Watergate. He pardoned Nixon. That’s why he lost.
Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

All he had to do was shift away from real estate and park his money in the same place that you can: an unmanaged stock index fund.

The background
To compare Trump’s performance to that of an unmanaged index fund, we need to know two things: his beginning net worth and his current net worth.

There’s considerable debate about Trump’s net worth. It’s estimated at $4.1 billion in the latest “Forbes 400” list, which puts him in the No. 133 spot of the richest folks in America. However, in July, he issued a press release announcing his net worth at $10 billion.

Fine. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and assume his net worth is $10 billion.

Now we need to establish his net worth at some point in the past.

Trump was on the Forbes 400 in 1982, when the magazine published its first annual list of America’s wealthiest denizens.

That year, Forbes said Trump’s fortune was “estimated at over $200 million,” but also acknowledged that Trump claimed it was “$500 million,” according to Timothy L. O’Brien’s book “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald.”

Again, let’s give Trump the benefit of the doubt and assume he was worth $500 million in 1982.

The math
Imagine Trump had retired in 1982, sold his real estate holdings and invested his $500 million in the S&P 500 — that is, 500 stocks representing the American stock market.

From 1982 through the end of 2014, the S&P 500 index had an annualized return, including reinvested dividends, of 11.86 percent, according to MoneyChimp’s S&P 500 Compound Annual Growth Rate calculator.

Per this calculator, every dollar invested in January 1982 would have been worth $40 by December of 2014. That means Trump’s initial $500 million would have grown to $20 billion. That’s twice what Trump says he’s worth today.

So you think Trump should have just parked his money somewhere instead of creating jobs and staying busy?
I just think that there are many things about him that are over-rated, most glaringly by him.
I don't think he's so overated. The truth is everybody else sucks so much.
She was the same with secret service agents. They said being stuck protecting Hillary was considered a form of punishment.

who is "they"? You know, instead of telling me about how an assertive woman terrifies you, tell me what POLICIES Hillary will support that won't be good for the country.

And then tell me how Trump's might be better.

The "they" are the ones who - as they said - considered being close to Hillary a punishment. Those who treasure their ability to HEAR and not ruined, polluted and offended by the cackle and shouting and yelling and the phony and geographically correct accent/dialect, those who appreciate truth from someone who does not call the parents of the victims of her incompetence liars.

As far as policies? She is the blind follower of Obama, who made no secret of his ambition to ruin America, when he said that he wants to fundamentally transform it. When he said that electricity costs will necessarily sky rocket, confirmed and agreed by Hillary who wants to put thousands of people out of business because of their sin of being involved in the God given natural resource of COAL. The phonies who think that gas driven cars are a crime against Mother Gaia, while forgetting that over one third of the electricity that they promote for their $100,000 electric cars is coming from coal burning plants. The same phonies that would block the building of any hydro electric plant by damming up a river, because of some insignificant minnow. The same phonies who can't see the glory of having a Venice (which has been spectacularly successful for tourism) in North America. should the seas rise as "catastrophically" as Algore predicted. The same phonies who demand the shutting down of all nuclear electricity generating plants, and the building of any new ones, while promoting wind mills, sponsored by Don Quixote and Sancho Ponzo, while forgetting that you can not put those wind mills on your cars and travel as you could with gasoline.

Policies? Stick with Hillary or that useless old coot, who never saw a successful person he could not envy.

Get the pipe dream and all else what you want from them and be ready to say goodbye to at least 70% of your own money for the dubious might or might not be security the two Democratic presidential contenders offer you, and live to regret it.
That's the short list. But I know you and others disagree and that's fine.

It's not a matter of disagreeing... It's a matter of having NO SUBSTANCE.

Stand by Slick Willie like Tammy Wynette - That's between her and her husband.

- She is a chronic liar - They all are. Last politician who told us the truth was Walter Mondale, and he lost 49 states.

- Benghazi -8 Congressional investigations looked into that. They didn't find any wrongdoing.

- Whitewater
- Vince Foster
- Stock commodities inside trader

Okay, Kenny the Pervert Starr spent 70 million dollars looking into those allegations and came up with- Nothing.

- Her anti constitutional view of the 2nd Amendment

Except her view was the one upheld by the courts from 1787-2008. So did everyone just get it wrong all that time?

- She's part of the establishment who make poor choices
Claim with no substance

- Sh'e pro amnesty
Okay, this is as close to a substantive argument as you've come with your list. So let's look at that. We have 11 million undocumented workers in this country. Some of them have been here since they were children. We only deport 500,000 a year. That's all we can really afford to catch and litigate their status.

Frankly, her view is one held by Republicans and Democrats. So really, not so much.
The "they" are the ones who - as they said - considered being close to Hillary a punishment. Those who treasure their ability to HEAR and not ruined, polluted and offended by the cackle and shouting and yelling and the phony and geographically correct accent/dialect, those who appreciate truth from someone who does not call the parents of the victims of her incompetence liars.

A couple problems with that rant.

One, she never called anyone a liar.
Two, - eight congressional investigations reviewed Benghazi and concluded that Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

As far as policies? She is the blind follower of Obama, who made no secret of his ambition to ruin America, when he said that he wants to fundamentally transform it. When he said that electricity costs will necessarily sky rocket, confirmed and agreed by Hillary who wants to put thousands of people out of business because of their sin of being involved in the God given natural resource of COAL.

Okay there is no God, and burning coal is really a terrible idea, as it isn't good for the environment or the people who have to mine it.

The phonies who think that gas driven cars are a crime against Mother Gaia, while forgetting that over one third of the electricity that they promote for their $100,000 electric cars is coming from coal burning plants.

Other countries produce all their electricity without burning any coal. The rest of this paragraph is a crazy rant brought to yo by listening to toomch Energy Company propaganda.

Get the pipe dream and all else what you want from them and be ready to say goodbye to at least 70% of your own money for the dubious might or might not be security the two Democratic presidential contenders offer you, and live to regret it.

Guy, I voted for George W> Stupid, Twice... At the end of it, I had a 25% pay cut, a busted 401K and an underwater mortgage. You really haven't made a case why Hillary would be worse than that.

someone has to milk off a few dels from trump - kruz so they can't win outright

^^^ This is the correct answer right here. Cruz can't compete in NJ, PA, NY, WI or California. Trump would crush him and WALTZ into the nomination. Kasich is there ONLY to siphon of votes and delegates in the more moderate states while Cruz siphons off votes and delegates in the more conservative states.

It's the Establishments grand plan. THEY choose the nominee...how dare we interfere with our democracy...do we not understand that they only give us the ILLUSION of choice?

^^Kasich could win California and many other states if Cruz stepped out...which is what he'll have to do anyway..

Why is Kasich still in the race?

Because of the two candidates left who don't suffer from a pathological personality disorder, he's the only one eligible to run for POTUS. And he leads the pack of who polls to beat the pantsuit off of Hillary in the general election, by more than 10 points.

Here are the facts of the case that will be brought against a Cruz candidacy by anyone of the usual suspects or others: 1. He was born in Canada and has a Canadian birth certificate. 2. He spent several formative years in Canada with his Canadian birth certificate. 3. He immigrated illegally to Texas in the mid-1970s and then eventually naturalized.

That is absolutely not what "natural born" means. He could've done these things from Russia or Iran. The 14th Amendment will not allow to play favorites once the precedent is set.

Peripheral circumstances are also that we have a 5 Justice liberal progressive activist majority on the Court who will hear the "Cruz Challenge". They have keen recall of a 2000 election that their conservative fellows handed over to Dubya on a technicality...let that sink in for a minute. And they know an empty seat is at stake in their courtroom. Being fascists and progressive, and activists, do you think for a minute they wouldn't stack the deck if they could?

Think about it...
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Did anyone tell him he cannot mathematically be elected?

He is hoping for a brokered convention, alternately referred to as a contested convention, and sometimes as an open convention
Wouldn't have to if Canadian Cruz stopped himself before someone else does in Court.. All it would take is a press release that the constitutional scholars had spoken and it looks grim for foreign-born Cruz...which it does...
. Cruz can't compete in NJ, PA, NY, WI or California. Trump would crush him and WALTZ into the nomination. Kasich is there ONLY to siphon of votes and delegates in the more moderate states while Cruz siphons off votes and delegates in the more conservative states.

Kasich has big support in PA & CA. That's like 250 delegates right there. So, Kasich is in for more than just a siphon. He's in for a real shot at the nomination.

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