CDZ Why is racism ok if the target is white?

OK, I'll bite, what are "white" names, and what are "non-white" names?

Read the article.

In short, white people are more likely to give their kids names like "Emily" or "Greg"... while black folks used names like Jamal or Lakisha.

Now this is fairly recent... back in the 1950's, blacks and whites used mostly the same first names... Mary, John, Joseph, etc.

Here is what you said, “Except they weren't in the same context. What we didn't see in the tweets from Ms. Joeng were all the posts she was responding to, which were full of racist and misogynistic invective, which is what she was responding to.” Where is the question? You made a statement, if you can’t back up your accusation, I’m good with that.

Again, sorry you can't see the question in there... I guess I have to put it more bluntly for you...

We didn't see what she was responding to, so we don't know the context.
Racism is an ugly thing, one that can have enormously harmful effects on society. One would hope that this would be recognized by people on all sides, but sadly this is not often the case.

In recent years, I have noticed an increase in racism. First, there has been an increase in antisemitic language on various sites that appear to be associated with people who identify as the alt-right. Second, there has been an increase in anti-white language from people, especially minorities, on the left.

Both trends are disturbing. But I find the latter trend to be more dangerous in one important way. While the racists on the alt-right are generally condemned by “respectable” society, the racists on the left are often tolerated by the left wing part of such society.

There is no justification for this differential treatment. Racism – hatred of racial groups rather than of individuals for their actions – is pernicious. Since humans are so group-oriented, racism appears to be tempting, but that means that social norms need to condemn it strongly and consistently.

The most recent, high visible toleration of left wing racism is by the New York Times, which hired Sarah Jeong. Jeong has a first-rate left-wing resume, but her Twitter feed is filled with outrageously racist tweets, such as “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men” and “Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.”

If these were tweets of a white person or a right winger, the New York Times would never, ever hire that person. Why would they hire Jeong?

Her public apology for the tweets is very weak – it suggests she did it in retaliation of harassment, but it does not appear all of the tweets were in response to such actions.

This is sad. I am not one who looks back on a golden age of the New York Times when it was a neutral newspaper. But I have to admit things appear to have gotten much worse in recent years. This type of action not only harms society, but also harms the reputation of an institution which it is hard to respect, despite it being the “leading newspaper in the nation.”

The Racism of New York Times Reporter Sarah Jeong - Law & Liberty

Now I doubt that all Lefties support this any more than all righties support racism against anyone else, but still the NY Times hires this person? Anybody want to take a whack at explaining why this isn't highly hypocritical? Yes, the Times can hire whoever they want, but can you imagine the outcry if Fox News hired a person who said the exact same thing about any minority you car to name?

It has to do with the way we support the underdog I believe. Doesn't make racism right though.

Heck, Archie Bunker was an American Hero of sots.

FWIW though, my neighbors love to complain about black boys not running out of the way at full speed when they're driving around Walmart parking lot. So when I'm driving around the nicer parking lots I always point out the darned white folks not even jogging to get out of the way. Just to be fair you know.
OK, I'll bite, what are "white" names, and what are "non-white" names?

Read the article.

In short, white people are more likely to give their kids names like "Emily" or "Greg"... while black folks used names like Jamal or Lakisha.

Now this is fairly recent... back in the 1950's, blacks and whites used mostly the same first names... Mary, John, Joseph, etc.

Here is what you said, “Except they weren't in the same context. What we didn't see in the tweets from Ms. Joeng were all the posts she was responding to, which were full of racist and misogynistic invective, which is what she was responding to.” Where is the question? You made a statement, if you can’t back up your accusation, I’m good with that.

Again, sorry you can't see the question in there... I guess I have to put it more bluntly for you...

We didn't see what she was responding to, so we don't know the context.

So there was no question, no question marks nothing, you made a statement.
So an unscientific study conducted 16 years ago is the basis of your facts. Interesting point, however I disagree.

Well, except it was scientific, and it got the results that shouldn't surprise anyone. Greg gets a callback, Jamal doesn't.

That is an interesting perception, it goes quite well with your "all rich people are greedy and selfish" and "corporations hate people" rhetoric.
It has to do with the way we support the underdog I believe. Doesn't make racism right though.

A couple of points about this. 1, I think the underdog excuse has had it's day and it's about time everybody who has not met their goals in life own up to who's really at fault, and it ain't a bunch of white people who died a century and more ago. Life ain't fair for a whole lot of people, and if anyone is using or trying to use racism as an excuse for their failings is flat out wrong. Clearly racism is not dead, unfortunately it still exists and there's nothing wrong with anybody and everybody pointing it out and doing something about it. OTOH, I'd say that most of the time these days it ain't a question of racism, it's a question of merit, ability, and attitude and it's on each of us to better ourselves without waiting for the gov't or somebody else to do it for us.

Heck, Archie Bunker was an American Hero of sorts. I don't think he was a hero to most folks. People laughed at him, maybe some agreed but a lot of people didn't and that was what, some 50 years ago? Not many people wanted to grow up to be like Archie Bunker, and that's why he wasn't a hero.

FWIW though, my neighbors love to complain about black boys not running out of the way at full speed when they're driving around Walmart parking lot. So when I'm driving around the nicer parking lots I always point out the darned white folks not even jogging to get out of the way. Just to be fair you know.

Which goes to prove that assholes are assholes regardless of the color of their skin. We are IMHO a lot less concerned for other people's rights and feelings than we used to be, and that has nothing to do with skin color either.
It has to do with the way we support the underdog I believe. Doesn't make racism right though.

A couple of points about this. 1, I think the underdog excuse has had it's day and it's about time everybody who has not met their goals in life own up to who's really at fault, and it ain't a bunch of white people who died a century and more ago. Life ain't fair for a whole lot of people, and if anyone is using or trying to use racism as an excuse for their failings is flat out wrong. Clearly racism is not dead, unfortunately it still exists and there's nothing wrong with anybody and everybody pointing it out and doing something about it. OTOH, I'd say that most of the time these days it ain't a question of racism, it's a question of merit, ability, and attitude and it's on each of us to better ourselves without waiting for the gov't or somebody else to do it for us.

Heck, Archie Bunker was an American Hero of sorts. I don't think he was a hero to most folks. People laughed at him, maybe some agreed but a lot of people didn't and that was what, some 50 years ago? Not many people wanted to grow up to be like Archie Bunker, and that's why he wasn't a hero.

FWIW though, my neighbors love to complain about black boys not running out of the way at full speed when they're driving around Walmart parking lot. So when I'm driving around the nicer parking lots I always point out the darned white folks not even jogging to get out of the way. Just to be fair you know.

Which goes to prove that assholes are assholes regardless of the color of their skin. We are IMHO a lot less concerned for other people's rights and feelings than we used to be, and that has nothing to do with skin color either.

Assholes are assholes, I love it and agree entirely. I might make that my political platform.

We can agree there are assholes all over the place of every color, height and every sex (I guess we don't just have two or three or four anymore).

I'll say people did want to grow up to be like Archie Bunker, but more wealthy. I don't think anything has changed in 50 years. Look how well that fuzzy math line went over. I run experiments when having to talk with folks. If I do math in my head and recite the answer instantly I get a more negative reaction than if I get out my phone and show them how things work on a calculator. My glass is 1/2 empty maybe. You should have heard the white racists come out of the woodwork a few years ago after the Michael Brown shooting. The behavior of my black neighbors empowered the racism of my white neighbors and set back relations 4 decades. Then the whites were proud enough to talk about James Earl Ray Day (That's a mid February joke around here unfortunately) in front of me like they're thinking I'm going to agree or at least not say anything just because there were groups of them.

This is different than me defending any part of thug culture but maybe in enlightened havens like San Francisco or wherever blacks aren't the underdog. Here, yup, they are. You don't want to apply for a job with a last name of Johnson and list a mostly black high school on your resume. Folks will stare at your first name and try to figure out your race before calling. The small businesses I've worked for are the worst. Affirmative action or fear of it kept that Class 1 railroad hiring black women to work with white men left and right. It really worked pretty decently for them. Maybe the small businesses I've been around are the only ones? I doubt it. Are there better ones? Heck yeah. Just a point though, being black doesn't help you get hired w/o government intervention.
So there was no question, no question marks nothing, you made a statement.

No, i asked a question, which is what you clearly didn't understand.

We don't know what she was responding to, she said it was trolling by white males... that's kind of good enough for me, but by all means, keep trying to take the discussion into the weeds.

That is an interesting perception, it goes quite well with your "all rich people are greedy and selfish" and "corporations hate people" rhetoric.

Well, that one is actually backed up with a study. I'd love to do a study of what the rich guys at the Ford Corporation were thinking when they put out the Pinto and decided it would be cheaper to pay the families of those killed and injured than to do an $11.00 repair.

But I'm sure it had nothing to do with greed, selfishness or a disdain for the working people who bought their cheap ass cars while they drove around in the more expensive models.
So there was no question, no question marks nothing, you made a statement.

No, i asked a question, which is what you clearly didn't understand.

We don't know what she was responding to, she said it was trolling by white males... that's kind of good enough for me, but by all means, keep trying to take the discussion into the weeds.

That is an interesting perception, it goes quite well with your "all rich people are greedy and selfish" and "corporations hate people" rhetoric.

Well, that one is actually backed up with a study. I'd love to do a study of what the rich guys at the Ford Corporation were thinking when they put out the Pinto and decided it would be cheaper to pay the families of those killed and injured than to do an $11.00 repair.

But I'm sure it had nothing to do with greed, selfishness or a disdain for the working people who bought their cheap ass cars while they drove around in the more expensive models.

One story makes the rule? Sorry, my outlook is much different, there is good and bad however most is good.
Back to the topic, why is racism of one group okay and another group not?

Its not really.

The underdog gets a bit of support and leeway though.
Please explain why an Asian woman, can make racist statements about whites and then another woman posted the same tweets and only substituted white for black and Twitter banned her but not the Asian woman?
The Progressive narrative is that White people, especially White Males have had it too good for too long. That's what all the White Privilege nonsense is all about. Now it is time for retribution, and punishment of White Males in order to "even the score" for minorities, and women.

It is done in the name of diversity, multiculturalism, inclusiveness, fairness, etc, but it is more about getting back at what is perceived as the boogie man.
There is a reason why White males have had it good for so long and that reason has been voluntarily vacated by White males who have pathetically surrendered much of their advantage in the name of equality. But whether the giant in this great social drama is sleeping or dead remains to be seen.

Well I am a White Male who has struggled between $7-12/hr jobs with little to no benefits offered all my adult life. Even after getting my bachelors in Business and Masters degree in Education the best job offers I got were $7-12/hr. I also have been fired five times in my life, partly because I have a learning disability I am dyslexic. You know how humiliating it is to have a Master's degree and yet get fired from a $7/hr job because the manager thinks your too stupid to do the job because your dyslexic? So I have never experienced "having it way too good for too long". The only thing that saved me from such low paying jobs was a CDL and getting into truck driving.

I have seen prejudice behavior by Whites, Blacks, Latino's, and different income level groups. Although there have been times I thought I was not liked or targeted because I was white, I do remember many times growing up seeing Blacks and Mexicans called names behind their backs and treated poorly because of their race as well. I also had many great friends from many different cultures and different races treat me like gold growing up who were my best friends and were not prejudice against me because I was white and likewise I was not prejudice against them because they were of a different race or came from a different culture or religion then I did.

So although someone might think they get targeted because they are White, it is not something to take personally and it would be unfair to assume well everyone of a certain racial or ethnic group will treat me this way because they hate me because I am White. Likewise someone who is Black or Latino who gets targeted by someone who is White should not think all Whites will act this way toward them.

Probably the most prejudice behavior I have experienced has been by the upper middle class and rich whites I have met. They hate me I would say more then any other group because I am considered poor white trailer trash and that was the culture I grew up in. The upper middle class whites I have met in my life have treated me actually worse then anybody and seem to hate my guts because I come from a poor white trailer trash family and they don't want anything to do with me.
Back to the topic, why is racism of one group okay and another group not?

Because it's not racism if you lack the institutional power to act on it.

Ms. Jeong can dislike white men who hit on her and say derogatory things about her all day, but there isn't much she can do about it.

White racists work very hard all day to keep people of color down.
Because Democrats(who control the culture)are morally bankrupt.

They don't view racism as a moral flaw or deficiency, they just use the issue to gain more power.
Back to the topic, why is racism of one group okay and another group not?

Its not really.

The underdog gets a bit of support and leeway though.
Please explain why an Asian woman, can make racist statements about whites and then another woman posted the same tweets and only substituted white for black and Twitter banned her but not the Asian woman?

I said, "Its not really (ok for her to make those statements" .

Then I said "The underdog gets a bit of support and leeway though"

That means it is not ok for her to make those statements.

It also means I'm going to throw a bone of understanding to those who have and are being oppressed.

Kinda like if my kid hits the bully back, well, he really shouldn't hit kids but I understand. Does that make sense?
The Progressive narrative is that White people, especially White Males have had it too good for too long. That's what all the White Privilege nonsense is all about. Now it is time for retribution, and punishment of White Males in order to "even the score" for minorities, and women.

It is done in the name of diversity, multiculturalism, inclusiveness, fairness, etc, but it is more about getting back at what is perceived as the boogie man.
There is a reason why White males have had it good for so long and that reason has been voluntarily vacated by White males who have pathetically surrendered much of their advantage in the name of equality. But whether the giant in this great social drama is sleeping or dead remains to be seen.

Well I am a White Male who has struggled between $7-12/hr jobs with little to no benefits offered all my adult life. Even after getting my bachelors in Business and Masters degree in Education the best job offers I got were $7-12/hr. I also have been fired five times in my life, partly because I have a learning disability I am dyslexic. You know how humiliating it is to have a Master's degree and yet get fired from a $7/hr job because the manager thinks your too stupid to do the job because your dyslexic? So I have never experienced "having it way too good for too long". The only thing that saved me from such low paying jobs was a CDL and getting into truck driving.

I have seen prejudice behavior by Whites, Blacks, Latino's, and different income level groups. Although there have been times I thought I was not liked or targeted because I was white, I do remember many times growing up seeing Blacks and Mexicans called names behind their backs and treated poorly because of their race as well. I also had many great friends from many different cultures and different races treat me like gold growing up who were my best friends and were not prejudice against me because I was white and likewise I was not prejudice against them because they were of a different race or came from a different culture or religion then I did.

So although someone might think they get targeted because they are White, it is not something to take personally and it would be unfair to assume well everyone of a certain racial or ethnic group will treat me this way because they hate me because I am White. Likewise someone who is Black or Latino who gets targeted by someone who is White should not think all Whites will act this way toward them.

Probably the most prejudice behavior I have experienced has been by the upper middle class and rich whites I have met. They hate me I would say more then any other group because I am considered poor white trailer trash and that was the culture I grew up in. The upper middle class whites I have met in my life have treated me actually worse then anybody and seem to hate my guts because I come from a poor white trailer trash family and they don't want anything to do with me.

That is a good post buddy.

I think its important to note history shows if enough blacks, whites, asians or whoever are left alone they'll find subclasses of whatever they are and pick on those who are viewed as most different.
“Why is racism ok if the target is white?”

It isn’t.

And no one said it is.

The notion that racism is ever ‘OK’ is just another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Then why do I routinely get told it’s impossible to be racist against white people? This belief is embraced by some on the left whether you want to believe it or not.

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