CDZ Why is racism ok if the target is white?

Thank you for being the first to prove the validity of the op by using such an extremely racist buzz term .

It takes a special type of world view to claim these kids are privileged

That picture goes back what looks like 70 years. If you have to go back 70 years to find a picture of white folks living in misery, it tells me that you are kind of making my point for me.

Well hate to burst your bubble but it is still going on today.


At least he still has his white privilege
So she artacked and stereotype ALL white men, so we do know what she thinks, she posted it, she is responsible for her stupid racial posts.

Okay, I realize that your white privilege was hurt by the scary Asian Lady... but no one cares.

First off you seem to care otherwise you wouldn’t have responded, Second off, I wasn’t hurt and the fact you are going to insults in the CDZ means you have no real explanation of why an Asian can rip all white men and a black woman is not allowed to on Twitter. There is a definite double standard. How is she not responsible for making really stupid racial posts that stereotyped one segment of society?

Racial slurs are racial slurs and her tweets were racially motivated, there is no doubt about it.
So she artacked and stereotype ALL white men, so we do know what she thinks, she posted it, she is responsible for her stupid racial posts.

Okay, I realize that your white privilege was hurt by the scary Asian Lady... but no one cares.
There is no such thing as white privilege.

Either racism is ok or it is not.

Yes many care including you or you would not be defending a racist.

White privilege is the way folks here know not to call Johnson's back for an interview if they went to Soldan High. Trust me. The racists came out of their cowardly closets after the Michael Brown fiasco. Heck, if I must I there was just a minor anniversary which the local news covered. The white supremacists unleashed themselves on Facebook. After the first four I "investigated" appeared to be real live accounts from real live soccer moms, pastors and executives in the Channel 4 viewing area I quit. The white supremacists are still here creating white privilege.
White privilege, ah, that magic unicorn of the deluded left. Mostly rich privileged white or black activists suffer from that delusion or mental defect. If I have this so called "white privilege", where can I find it? Because I can use all the help I can get.

You get it every time an HR person reads your resume and sees you have a white name, and you get a call when someone with a non-white name doesn't, even if they have the same qualifications.

You get it when a cop gives you a pass for going 5 MPH over the posted speed limit when a person of color gets pulled over and his car searched.

There is no such thing as a white name or non white name.

I've seen plenty of people of all races get such a pass and get searched.

Your premise is a failure.

There are "white names", there are "black names". Look at a hockey team. The iskies vs the Johnsons and the Washingtons. Unfortunately here we also know what high schools generally have black folks in them. Sure a racist messes up sometimes and calls a black man in for an interview because the names aren't 100% accurate, thank god. But I'll say there are white names.

FWIW, I did read some NAACP stuff after our Michael Brown riots which did not make sense. The complaint was something like 95% of the folks stopped for jaywalking in Ferguson were black and only 2/3 or 3/4 of the population is. Trouble is the white folks are older, generally not walking around and generally pay some attention to looking politely at the white cops as if to say "my fault" when they do something.

Here, I found a somewhat decent link: Opinion | Jaywalking While Black

Not to say the little tough men cops aren't racist but this was a bad argument. Its just the way it is, fewer old white people are pedestrians. Now with the choice of who gets pulled over its somewhat car and guilt based. White folks get away with a lot, then again I've been around to see two white folks get pulled over (by 1 cop!) and wouldn't you know it, the one who was screaming his mullet head off about the injustice the cop kept, the other guy who had his car off, keys on the dash and hand on the wheel when the cop looked at him and then said, "yeah, sorry we both have Firebirds and we were racing", got sent on his way.
“Why is racism ok if the target is white?”

It isn’t.

And no one said it is.

The notion that racism is ever ‘OK’ is just another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Then why do I routinely get told it’s impossible to be racist against white people? This belief is embraced by some on the left whether you want to believe it or not.

I don't know who is telling you that is my answer. Send them to me and I'll set them straight.

Heck, the overdone example is: leave enough whites alone in whitey Germany and they'll decide some folks aren't really white or are bad white and decide to gas them.

For something more modern, I can't tell a Serb from a Croat from a Bosnian at 50 paces but they sure can.

Its not just a white thing either. Our Asian brothers lectured me once on differences between Korean, Chinese and Filipino women, or was it Japanese......point is, I can't tell the difference possibly because I grew up not caring in a fairly diverse place, but they sure can.

People who say they’re against racism have called me out as having an easy life and how could I possibly know anything about anything using only my skin color to make this assessment. This has just happened online, mind you, but online is where people feel brave to express their true feelings so I do take them seriously. Also check this out:

I didn't watch the video. I am in a quiet place and have a short attention span.

Being white does give ppl an easier life. Both small businesses I have worked for know what high schools are "black" and are/were way less likely to read a resume if someone had a last name of Johnson and went to one of those schools. White folks had an easier time getting a job.

Not that thug culture doesn't suck and it isn't impossible to get out of the ghetto. Life IS easier for white folks though.

Should ppl be embarassed to be white? Sometimes. To stick with WWII, god, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, they make me embarrassed to be human on a whole. But also, they are the white of the emancipation proclamation (pragmatic as it was). They are the white of the 101st Airborne who fought Hitler, stood ready to fight Stalin and fought for de-segregation in Arkansas. (edit:typo)

The video is 38 seconds long LOL you can’t make it 38 seconds without losing your focus? I disagree with “being white gives you an easier life,” bc that definitely can’t be applied to whites as a whole and if you’re going to tell me the struggles I’ve faced don’t mean shit just bc of my skin color... well my opinion of you isn’t going to be a flattering one.
“Why is racism ok if the target is white?”

It isn’t.

And no one said it is.

The notion that racism is ever ‘OK’ is just another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Then why do I routinely get told it’s impossible to be racist against white people? This belief is embraced by some on the left whether you want to believe it or not.

I don't know who is telling you that is my answer. Send them to me and I'll set them straight.

Heck, the overdone example is: leave enough whites alone in whitey Germany and they'll decide some folks aren't really white or are bad white and decide to gas them.

For something more modern, I can't tell a Serb from a Croat from a Bosnian at 50 paces but they sure can.

Its not just a white thing either. Our Asian brothers lectured me once on differences between Korean, Chinese and Filipino women, or was it Japanese......point is, I can't tell the difference possibly because I grew up not caring in a fairly diverse place, but they sure can.

People who say they’re against racism have called me out as having an easy life and how could I possibly know anything about anything using only my skin color to make this assessment. This has just happened online, mind you, but online is where people feel brave to express their true feelings so I do take them seriously. Also check this out:

I didn't watch the video. I am in a quiet place and have a short attention span.

Being white does give ppl an easier life. Both small businesses I have worked for know what high schools are "black" and are/were way less likely to read a resume if someone had a last name of Johnson and went to one of those schools. White folks had an easier time getting a job.

Not that thug culture doesn't suck and it isn't impossible to get out of the ghetto. Life IS easier for white folks though.

Should ppl be embarassed to be white? Sometimes. To stick with WWII, god, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, they make me embarrassed to be human on a whole. But also, they are the white of the emancipation proclamation (pragmatic as it was). They are the white of the 101st Airborne who fought Hitler, stood ready to fight Stalin and fought for de-segregation in Arkansas. (edit:typo)

The video is 38 seconds long LOL you can’t make it 38 seconds without losing your focus? I disagree with “being white gives you an easier life,” bc that definitely can’t be applied to whites as a whole and if you’re going to tell me the struggles I’ve faced don’t mean shit just bc of my skin color... well my opinion of you isn’t going to be a flattering one.

yeah, 38 seconds and I have to have the volume up. Videos annoy me.

Don't read more into what I said about your struggles, I said nothing about them and know nothing about them. That is an emotional reaction. I will say we all know our personal problems well and only vaguely know those of others.

I'll say if your name is Johnson or Smith and you put Soldan High School on your resume here ppl "know" not to call you back because there is a 99% chance you're black. Maybe black owned businesses or HR departments will call you more often. Are there more black owned businesses and black ran HR departments than white owned and ran?

Your opinion of me matters little, I'm going to be honest with you and non coddling though if you ever need that.

This week there was some minor Michael Brown riot anniversary the news covered and you should have seen the racist posts from local white soccer moms and professional middle class white people. I can't believe they said them things on Facebook to be honest. In a way I applaud their honesty. Do you disagree with my talk about the HR departments? That is the crux of my argument.
So she artacked and stereotype ALL white men, so we do know what she thinks, she posted it, she is responsible for her stupid racial posts.

Okay, I realize that your white privilege was hurt by the scary Asian Lady... but no one cares.
There is no such thing as white privilege.

Either racism is ok or it is not.

Yes many care including you or you would not be defending a racist.

White privilege is the way folks here know not to call Johnson's back for an interview if they went to Soldan High. Trust me. The racists came out of their cowardly closets after the Michael Brown fiasco. Heck, if I must I there was just a minor anniversary which the local news covered. The white supremacists unleashed themselves on Facebook. After the first four I "investigated" appeared to be real live accounts from real live soccer moms, pastors and executives in the Channel 4 viewing area I quit. The white supremacists are still here creating white privilege.

Johnson is a name common to white people and black people. Like William or Will Smith. Wherever Soldan high is choosing against a graduate of a specific school does not imply racism even if the student body is mainly of one race.

By fiasco you must mean the proven legal and justified shooting of a dangerous and violent criminal ( Brown ) who was attacking a cop.

There is no such thing as white privilege and you have no evidence for it.
So she artacked and stereotype ALL white men, so we do know what she thinks, she posted it, she is responsible for her stupid racial posts.

Okay, I realize that your white privilege was hurt by the scary Asian Lady... but no one cares.
There is no such thing as white privilege.

Either racism is ok or it is not.

Yes many care including you or you would not be defending a racist.

White privilege is the way folks here know not to call Johnson's back for an interview if they went to Soldan High. Trust me. The racists came out of their cowardly closets after the Michael Brown fiasco. Heck, if I must I there was just a minor anniversary which the local news covered. The white supremacists unleashed themselves on Facebook. After the first four I "investigated" appeared to be real live accounts from real live soccer moms, pastors and executives in the Channel 4 viewing area I quit. The white supremacists are still here creating white privilege.

Johnson is a name common to white people and black people. Like William or Will Smith. Wherever Soldan high is choosing against a graduate of a specific school does not imply racism even if the student body is mainly of one race.

By fiasco you must mean the proven legal and justified shooting of a dangerous and violent criminal ( Brown ) who was attacking a cop.

There is no such thing as white privilege and you have no evidence for it.

Your standards are strange. You are saying there are no last names and locations which are more likely than others to have folks of this or that ethnic group.

I'm sorry for whatever happened in your past but I don't think I can accept your conclusion as factual.
So she artacked and stereotype ALL white men, so we do know what she thinks, she posted it, she is responsible for her stupid racial posts.

Okay, I realize that your white privilege was hurt by the scary Asian Lady... but no one cares.
There is no such thing as white privilege.

Either racism is ok or it is not.

Yes many care including you or you would not be defending a racist.

White privilege is the way folks here know not to call Johnson's back for an interview if they went to Soldan High. Trust me. The racists came out of their cowardly closets after the Michael Brown fiasco. Heck, if I must I there was just a minor anniversary which the local news covered. The white supremacists unleashed themselves on Facebook. After the first four I "investigated" appeared to be real live accounts from real live soccer moms, pastors and executives in the Channel 4 viewing area I quit. The white supremacists are still here creating white privilege.
what do you mean by fiasco and cowards?
So she artacked and stereotype ALL white men, so we do know what she thinks, she posted it, she is responsible for her stupid racial posts.

Okay, I realize that your white privilege was hurt by the scary Asian Lady... but no one cares.
There is no such thing as white privilege.

Either racism is ok or it is not.

Yes many care including you or you would not be defending a racist.

White privilege is the way folks here know not to call Johnson's back for an interview if they went to Soldan High. Trust me. The racists came out of their cowardly closets after the Michael Brown fiasco. Heck, if I must I there was just a minor anniversary which the local news covered. The white supremacists unleashed themselves on Facebook. After the first four I "investigated" appeared to be real live accounts from real live soccer moms, pastors and executives in the Channel 4 viewing area I quit. The white supremacists are still here creating white privilege.
what do you mean by fiasco and cowards?

I'm not sure I understand. Sometimes I miss a joke stuck on my unique rail of thought .
People who say they’re against racism have called me out as having an easy life and how could I possibly know anything about anything using only my skin color to make this assessment. This has just happened online, mind you, but online is where people feel brave to express their true feelings so I do take them seriously. Also check this out:

Oh, noes, some little girl is a drama queen. That's totally as bad as 400 years of Racial Oppression in America by white folks.

Get real. Being White in this country is a big advantage.
...if you want to argue that racial oppression has caused the black culture to be dysfunctional/self destructive, please do it possible--sure
but then why is Africa a shithole?
..the blacks were far behind the whites in technology/education/etc before racial oppression
some Africans did not even have a written language/etc
how come the Asians do so well?
Back to the topic, why is racism of one group okay and another group not?

Because it's not racism if you lack the institutional power to act on it.

Ms. Jeong can dislike white men who hit on her and say derogatory things about her all day, but there isn't much she can do about it.

White racists work very hard all day to keep people of color down.
Bull. Racism has literally nothing to do with power and never will. This recent attempt to redefine racism and what it means is actually a good example of the OP.

Here we have a movement that essentially wants to define racism as white - a clear example of trying to justify racism against whites as inconsequential.

White privilege is yet another example of the OP. That is an example of assigning something to an entire race of people without any tieback to individuals. You and others have already declared that you simply have it better by being white - something that you are utterly unable to establish without any information from each of those people.

You can speak in generalities but that is not what the white privilege warriors are doing - they are demanding that all whites somehow share in this elusive privilege.

Oh, noes, some little girl is a drama queen..

Speaking of privilege, I have never understood yours, here.

Other people need to abide by the rules for the clean debate section, yet you never have to abide by any rues at all. Makes me wonder why.
There is no such thing as white privilege.

Either racism is ok or it is not.

Yes many care including you or you would not be defending a racist.

If you don't think there's white privilege in this society, then you are deluded and there's really no point talking to you.

There is no such thing as a white name or non white name.

Again, your denial is deluded. Jamal Washington is a name where you assume the guy is black. Greg Norton is a white name. Greg gets more call backs to his resume than Jamal, even if they have the same education and experience.

Done wasting my time on you.
Well hate to burst your bubble but it is still going on today.


At least he still has his white privilege

actually, that fellow looks Hispanic... but again, you are deluded. Oh, the other guy is black.. but I guess he is better off because he has a wheelchair.
Speaking of privilege, I have never understood yours, here.

Other people need to abide by the rules for the clean debate section, yet you never have to abide by any rues at all. Makes me wonder why.

Which other people are that. I haven't personally attacked anyone here. You just did.

Says you. Not me.

Well, you have no perspective, then. That little girl is going to grow up, have better access to education, to jobs, to housing, to health care than a little girl of color. This is the reality of America. Watching you people go into hysterics because this Asian Girl talked back to a white troll or a Hispanic Girl beat a white guy in a congressional district is kind of fun to watch, but also very telling... How dare these people get out of their place?

The thing is, white racists often point to Asians as the "model minority" in that they aren't pushy and they are successful. Um, yeah, until one of them gets a bit pushy.

Seriously had any of you even heard of Sarah Jeong before last week? I hadn't.
..if you want to argue that racial oppression has caused the black culture to be dysfunctional/self destructive, please do it possible--sure
but then why is Africa a shithole?

You mean other than Europeans exploiting it for hundreds of years?

Bull. Racism has literally nothing to do with power and never will. This recent attempt to redefine racism and what it means is actually a good example of the OP.

Here we have a movement that essentially wants to define racism as white - a clear example of trying to justify racism against whites as inconsequential.

Well, no, racism has everything to do with power. Racism is the ability of one race to keep the other races in a subordinate position. In short, it's not just disliking people for the color of their skin, it's being able to deny them jobs, equal protection under the law, portrayals in popular culture, and so on.

Case in point, when was the last time you saw an Asian Actor in a film who was the hero, other than a martial arts movie? When was the last time you saw a movie or TV show where an Asian actress was romantic lead?

Oh, wait. I can think of an example, that Asian chick in the last Star Wars movie, who was subjected to so much white trolling that she had to get off of social media. (wasn't her fault it was an awful movie.)

White privilege is yet another example of the OP. That is an example of assigning something to an entire race of people without any tieback to individuals. You and others have already declared that you simply have it better by being white - something that you are utterly unable to establish without any information from each of those people.

Of course I have it better by being white! Heck, my Grandparents got off the boat only about 90 years ago, and while they encountered some discrimination. (Wasn't a great thing being German-American between the world wars), my Dad married an American woman in the 1950's, got a good paying union job and raised a family of successful middle class folks.

A black guy tried to do that, he's have probably gotten lynched in the 1950's when he even thought about marrying a white woman.

You can speak in generalities but that is not what the white privilege warriors are doing - they are demanding that all whites somehow share in this elusive privilege.

I'm not sure how they are "Demanding" anything, other than acknowledging a reality. You get to access more privileges by being white than you do being a member of other racial groups.

The real problem, of course, is that in their 40 year war against the working class, a lot of that white privilege has eroded. You can't get that good union job out of High School anymore. You have to go to college, incur a lot of debt, and hope you land something good when you are done. And when some college tries to equal the playing field through affirmative action, man, there is some resentment going on.
..if you want to argue that racial oppression has caused the black culture to be dysfunctional/self destructive, please do it possible--sure
but then why is Africa a shithole?

You mean other than Europeans exploiting it for hundreds of years?

Bull. Racism has literally nothing to do with power and never will. This recent attempt to redefine racism and what it means is actually a good example of the OP.

Here we have a movement that essentially wants to define racism as white - a clear example of trying to justify racism against whites as inconsequential.

Well, no, racism has everything to do with power. Racism is the ability of one race to keep the other races in a subordinate position. In short, it's not just disliking people for the color of their skin, it's being able to deny them jobs, equal protection under the law, portrayals in popular culture, and so on.

Case in point, when was the last time you saw an Asian Actor in a film who was the hero, other than a martial arts movie? When was the last time you saw a movie or TV show where an Asian actress was romantic lead?

Oh, wait. I can think of an example, that Asian chick in the last Star Wars movie, who was subjected to so much white trolling that she had to get off of social media. (wasn't her fault it was an awful movie.)

White privilege is yet another example of the OP. That is an example of assigning something to an entire race of people without any tieback to individuals. You and others have already declared that you simply have it better by being white - something that you are utterly unable to establish without any information from each of those people.

Of course I have it better by being white! Heck, my Grandparents got off the boat only about 90 years ago, and while they encountered some discrimination. (Wasn't a great thing being German-American between the world wars), my Dad married an American woman in the 1950's, got a good paying union job and raised a family of successful middle class folks.

A black guy tried to do that, he's have probably gotten lynched in the 1950's when he even thought about marrying a white woman.

You can speak in generalities but that is not what the white privilege warriors are doing - they are demanding that all whites somehow share in this elusive privilege.

I'm not sure how they are "Demanding" anything, other than acknowledging a reality. You get to access more privileges by being white than you do being a member of other racial groups.

The real problem, of course, is that in their 40 year war against the working class, a lot of that white privilege has eroded. You can't get that good union job out of High School anymore. You have to go to college, incur a lot of debt, and hope you land something good when you are done. And when some college tries to equal the playing field through affirmative action, man, there is some resentment going on.
...again--main point is the Africans/blacks were so far behind whites BEFORE the exploitation/etc that it is hard to argue that the exploitation/slavery/oppression caused the problems with the blacks it possible that slavery/oppression/etc caused American black culture/education/etc to not advance? sure and probably did---but to what effect?? --
..what effect did the black culture/etc [ or lack of] education/technology/written language/poor diet/etc of Africa goes into the equation?
..a culture/people with an abundance of food/diet/etc obviously advance in most categories than ones without
Well, no, racism has everything to do with power. Racism is the ability of one race to keep the other races in a subordinate position. In short, it's not just disliking people for the color of their skin, it's being able to deny them jobs, equal protection under the law, portrayals in popular culture, and so on.

I don't think you are doing yourself any favors here, as you seem to conflate racism (a state of mind), institutional racism (organizational structures and aims reflecting the prevalent societal racism), and white privilege (a societal organization bequeathing benefits on the favored racial group). They may well be mutually reinforcing, and the end result sure is "to keep the other races in a subordinate position", but the same they sure are not.

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