Zone1 Anti-white racism in hiring is beyond extreme

If It Led to This, It Never Should Have Been Believed

There was never any past discrimination. The poor performance of Affirmative Action hires proves that. Quit throwing our wiser forefathers under the bus in order to make what you mistake as a point.
The OP is an affirmative action recipient, yet she rails against it as do many other white women of a certain category:

In the United States, the demographic that has benefited the most from affirmative action policies is white women. This finding is supported by numerous studies and reports indicating that affirmative action has significantly helped white women advance in both educational and professional settings.​
A Labor Department report from 1995 highlighted that since the 1960s, affirmative action had aided 6 million women in moving up in the workplace. More recent analyses also show that white women have made substantial gains in higher education and corporate leadership roles due to affirmative action policies. For instance, white women expanded their share of senior leadership jobs at twice the rate of women of color from 2020 to 2022 (National Organization for Women -) (NewsOne).​
Despite common perceptions that affirmative action primarily benefits racial minorities, white women have consistently reaped considerable advantages, particularly in education and employment. In higher education, women in general, and white women in particular, now earn four-year degrees at higher rates than men and have a significant presence in universities and colleges (National Organization for Women -) (NewsOne).​
Thus, while affirmative action policies were designed to address systemic inequalities and promote diversity, the most notable beneficiaries in practice have been white women (Pulitzer) (National Organization for Women -) (NewsOne).​
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I am a white male and there is no doubt we have had an easier time in the job world forever. White privilege is going away and there is some make up for years of discrimination.
Put your big boy pants on and deal with it.
It probably has nothing to do with your color it has to do with YOU,. Your skills, your attitude, your work ethic.
I can tell, already, you are a whiner. I wouldn't hire you, no matter your color.
LIBERAL JUSTIN TRUDEAU and the cdn gov. has a program for businesses to only pay 25 percent of indians salary.
Look at all the white privilege in Appalachia
Why do you consistently side with the racists? They call you the model minority. Why? Because they like the way Asians supposedly just shut up and take the racism. Now is that something to be proud of? Especially when there are groups of Asians strugging just like people in Appalachia?

Furthermore many of those same whites in that region are some of the most virulent racists in America. My moms side of the family is from that area. They caught hell. Blacks down there still catch hell.

You posted a tweet whereby a black man was called a silverback gorilla. And then when called on it decided to double down in agreement with the racist description. So then if one I was to post a derogatory description of an Asian here, that would be OK with you? I'm not going to do that, but you see, whem these racists wrere posting blacks attacking Asians as if blacks were doing it the most, racism against blacks from Asians was never considered But you showed an example of Asian Anti black racism with your posting that tweet.

It must suck to hate yourself so badly. You have no pride.
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If you are retired, you had the advantage of white privilege. While you moving along in your career many minorities including women had a much harder time than you.
The ones who succeeded put their big boy and girl pants on and dealt with it. Life is not fair. Take advantage of the positives and quit whining about the negatives. That is life.
I am Jewish and had the “advantage” of coming across antisemites all my life.

And why don’t you tell the blacks to stop whining? They are shoe-ins for jobs and promotions that they are less qualified for than white competitors - as the stat I posted shows - and yet they’re STILL whining about racism?
Women were part of Affirmative Action and the stats show that white females benefitted the most from the policy. So Lisa probably benefitted from what she calls black favoritism.
Again….you need to understand per capita. Blacks were much more likely to benefit from Affirmative Action than whites.

And I didn’t graduate Phi Beta Kappa and at the top of my class because of white privilege.
Sure thing. No one ever got anything on merit. :rolleyes:
IM2 would be livid if anyone suggests that anything any single black has is due to black favoritism - and then he makes that claim against whites.

I worked in admissions and can tell you that 2 out of 3 black acceptees would have been rejected if white. One of three got in due to merit.
The OP is an affirmative action recipient, yet she rails against it as do many other white women of a certain category:

In the United States, the demographic that has benefited the most from affirmative action policies is white women. This finding is supported by numerous studies and reports indicating that affirmative action has significantly helped white women advance in both educational and professional settings.​
A Labor Department report from 1995 highlighted that since the 1960s, affirmative action had aided 6 million women in moving up in the workplace. More recent analyses also show that white women have made substantial gains in higher education and corporate leadership roles due to affirmative action policies. For instance, white women expanded their share of senior leadership jobs at twice the rate of women of color from 2020 to 2022 (National Organization for Women -) (NewsOne).​
Despite common perceptions that affirmative action primarily benefits racial minorities, white women have consistently reaped considerable advantages, particularly in education and employment. In higher education, women in general, and white women in particular, now earn four-year degrees at higher rates than men and have a significant presence in universities and colleges (National Organization for Women -) (NewsOne).​
Thus, while affirmative action policies were designed to address systemic inequalities and promote diversity, the most notable beneficiaries in practice have been white women (Pulitzer) (National Organization for Women -) (NewsOne).​
Oh please….I am not an AA recipient. Are you so hateful toward whites that you think all white women benefitted from AA? That none of us would have gotten into college without it?

Your post is very misleading. The fact remains that black women have been the most likely to benefit from AA.

I LOST due to AA because a promotion I wanted went to a less qualified black woman, and the hiring manager told me that she was under pressure to choose a black. She also told me she would deny saying that if I repeated it.

Also, two of my friends lost out to promotions to blacks, and they sued. This was in the federal government where black favoritism is especially rampant. (In one of the cases, it was almost laughable - my friend with a grad degree and years of experience lost out to a black high school grad who had just been hired six months earlier.) They both won their cases, along with the pay differential for the two years the cases took.

This is happening even more these days - with blacks getting hired over whites at astronomical rates. How else can you explain why 94% of the 300,000 new jobs went to people of color, and only 6% to whites?
There is plenty of discussion of “systemic racism” against blacks and POC, but the truth is that the biggest target of racism are WHITES. (And if you’re a white male, the odds are stacked against you even more. Just pray you don’t lose your job.)

In this Bloomberg report, it is revealed that the S&P 100 added 320,000 jobs in the year after the violent, ex-felon died - and 94% of the new jobs went to POC. This shows how extreme the agenda is to prioritize race over merit as the primary qualifier for jobs, and it is a recipe for decline.

According to the link, it appears that the most notable and substantial gains at the manager, senior and executive levels were among Asians, with blacks only hovering around 8% of the "new" jobs within those categories. and the white population occupying the vast majority of jobs in those categories.

The most substantial gains by blacks as well as Hispanics appear to be in the laborer and service industries, with the white population losing ground in that category, but comparatively still gaining more ground in the professional and higher ranks.
According to the link, it appears that the most notable and substantial gains at the manager, senior and executive levels were among Asians, with blacks only hovering around 8% of the "new" jobs within those categories. and the white population occupying the vast majority of jobs in those categories.

It is true that whites currently occupy the vast majority of senior-level jobs, to be expected to some extent since whites are the majority population, but does that justify the current practice of discriminating against a white applicant who is superior to a POC applicant, simply to diversity the upper ranks more?

The key is to end discrimination by race, period, rather than to look at groups as a monolith and adjust hiring decisions with a pre-determined goal of increasing the number of people from POC groups and decreasing it from the white. When you do that, in the majority of cases, you will not get the best qualified applicant. And that is because whites are the majority population, so statistically the best candidate will be from the white group.

So the question is: do we accept lesser overall capability in our companies in preference for diversity rather than make hiring decisions regardless of race? If yes, then America will remain on a downhill slide.
The most substantial gains by blacks as well as Hispanics appear to be in the laborer and service industries, with the white population losing ground in that category, but comparatively still gaining more ground in the professional and higher ranks.
That’s an interesting observation, but it still comes at a disadvantage to the majority of whites - since the majority of whites have no more than a high school education - and they will find it hard to compete for service and labor jobs against blacks and Hispanics.

Delving deeper into the stats, what this shows is that corporations, in an effort to increase diversity and hire more POC over whites, are finding it easier to do that on the lower-end since there are more POC on the lower end from which to choose. Thus, they can “make their numbers” and hire POC retail workers, counter clerks, low-end support staff, etc., and turn away whites for those jobs.

This means that whites without career training after high school will be SOL.
It is true that whites currently occupy the vast majority of senior-level jobs, to be expected to some extent since whites are the majority population, but does that justify the current practice of discriminating against a white applicant who is superior to a POC applicant, simply to diversity the upper ranks more?

The key is to end discrimination by race, period, rather than to look at groups as a monolith and adjust hiring decisions with a determined goal of increasing the number of people from POC groups and decreasing it from the white. When you do that, in the majority of cases, you will not get the best qualified applicant. And that is because whites are the majority population, so statistically the best candidate will be from the white group.

So the question is: do we accept lesser overall capability in our companies in preference for diversity rather than make hiring decisions regardless of race? If yes, then America will remain on a downhill slide.

That’s an interesting observation, but it still comes at a disadvantage to the majority of whites - since the majority of whites have no more than a high school education - and they will find it hard to compete for service and labor jobs against blacks and Hispanics.

Delving deeper into the stats, what this shows is that corporations, in an effort to increase diversity and hire more POC over whites, are finding it easier to do that on the lower-end since there are more POC on the lower end from which to choose. Thus, they can “make their numbers” and hire POC retail workers, counter clerks, low-end support staff, etc., and turn away whites for those jobs.

This means that whites without career training after high school will be SOL.
Since my granddaughter will be entering the workforce fulltime when she graduates from college next year, I've began watching these statistics more closely as of late.

As far as the "upper ranks" (aka decision makers) who hire others, Asians achieved the most substantial gain according the link in the opening post at the rate of 25% of the new jobs in professional and executive categories. That is extremely high by comparison to their relative population size.

I'm not so certain that I would attribute their progress to rampant discrimination against the white population as the cause.

As far as the lower end jobs in the service and laborer industries, as expected, Hispanics made the most substantial gain over ALL other groups.

As an observation, whenever I visit my local Home Depot or Lowes, their parking lots are always full of predominantly Hispanic laborers looking for work, and frankly, I seldom, if ever see a white or even a black person in those places.

Even in hotels and restaraunts in Las Vegas or other entertainment venues, it is very rare that I see a majority of white or black people waiting tables or cleaning rooms, however in local stores in my area, I see a minimal presence of blacks with the majority of staff being Hispanic or white.

It would be interesting to look at a few other surveys from various geographical areas to compare workforce statistics against the one that you presented, before drawing a final conclusion that there is a rampant case of "anti white/pro black" hiring practices that is happening throughout the entire country,
especially since the vast majority of hiring managers in practically all industries are white, and the link did not show concrete evidence of whites being displaced SPECIFICALLY
by blacks at a substantial rate.

Here in California there is obviously a surge of Hispanic workers in service and labor industries due to the steady growth of their population in this state.
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Since my granddaughter will be entering the workforce fulltime when she graduates from college next year, I've began watching these statistics more closely as of late.

As far as the "upper ranks" (aka decision makers) who hire others, Asians achieved the most substantial gain according the link in the opening post at the rate of 25% of the new jobs in professional and executive categories. That is extremely high by comparison to their relative population size.

I'm not so certain that I would attribute their progress to rampant discrimination against the white population as the cause.

As far as the lower end jobs in the service and laborer industries, as expected, Hispanics made the most substantial gain over ALL other groups.

As an observation, whenever I visit my local Home Depot or Lowes, their parking lots are always full of predominantly Hispanic laborers looking for work, and frankly, I seldom, if ever see a white or even a black person in those places.

Even in hotels and restaraunts in Las Vegas or other entertainment venues, it is very rare that I see a majority of white or black people waiting tables or cleaning rooms, however in local stores in my area, I see a minimal presence of blacks with the majority of staff being Hispanic or white.

It would be interesting to look at a few other surveys from various geographical areas to compare workforce statistics against the one that you presented, before drawing a final conclusion that there is a rampant case of "anti white/pro black" hiring practices that is happening throughout the entire country,
especially since the vast majority of hiring managers in practically all industries are white, and the link did not show concrete evidence of whites being displaced SPECIFICALLY
by blacks at a substantial rate.

Here in California there is obviously a surge of Hispanic workers in service and labor industries due to the steady growth of their population in this state.
I agree that the link did not show whites being displaced specifically by blacks; hence the broader term “POC” (which the survey also termed it).

I will look for other studies as you suggest, but I don’t see how only 6% of new hires being white, when they represent close to 70% of the population, is not a result of anti-white racism - or, put more positively, an effort to favor non-whites in hiring, which of course has the same effect.

I have two friends who put their daughters through college, and both graduated more than five years ago. One works at Starbucks; the other has a receptionist job at a health club. (Both have business degrees.)

(I am out for most of the day but will check back this evening.)
Yup, white privilege "doesn't shield you from the hardships of life" but it does shield you from the additional life pains of being a "person of African descent"/
The “additional life pains of being a person of African descent” are lifestyle choices. Stop doing crime. Stop doing drugs. Don’t have kids out of wedlock. Accept responsibility for your actions.

I agree that the link did not show whites being displaced specifically by blacks; hence the broader term “POC” (which the survey also termed it).

I will look for other studies as you suggest, but I don’t see how only 6% of new hires being white, when they represent close to 70% of the population, is not a result of anti-white racism - or, put more positively, an effort to favor non-whites in hiring, which of course has the same effect.

I have two friends who put their daughters through college, and both graduated more than five years ago. One works at Starbucks; the other has a receptionist job at a health club. (Both have business degrees.)

(I am out for most of the day but will check back this evening.)
It's an interesting topic, so I will look around for some additional statistical information as well. Whatever I find, I will PM you with it to add to the topic if you choose to.

One last comment.
As of 2023, the U.S. non hispanic white population stood at roughly 197.0 million which translates to approximately 58% instead of 70% of the entire population of the country.
And I can tell you are a self-loathing leftist white and feel it’s fine to hire a black over a better-qualified white, simply due to their color. I wouldn’t work for you if you had the last job on earth.

I am Jewish and had the “advantage” of coming across antisemites all my life.

And why don’t you tell the blacks to stop whining? They are shoe-ins for jobs and promotions that they are less qualified for than white competitors - as the stat I posted shows - and yet they’re STILL whining about racism?
I believe antisemitism is real. We donate to ADL. I believe discrimination against blacks is real. I don't believe the US has white discremination. It is whites losing white privilege, that pisses off many whites. There are attempts to give minorities opportunities in areas they may have been excluded. I believe that should happen for Jews that were discriminated agaist Jews, in the past. Nothing is ever completely fair.
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