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Why is only one news group picking this up?

Let the oil men keep their profits, (and I'm not just saying this because my wife's family is heavily vested in oil). Exxon is not to blame. They are just benefitting from the current system. Energy trading needs to be reregulated. This would keep down speculation runs on a precious and neccessary commodity. Check this out Pensito Review Closing Enron Loophole Would Drop Oil Prices 25% - 50% Overnight...

Isnt this the bill that the republicans held up last week? Why do republicans want high oil prices? Is it to convince the american public that we need to cut loose with some new oil contracts... Naaa .. Cant be that. Americans are too smart to be taken that way...

It does however bring a tear to my eye reading about all this concern you republicans have for the average American Joe out ther spending 4$ a gallon for gas...

When you get a chance to wipe off those crocadile tears, please go and give yourselves a hand. Without you cats, where would this country be?

Oh, btw.. the lame duck minority party will not be dictating the future of our energy policy.. Kudos Nancy for shutting down a bunch of disgruntled windbags who when were in power did absolutly nothing to procure any semblence of energy independance even after 9/11.

nice post. I never hear repubs discuss the enron loophole and how much that's costing us. they just want to give big oil more land so they can sell it on the world market.

its like selling us locks for our doors to prevent burglars from getting in but we have no locks for our windows. bad analogy, but I think you'll get the point?
Let the oil men keep their profits, (and I'm not just saying this because my wife's family is heavily vested in oil).

My friend says the same thing. His in laws are loaded so he's a conservative. Plus he's a cop so his job isn't leaving the country. Nor are illegals taking his job. Plus he'll get a pension. Even though he sees what I see, he tries to argue, but I got him to admit that he's banking on this enheritance. Plus, he's racist.

Many of us don't think he'll make it. He's always hanging out at bars with his buddies and leaves his wife at home. I don't wish him ill, but I will laugh at him if they ever divorce.

Democrats might be tax and spenders, but repubs are borrow and spend even more. You know which is worse. Both need to change for the better, but one is worse. Much worse. Eventually gop politics is going to hurt all of us and only the rich will get thru it.

I say end the federal reserve and start all over again. The dollar is only worth the paper it is printed on. Socialize energy and kick speecial interest out of washington. Corporations can't vote so why are they involved in politics? And protect industries that are vital to America, like auto manufacturing.
Yes, a few cents a gallon, until Israel does a fly by on Iran and then speculators will raise them back up.

And as soon as John McCain wins, gas will go back up, for 3.5 yrs, then they'll lower them again a little before the 2012 election to dupe you again.

A few cents is better than no relief yes? And tell me exactly how you plan on magically converting everyone's automobiles to run on faith and hope?
My friend says the same thing. His in laws are loaded so he's a conservative. Plus he's a cop so his job isn't leaving the country. Nor are illegals taking his job. Plus he'll get a pension. Even though he sees what I see, he tries to argue, but I got him to admit that he's banking on this enheritance. Plus, he's racist.

Many of us don't think he'll make it. He's always hanging out at bars with his buddies and leaves his wife at home. I don't wish him ill, but I will laugh at him if they ever divorce.

Democrats might be tax and spenders, but repubs are borrow and spend even more. You know which is worse. Both need to change for the better, but one is worse. Much worse. Eventually gop politics is going to hurt all of us and only the rich will get thru it.

I say end the federal reserve and start all over again. The dollar is only worth the paper it is printed on. Socialize energy and kick speecial interest out of washington. Corporations can't vote so why are they involved in politics? And protect industries that are vital to America, like auto manufacturing.

Why should special interests be kicked out of Washington? They have just as much right to their interests as you or I. The problem is not them, it is congress for cow towing to them.

Most of congress is who should be kicked out of Washington. You want to start something over? Let's start CONGRESS over, how about that? There are NO DOUBT better candidates then what we vote for every election. Let's give THEM a shot, and quit complaining that "our votes won't count" if we vote for someone besides who the media jacks off on a daily basis.
The technologies will be made available when the two oil men in the White House are gone, and a Democrat is in office.

You keep laying out these "big oil" contributors, let me ask you a question did Obama support the current energy legislation that President Bush proposed?
Did John MCcain support the current energy legislation? So how again has Obama rebuked the current energy policy that is costing consumers around $4 a gallon? Just wondering....I am sure you will try and deflect from the question as this is a common practice by you.
are you retarded? we're not giving the oil companies anwar and offshore.

if you knew the facts, and you clearly don't, you would take 30 billion from the oil companies. that's the solution. before oilman bush got into office, the oil companies made 8 billion in profit. have I lost you yet? i'll slow down. this yr, 40 billion.

ok, the dollar is weak. fine, so let them keep 10 billion. but not 40.

the oil companies sell our oil on the world market, not to us for cheap. stupid. giving them offshore won't save dick.

they lie about investing the money in alternative energy, so take back the tax breaks, and regulate them. but bush apointees won't because he appointed oil men to regulate themselves. I bet you don't know any of this.

and don't you dare say they should be able to charge whatever they want, because I bet you don't know the 00-06 gop congress passed a law that the oil companies can NEVER be charged more than $56ish dollars a barrel for oil. Why when they gouge us?

There is no shortage of oil. They purposely lag on refining capacity.

Here is the last fact that i'm sure will go in one ear and out the other. They were making 8 cents on every dollar. now they make 9. That's not supply and demand.
And Exxon paid $3 in taxes worldwide for ever dollar of profit. Out one ear...
So taxes don't really discourage companies from doing business, do they?


Time will tell. So you think that paying those types of taxes is ok or should be increased?
Time will tell. So you think that paying those types of taxes is ok or should be increased?
I think that the oil companies should pay the same rates as any other corporation.

If that means they can't turn a profit and will go out of business I'm not going to lose any sleep over it...tough.

If they pass the costs along to us, that's okay by me as well. The only way we'll ever get angry enough to find an alternative is after we hurt from paying through the nose.
And Exxon paid $3 in taxes worldwide for ever dollar of profit. Out one ear...

Correction...mostly they collect taxes from the consumers and channel that money to the states and Federal government.

The're not paying those taxes, they're merely collecting them, just like every other retailer.

We saw the charts just a couple weeks ago, remember?

Mostly what they were calling their taxes burden turned out to be the consumers' tax burden.
are you retarded? we're not giving the oil companies anwar and offshore.

if you knew the facts, and you clearly don't, you would take 30 billion from the oil companies. that's the solution. before oilman bush got into office, the oil companies made 8 billion in profit. have I lost you yet? i'll slow down. this yr, 40 billion.

ok, the dollar is weak. fine, so let them keep 10 billion. but not 40.

the oil companies sell our oil on the world market, not to us for cheap. stupid. giving them offshore won't save dick.

they lie about investing the money in alternative energy, so take back the tax breaks, and regulate them. but bush apointees won't because he appointed oil men to regulate themselves. I bet you don't know any of this.

and don't you dare say they should be able to charge whatever they want, because I bet you don't know the 00-06 gop congress passed a law that the oil companies can NEVER be charged more than $56ish dollars a barrel for oil. Why when they gouge us?

There is no shortage of oil. They purposely lag on refining capacity.

Here is the last fact that i'm sure will go in one ear and out the other. They were making 8 cents on every dollar. now they make 9. That's not supply and demand.

Do you even know how much profit % the oil companies make Bobo? Far less than most coorperations. To make 125 Billion exxon invests 2 trillion. Why are you guys not all over other cooperations that make 2 and 3 times the profit % as oil companies? Exxon is making record profits for 2 reasons. One consolidation of companies, and 2 RECORD DEMAND!!!!

If you actually thought for yourself and not just repeated dem Taking points you might see just how messed up your view is.

If Obama puts a windfall profit tax in oil companies, do you think even for a second that the oil companies will not just pass that cost along to all of us.

Windfall profit taxes will end up being nothing more than a back door tax on all of us.
Correction...mostly they collect taxes from the consumers and channel that money to the states and Federal government.

The're not paying those taxes, they're merely collecting them, just like every other retailer.

We saw the charts just a couple weeks ago, remember?

Mostly what they were calling their taxes burden turned out to be the consumers' tax burden.


This is very true. The end user pays the taxes.
Do you even know how much profit % the oil companies make Bobo? Far less than most coorperations. To make 125 Billion exxon invests 2 trillion. Why are you guys not all over other cooperations that make 2 and 3 times the profit % as oil companies? Exxon is making record profits for 2 reasons. One consolidation of companies, and 2 RECORD DEMAND!!!!

If you actually thought for yourself and not just repeated dem Taking points you might see just how messed up your view is.

If Obama puts a windfall profit tax in oil companies, do you think even for a second that the oil companies will not just pass that cost along to all of us.

Windfall profit taxes will end up being nothing more than a back door tax on all of us.

Yes, if McCain wins, you will be correct.
Yes, if McCain wins, you will be correct.

Good job of avoiding the questions all together. I suggest you look up how much profit per dollar invested oil companies make and compare it to most other cooperation's in this nation.

Then I suggest you go to Obama's site and read about his plans for a windfall profit tax on Oil companies, and then think long and hard about how the oil companies, who are only making about 6% profit margin, will deal with that windfall profit tax.

or you could just make another pointless post that fails to address the issue or the questions I raised.
A few cents is better than no relief yes? And tell me exactly how you plan on magically converting everyone's automobiles to run on faith and hope?

Remember when the coffee company was going to give Kramer on Seinfeld $ and fre coffee for life, only Kramer said DEAL before they mentioned $? That's you.

How about they have to sell half of it to us for cheap and the other half they can sell on the world market?

saudi arabia could make more seling all their oil to europe and china, but they practically give it to their citizens. that's because their citizens aren't sheep and pussies. lol
And Exxon paid $3 in taxes worldwide for ever dollar of profit. Out one ear...

i'm still trying to figure out what you just said?

did they make $40 billion profit or lose $160 billion

and do you realize that after paying all their executives, probably $100 million, THEN they made these profits. absolutely unbelievable.

you ppl would let them enslave ppl as long as it wasn't you being enslaved.

dem talkng points? how about you guys are house slaves. telling us field slaves to stop complaining because massa treats us good.

I can only hope you guys suffer because you won't complain until you yourselves get fucked.

and I hate wishing ill on people, even those that deserve it.

a vote for mccain is a vote for $6 a gallon.
Good job of avoiding the questions all together. I suggest you look up how much profit per dollar invested oil companies make and compare it to most other cooperation's in this nation.

Then I suggest you go to Obama's site and read about his plans for a windfall profit tax on Oil companies, and then think long and hard about how the oil companies, who are only making about 6% profit margin, will deal with that windfall profit tax.

or you could just make another pointless post that fails to address the issue or the questions I raised.

most companies love making 1/10 profit increase. oil made 14 percent increase.

dems won't let oil companies make the rules like the gop have. that's why you don't make an oil man president. that's why big oil gives the gop millions more than they give the dems.

just look how hard the gop is working to give them anwar and off shore. lol
Remember when the coffee company was going to give Kramer on Seinfeld $ and fre coffee for life, only Kramer said DEAL before they mentioned $? That's you.

How about they have to sell half of it to us for cheap and the other half they can sell on the world market?

saudi arabia could make more seling all their oil to europe and china, but they practically give it to their citizens. that's because their citizens aren't sheep and pussies. lol

Yep the Saudis are alot better off....

While Saudis don't feel the pain at the pump, they feel it everywhere else, paying more at grocery stores and restaurants and for rent and construction material. While the country is getting richer selling oil at prices that climbed to a record $145 per barrel last week, inflation has reached almost 11 percent, breaking double-digits for the first time since the late 1970s.

"Gas prices are low here, so what?" said Muhammad Abdullah, a 60-year-old retiree. "What can I do with gas? Drink it? Take it with me to the supermarket?"

Al-Mazeen says his monthly grocery bill has doubled _ to $215 _ compared to last year, when oil was at around $70 a barrel. During that time period, the price of rice has doubled to about 72 cents a pound, and a pound of beef has gone up more than a third to about $4.

Moreover, Saudis are grappling with unemployment _ estimated at 30 percent among young people aged 16 to 26 _ and a stock market that is down 10 percent since the beginning of the year.

Many Saudis are realizing that this oil boom will not have the same impact as the one in the 1970s, which raised Saudis from rags to riches. This time, the wealth isn't trickling down as fast or in the same quantities.

One reason is the kingdom's growing population, says John Sfakianakis, chief economist at the Saudi British Bank. In the 1970s, the population of Saudi Arabia was 9.5 million. Today, it's 27.6 million, including 22 million Saudi citizens.

That means the state, which controls nearly all oil income, has to spread the wealth among more people. Besides a generous social welfare system that includes free education from pre-school through university and other benefits for citizens, the public sector employs some 2 million people and 65 percent of the budget goes to salaries.

"The state, yes, is wealthier, but the state has close to three times the amount of people it has to cater for," said Sfakianakis. "Even if Saudi Arabia had lower inflation (in the 1970s), the country and the needs of the country are bigger than what they used to be."

So the government has less room to raise wages to help people deal with higher prices. The United Arab Emirates recently hiked public sector wages by 70 percent _ but if the Saudis did the same, they would have been hit by budget deficits, Sfakianakis added.

Other Gulf nations have been hit even worse by inflation. In the UAE, inflation is expected to reach 12 percent this year, and in Qatar it's at 14 percent, according to a Merrill Lynch report earlier this year.

But those nations have much smaller populations and so can spread their oil, gas and financial riches faster and in bigger quantities to ease the pain. As a result _ contrary to their image in the West _ Saudis are far from the wealthiest people in the Gulf. The kingdom's per capita income is $20,700 _ compared with $67,000 for Qatar, which has a population of around a half million citizens.

Amid oil boom, inflation makes Saudis feel poorer
Do you even know how much profit % the oil companies make Bobo? Far less than most coorperations. To make 125 Billion exxon invests 2 trillion. Why are you guys not all over other cooperations that make 2 and 3 times the profit % as oil companies? Exxon is making record profits for 2 reasons. One consolidation of companies, and 2 RECORD DEMAND!!!!

If you actually thought for yourself and not just repeated dem Taking points you might see just how messed up your view is.

If Obama puts a windfall profit tax in oil companies, do you think even for a second that the oil companies will not just pass that cost along to all of us.

Windfall profit taxes will end up being nothing more than a back door tax on all of us.

poor oil companies. they still made more profits than any company ever.

i'll spend a trillion if it will make me a $14 billion profit too.

will you defend it if tomorrow they double the price and next quarter they make $28 billion profit?

will you tell me how much it cost them to make that profit? I won't give a shit.

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