Why Is The Country Going In The Wrong Direction?

We have been in a very prolonged time frame now where about 70% of poll respondents have been saying that the country is going in the wrong direction. It has never polled that much for that long of a period ever before. I have searched and searched and searched but have not been able to find any recent explanations as to why 70% of Americans feel this way, which I find rather odd. The last data I could find was from several months ago. It is notable that when Biden first took office the figure was not at 70% but became that way a few months into his presidency and has stayed there ever since, which also coincides with Biden's low approval rating.

So, I am going to rule out the RvW Supreme Court decision because Americans were already at that 70% figure before that ruling. So, I'm asking you why you think 70% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Let me be clear, I'm not asking why YOU think the country is going in the wrong direction. I'm asking why you think 70% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Here's my take:

1. A very big part of it is the old adage: It's the economy stupid. Inflation is still high and wages aren't keeping up with it, causing personal debt to rise and increased evictions because a record number of people can't afford their rents or mortgages.

2. Dysfunction and gridlock are getting very tiresome to most Americans. Both sides are to blame for this but the fact is, Biden ran on a campaign theme of uniting the country and hasn't done one damn thing to unite with the other side and, in fact, we are more divided than ever, which may be part of the explanation for his low approval rating. He hasn't united the country and hasn't even tried.

3. We are basically at war with Russia and it's scary to think it could eventually lead to a nuclear WWIII.

4. Crime is out of control, especially mass shootings, and there is no end in sight. The left blame lack of gun control while the right blame lax crime control (due to leftist policies) and handcuffing law enforcement instead of criminals.

5. Both sides believe that the other side is taking democracy away.
“Why Is The Country Going In The Wrong Direction?”

Because the illiberal, neo-fascist authoritarian right is pursuing its agenda of further establishing the tyranny of Republican minority rule as part of its war on democracy, contrary to the will of the American people.
I think a part of the answer as to why so many people think the country is headed in the wrong direction is a lack of trust in our gov't, media, justice system, schools, and damn near everything else.
America has gone down hill since the sixties thanks to liberals. If only we could get back to the fifties.
We're going in the wrong direction because we're CHOOSING to maintain and support a political/electoral system that incentivizes and rewards the very worst impulses of its participants.

The resulting (and predictable) increasing divisions make it virtually impossible to do what Americans used to do best: Communicate, cooperate, collaborate, and innovate.

Now we're just tribes, battling each other for political territory. Self-inflicted wound. National suicide.
We have been in a very prolonged time frame now where about 70% of poll respondents have been saying that the country is going in the wrong direction. It has never polled that much for that long of a period ever before. I have searched and searched and searched but have not been able to find any recent explanations as to why 70% of Americans feel this way, which I find rather odd. The last data I could find was from several months ago. It is notable that when Biden first took office the figure was not at 70% but became that way a few months into his presidency and has stayed there ever since, which also coincides with Biden's low approval rating.

So, I am going to rule out the RvW Supreme Court decision because Americans were already at that 70% figure before that ruling. So, I'm asking you why you think 70% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Let me be clear, I'm not asking why YOU think the country is going in the wrong direction. I'm asking why you think 70% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Here's my take:

1. A very big part of it is the old adage: It's the economy stupid. Inflation is still high and wages aren't keeping up with it, causing personal debt to rise and increased evictions because a record number of people can't afford their rents or mortgages.

2. Dysfunction and gridlock are getting very tiresome to most Americans. Both sides are to blame for this but the fact is, Biden ran on a campaign theme of uniting the country and hasn't done one damn thing to unite with the other side and, in fact, we are more divided than ever, which may be part of the explanation for his low approval rating. He hasn't united the country and hasn't even tried.

3. We are basically at war with Russia and it's scary to think it could eventually lead to a nuclear WWIII.

4. Crime is out of control, especially mass shootings, and there is no end in sight. The left blame lack of gun control while the right blame lax crime control (due to leftist policies) and handcuffing law enforcement instead of criminals.

5. Both sides believe that the other side is taking democracy away.
Sure. I'll go with those.

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