Why is Kasich still in the race?

Simple math. To stump Trump. Spread out votes between 3 people instead of 2, taking away votes from the leader, Trump, resulting in a contested convention. This is what the republican establishment wants.
Guess what - it won't work. Voters are pissed. And, judging from these primaries, voters are speaking out for Trump, and against the do-nothing establishment.

Trump has only gotten 37% of Republican votes so far.

Most Republican primary voters really do want someone else.
Maybe he's counting on a Trump implosion.

The problem with that line of thought is they hope Trump isn't genuine. Fact is, you're seeing who Trump is. You're not seeing who everyone else is, especially Hillary. She's the plastic candidate that is scared to death that people will see what she's really like when the cameras are off.

Aids said that when they were in the White House Hillary would be screaming at Bill during an elevator ride, the former president red-faced and silent. The swearing and the poisonous tongue lashing was hard to bear. The moment the doors to the elevator opened, the rage in Hillary's face would vanish and be replaced by that stupid practiced smile. It's like turning off a switch.
Kasich can only be thinking that, if there's a contested/brokered convention, he'd be the obvious choice because he'd have at least SOME delegates.

Makes sense.

Outside of that, it's nice to have someone, um, like him in there...

Or.....he could genuinely wish to deny the nomination to Trump at all costs. He's a religious nut with a pleasant exterior. He also know that expanding the base is vital for the life of his party.

He might think he has a shot in a contested convention.....but more likely....he knows that Trump does not have a good chance of winning a contested convention.

In a rare occurence, I agree with you. He represents the establishment and wants to torch the party. The election is irrelevant


Don't agree with me. It reflects negatively on my character. Thanks.
Kasich can only be thinking that, if there's a contested/brokered convention, he'd be the obvious choice because he'd have at least SOME delegates.

Makes sense.

Outside of that, it's nice to have someone, um, like him in there...

Or.....he could genuinely wish to deny the nomination to Trump at all costs. He's a religious nut with a pleasant exterior. He also know that expanding the base is vital for the life of his party.

He might think he has a shot in a contested convention.....but more likely....he knows that Trump does not have a good chance of winning a contested convention.

In a rare occurence, I agree with you. He represents the establishment and wants to torch the party. The election is irrelevant


Don't agree with me. It reflects negatively on my character. Thanks.

No, it shows every now and then you have a brain. And like I said, for you, that's a rare occurrence

The problem with that line of thought is they hope Trump isn't genuine. Fact is, you're seeing who Trump is. You're not seeing who everyone else is, especially Hillary. She's the plastic candidate that is scared to death that people will see what she's really like when the cameras are off.

Aids said that when they were in the White House Hillary would be screaming at Bill during an elevator ride, the former president red-faced and silent. The swearing and the poisonous tongue lashing was hard to bear. The moment the doors to the elevator opened, the rage in Hillary's face would vanish and be replaced by that stupid practiced smile. It's like turning off a switch.

So this is your argument, that she sometimes was angry with her husband? Um. Yeah. Her and everyone else who has two X Chromosomes.
The problem with that line of thought is they hope Trump isn't genuine. Fact is, you're seeing who Trump is. You're not seeing who everyone else is, especially Hillary. She's the plastic candidate that is scared to death that people will see what she's really like when the cameras are off.

Aids said that when they were in the White House Hillary would be screaming at Bill during an elevator ride, the former president red-faced and silent. The swearing and the poisonous tongue lashing was hard to bear. The moment the doors to the elevator opened, the rage in Hillary's face would vanish and be replaced by that stupid practiced smile. It's like turning off a switch.

So this is your argument, that she sometimes was angry with her husband? Um. Yeah. Her and everyone else who has two X Chromosomes.
She was the same with secret service agents. They said being stuck protecting Hillary was considered a form of punishment.
Simple math. To stump Trump. Spread out votes between 3 people instead of 2, taking away votes from the leader, Trump, resulting in a contested convention. This is what the republican establishment wants.
Guess what - it won't work. Voters are pissed. And, judging from these primaries, voters are speaking out for Trump, and against the do-nothing establishment.

Trump has only gotten 37% of Republican votes so far.

Most Republican primary voters really do want someone else.
If there was only two people running you'd have a point. But as usual, you don't.
"Why is Kasich still in the race?"

Because he's the only republican candidate left with a modicum of decency and an interest in sound, responsible governance.

He's wrong on most of the issues, of course, but those are good faith mistakes on his part.
it is interesting how the democrats here tend to be the only people that 'support' Kasich. They seem to think he is the best candidate on the right.

Not one of them will actually vote for him though.

That makes little sense. Supporting Kasich for the GOP nomination does not necessitate supporting him in the general. I'm not a democrat....but I find the other two GOP candidates to be bad news. Just having them in the general.....having a chance to become POTUS is a really negative idea for me. I'd not vote for Kasich against Clinton or Sanders.....but at least I'd see two reasonable people on the ballot.

Some democrats in Ohio most certainly did vote for Kasich, by the way.
She was the same with secret service agents. They said being stuck protecting Hillary was considered a form of punishment.

who is "they"? You know, instead of telling me about how an assertive woman terrifies you, tell me what POLICIES Hillary will support that won't be good for the country.

And then tell me how Trump's might be better.
If there was only two people running you'd have a point. But as usual, you don't.

There will probably be 3 people running to the end... and Trump will probably not cross 40%.

In fact, with most of the South out of the way and Kasich being the last man standing in the "Establishment" lane, he might end up in Cleveland with a sizable chunk of delegates. Maybe more than Cruz. Then Cruz will have to make a decision, does he team up with Trump and lead the Party down in flames, or does he team up with Kasich, which will probably till lead the party down in flames, but with a little more stoic dignity than it would with a Reality TV Rodeo Clown at the controls.
She was the same with secret service agents. They said being stuck protecting Hillary was considered a form of punishment.

who is "they"? You know, instead of telling me about how an assertive woman terrifies you, tell me what POLICIES Hillary will support that won't be good for the country.

And then tell me how Trump's might be better.
I think the fact that she's a nasty, power-hungry bitch is self-explanatory. Her policies are the same as George Soros's policies. Open borders, social-justice, fleecing of the middle-class, fear of an abusive government rather than the government fearing the anger they may cause from the public, a Middle-East policy that is intended to cause turmoil, not peace. Nothing Hillary believes in is good for America. These people think the UN is more important than any country, including their own.
If there was only two people running you'd have a point. But as usual, you don't.

There will probably be 3 people running to the end... and Trump will probably not cross 40%.

In fact, with most of the South out of the way and Kasich being the last man standing in the "Establishment" lane, he might end up in Cleveland with a sizable chunk of delegates. Maybe more than Cruz. Then Cruz will have to make a decision, does he team up with Trump and lead the Party down in flames, or does he team up with Kasich, which will probably till lead the party down in flames, but with a little more stoic dignity than it would with a Reality TV Rodeo Clown at the controls.
That's exactly what they said about Reagan. In 1976 they chose Ford, and we got Carter. In 80, it was a landslide, because the will of the people prevailed.
Hillary has proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she is a security risk.
Nothing like putting a security risk in charge of the military.....when it comes to helping our enemies.
Trump is still a better choice than Clinton 24/7


What do you base that on?

Trump has never held elective office, his business success has been based on inheriting a shitload of money when his father died.

I don't like Hillary, but I have no doubt she could run the country if elected.

I don't think Trump could, based on the way he ran Trump University (defunct, subject of lawsuits) Trump Airlines (bankrupt) Trump Steaks (Bankrupt) Trump Clothing lines (Made in China) Trump Casinos (bankrupt).
That's exactly what they said about Reagan. In 1976 they chose Ford, and we got Carter. In 80, it was a landslide, because the will of the people prevailed.

Uh, Reagan barely cleared 50% in 1980.

No Republican was going to win in 1976. you don't win when your party just had a president resign before being impeached.

Incidently, we'd have been better off without Reagan. We might still have a middle class in this country. Ahhh, I miss having a middle class.
Trump is still a better choice than Clinton 24/7


What do you base that on?

Trump has never held elective office, his business success has been based on inheriting a shitload of money when his father died.

I don't like Hillary, but I have no doubt she could run the country if elected.

I don't think Trump could, based on the way he ran Trump University (defunct, subject of lawsuits) Trump Airlines (bankrupt) Trump Steaks (Bankrupt) Trump Clothing lines (Made in China) Trump Casinos (bankrupt).

Her poor decision making
- Stand by Slick Willie like Tammy Wynette
- She is a chronic liar
- Benghazi
- Whitewater
- Vince Foster
- Her anti constitutional view of the 2nd Amendment
- She's part of the establishment who make poor choices
- Sh'e pro amnesty
- Stock commodities inside trader

That's the short list. But I know you and others disagree and that's fine.

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

All he had to do was shift away from real estate and park his money in the same place that you can: an unmanaged stock index fund.

The background
To compare Trump’s performance to that of an unmanaged index fund, we need to know two things: his beginning net worth and his current net worth.

There’s considerable debate about Trump’s net worth. It’s estimated at $4.1 billion in the latest “Forbes 400” list, which puts him in the No. 133 spot of the richest folks in America. However, in July, he issued a press release announcing his net worth at $10 billion.

Fine. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and assume his net worth is $10 billion.

Now we need to establish his net worth at some point in the past.

Trump was on the Forbes 400 in 1982, when the magazine published its first annual list of America’s wealthiest denizens.

That year, Forbes said Trump’s fortune was “estimated at over $200 million,” but also acknowledged that Trump claimed it was “$500 million,” according to Timothy L. O’Brien’s book “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald.”

Again, let’s give Trump the benefit of the doubt and assume he was worth $500 million in 1982.

The math
Imagine Trump had retired in 1982, sold his real estate holdings and invested his $500 million in the S&P 500 — that is, 500 stocks representing the American stock market.

From 1982 through the end of 2014, the S&P 500 index had an annualized return, including reinvested dividends, of 11.86 percent, according to MoneyChimp’s S&P 500 Compound Annual Growth Rate calculator.

Per this calculator, every dollar invested in January 1982 would have been worth $40 by December of 2014. That means Trump’s initial $500 million would have grown to $20 billion. That’s twice what Trump says he’s worth today.

Give Kasich credit for being a politician who NEVER lost an election for which he put up himself as a candidate.

Give Kasich credit for not not - as he says - sink Trump's level of gutter politics. Well, maybe not by his words, but he is in the gutter by his action that can only hurt the party - and the nation - he claims to represent.

He should get out and release his delegates. If he is as correct as he is pretentiously righteous, his delegates would support one of the two remaining candidates that he, himself would support.

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