Why is the discussion about COVID centered almost exclusively around masks and vaccines?


Platinum Member
Mar 2, 2021
It's interesting that the entire national conversation about COVID is centered completely on vaccines and masks when there are a number of other very important issues this pandemic has brought to the forefront.

1. We as a country are fat. Not a little overweight, FATTY FAT FAT FAT! And it's not ok. Your fat ass might be "beautiful" to someone but it isn't healthy, and it leaves you susceptible to a multitude of diseases including COVID and it amplifies those diseases and makes them more lethal. The majority of the people in ICU's for COVID currently might be unvax'd but they are also by a wide margin, tons of fun.

2. We are generally unhealthy. We don't exercise enough and eat like shit. Is it any wonder we are vulnerable to diseases?

3. Our health departments aren't serving us well both on the state and federal level. Low hanging fruit like Vitamin D and C. It's cheap and is known to boost immunity against all kinds of illness. We are all aware that young healthy people aren't being affected by COVID at a significant clip. Getting people to go outside, and supplement Vit D and C, Zinc. They are cheap and easy and it can only be beneficial.

Ivermectin. Ivermectin is a drug that is known for it's antibacterial and antiviral qualities. It's used against Dengue, Yellow Fever and Zika virus (all RNA viruses). It's safe, has countless research done around it and has had over 4 billion doses administered. Again it's shown promise against COVID why aren't we using it? Oh and the daily COVID pill Pfizer is developing? It's a protease inhibitor similar to what's in Ivermectin. The only 2 differences between Ivermectin and the new Pfizer drug will be cost and research backing them up.

The same with HCQ. It's a drug that's been around for forever, is safe (it would be over the counter in the US if we had a malaria problem) and should be allowed to be prescribed off label. The only reason it isn't is because Trump said it might help. And if anyone believes Trump came up with HCQ on his own and wasn't fed that shit from on of the "experts" that have since jumped off that idea I've got a bridge to sell you.
Get your FUCKING Vaccines and we would defeat COVID
It's interesting that the entire national conversation about COVID is centered completely on vaccines and masks when there are a number of other very important issues this pandemic has brought to the forefront.

1. We as a country are fat. Not a little overweight, FATTY FAT FAT FAT! And it's not ok. Your fat ass might be "beautiful" to someone but it isn't healthy, and it leaves you susceptible to a multitude of diseases including COVID and it amplifies those diseases and makes them more lethal. The majority of the people in ICU's for COVID currently might be unvax'd but they are also by a wide margin, tons of fun.

2. We are generally unhealthy. We don't exercise enough and eat like shit. Is it any wonder we are vulnerable to diseases?

3. Our health departments aren't serving us well both on the state and federal level. Low hanging fruit like Vitamin D and C. It's cheap and is known to boost immunity against all kinds of illness. We are all aware that young healthy people aren't being affected by COVID at a significant clip. Getting people to go outside, and supplement Vit D and C, Zinc. They are cheap and easy and it can only be beneficial.

Ivermectin. Ivermectin is a drug that is known for it's antibacterial and antiviral qualities. It's used against Dengue, Yellow Fever and Zika virus (all RNA viruses). It's safe, has countless research done around it and has had over 4 billion doses administered. Again it's shown promise against COVID why aren't we using it? Oh and the daily COVID pill Pfizer is developing? It's a protease inhibitor similar to what's in Ivermectin. The only 2 differences between Ivermectin and the new Pfizer drug will be cost and research backing them up.

The same with HCQ. It's a drug that's been around for forever, is safe (it would be over the counter in the US if we had a malaria problem) and should be allowed to be prescribed off label. The only reason it isn't is because Trump said it might help. And if anyone believes Trump came up with HCQ on his own and wasn't fed that shit from on of the "experts" that have since jumped off that idea I've got a bridge to sell you.

Excellent observations. Another option that should be investigated more is the use of UV-C light to disinfect, a proven way to deactivate this virus. How to use it effectively for the general public remains to be discussed or investigated, afaik.

As far as why only masks and vaccine?
  1. Power: politicians have huge egos. Like the tail that wags the dog, they have committed to these two things and now they can't let go and will do anything (including distort the real results and the truth) to prove they were right.
  2. Money: why waste an opportunity to make huge profits on new drugs and development?
  3. Trump: In the very first press conference at the very beginning, the orange man recommended some of these as possible measures that should be looked into (most likely they were off the cuff recommendations from some of his science advisors). He was mercilessly flogged by the left for suggesting these things. To this day, any of these options will be canceled and discredited by the current administration and the left MSM.
It's interesting that the entire national conversation about COVID is centered completely on vaccines and masks when there are a number of other very important issues this pandemic has brought to the forefront.

1. We as a country are fat. Not a little overweight, FATTY FAT FAT FAT! And it's not ok. Your fat ass might be "beautiful" to someone but it isn't healthy, and it leaves you susceptible to a multitude of diseases including COVID and it amplifies those diseases and makes them more lethal. The majority of the people in ICU's for COVID currently might be unvax'd but they are also by a wide margin, tons of fun.

2. We are generally unhealthy. We don't exercise enough and eat like shit. Is it any wonder we are vulnerable to diseases?

3. Our health departments aren't serving us well both on the state and federal level. Low hanging fruit like Vitamin D and C. It's cheap and is known to boost immunity against all kinds of illness. We are all aware that young healthy people aren't being affected by COVID at a significant clip. Getting people to go outside, and supplement Vit D and C, Zinc. They are cheap and easy and it can only be beneficial.

Ivermectin. Ivermectin is a drug that is known for it's antibacterial and antiviral qualities. It's used against Dengue, Yellow Fever and Zika virus (all RNA viruses). It's safe, has countless research done around it and has had over 4 billion doses administered. Again it's shown promise against COVID why aren't we using it? Oh and the daily COVID pill Pfizer is developing? It's a protease inhibitor similar to what's in Ivermectin. The only 2 differences between Ivermectin and the new Pfizer drug will be cost and research backing them up.

The same with HCQ. It's a drug that's been around for forever, is safe (it would be over the counter in the US if we had a malaria problem) and should be allowed to be prescribed off label. The only reason it isn't is because Trump said it might help. And if anyone believes Trump came up with HCQ on his own and wasn't fed that shit from on of the "experts" that have since jumped off that idea I've got a bridge to sell you.

Why is the discussion about COVID centered almost exclusively around masks and vaccines?​

Because fascistic tyrants and their bootlickers are the ones driving the "conversation".....There's no power in it for them to even acknowledge therapeutics and natural herd immunity.

I'm here to help.
Get your FUCKING Vaccines and we would defeat COVID

Defeat the virus just like they did in Israel, with nearly 100% of eligible population vaccinated? Where they are talking about a Second booster shot?

2021-09-15Active CasesIsrael.png
Defeat the virus just like they did in Israel, with nearly 100% of eligible population vaccinated? Where they are talking about a Second booster shot?

Show me the US

You know, the US where low vaccination rate states have their hospitals bursting with COVID cases, where children are now getting COVID

Get your fucking vaccine
Show me the US
You know, the US where low vaccination rate states have their hospitals bursting with COVID cases, where children are now getting COVID

The thread isn't about hospitalizations, it's about other methods to prevent or treat getting sick from the virus, and preventing it from spreading (cases). Besides, your statement is false. I'll use Massachusetts as an example, which has one of the highest vaccination rates in the USA (76% with one dose, 66% with both):


Get your fucking vaccine

Again, we're not talking about to get the vaccine or not. The problem is, people like you are being conned into thinking the vaccine will solve all the problems. It won't. We need to discuss other things we can do. Why won't you consider even talking about other options?
Get your FUCKING Vaccines and we would defeat COVID
Democrats bullying people to get the jab makes people suspect their motives.

If getting the jab and wearing mask was good for Americans, Democrats would oppose it.

Democrats who would call China and warn them about US activities don't have Americans best interest at heart.
Get your FUCKING Vaccines and we would defeat COVID
Did I ever say people shouldn't get a vaccine? If you take Vit D or C are you not able to also get a vaccine? Is being fit and eating well preclude you from getting a vaccine? No? Then what the fuck are you talking about?

That said. This vaccine is too narrowly focused, it's leaky, and even if 100% of the US or even the western world were vaccinated and it wasnt the afore mentioned things that would leave huge swaths of the world population unvax'd and so it wouldnt stop the virus.
Did I ever say people shouldn't get a vaccine? If you take Vit D or C are you not able to also get a vaccine? Is being fit and eating well preclude you from getting a vaccine? No? Then what the fuck are you talking about?

That said. This vaccine is too narrowly focused, it's leaky, and even if 100% of the US or even the western world were vaccinated and it wasnt the afore mentioned things that would leave huge swaths of the world population unvax'd and so it wouldnt stop the virus.
Democrats who defend treason do not have Americans best interest at heart.

If the democrats defending the guy who would warn China of American actions wants Americans to get the vax, Americans would be wise to do the opposite.
It's interesting that the entire national conversation about COVID is centered completely on vaccines and masks when there are a number of other very important issues this pandemic has brought to the forefront.

1. We as a country are fat. Not a little overweight, FATTY FAT FAT FAT! And it's not ok. Your fat ass might be "beautiful" to someone but it isn't healthy, and it leaves you susceptible to a multitude of diseases including COVID and it amplifies those diseases and makes them more lethal. The majority of the people in ICU's for COVID currently might be unvax'd but they are also by a wide margin, tons of fun.

2. We are generally unhealthy. We don't exercise enough and eat like shit. Is it any wonder we are vulnerable to diseases?

3. Our health departments aren't serving us well both on the state and federal level. Low hanging fruit like Vitamin D and C. It's cheap and is known to boost immunity against all kinds of illness. We are all aware that young healthy people aren't being affected by COVID at a significant clip. Getting people to go outside, and supplement Vit D and C, Zinc. They are cheap and easy and it can only be beneficial.

Ivermectin. Ivermectin is a drug that is known for it's antibacterial and antiviral qualities. It's used against Dengue, Yellow Fever and Zika virus (all RNA viruses). It's safe, has countless research done around it and has had over 4 billion doses administered. Again it's shown promise against COVID why aren't we using it? Oh and the daily COVID pill Pfizer is developing? It's a protease inhibitor similar to what's in Ivermectin. The only 2 differences between Ivermectin and the new Pfizer drug will be cost and research backing them up.

The same with HCQ. It's a drug that's been around for forever, is safe (it would be over the counter in the US if we had a malaria problem) and should be allowed to be prescribed off label. The only reason it isn't is because Trump said it might help. And if anyone believes Trump came up with HCQ on his own and wasn't fed that shit from on of the "experts" that have since jumped off that idea I've got a bridge to sell you.
For lefties, all roads lead to vaccine almighty. There is nothing else to talk about.
It's interesting that the entire national conversation about COVID is centered completely on vaccines and masks when there are a number of other very important issues this pandemic has brought to the forefront.

1. We as a country are fat. Not a little overweight, FATTY FAT FAT FAT! And it's not ok. Your fat ass might be "beautiful" to someone but it isn't healthy, and it leaves you susceptible to a multitude of diseases including COVID and it amplifies those diseases and makes them more lethal. The majority of the people in ICU's for COVID currently might be unvax'd but they are also by a wide margin, tons of fun.

2. We are generally unhealthy. We don't exercise enough and eat like shit. Is it any wonder we are vulnerable to diseases?

3. Our health departments aren't serving us well both on the state and federal level. Low hanging fruit like Vitamin D and C. It's cheap and is known to boost immunity against all kinds of illness. We are all aware that young healthy people aren't being affected by COVID at a significant clip. Getting people to go outside, and supplement Vit D and C, Zinc. They are cheap and easy and it can only be beneficial.

Ivermectin. Ivermectin is a drug that is known for it's antibacterial and antiviral qualities. It's used against Dengue, Yellow Fever and Zika virus (all RNA viruses). It's safe, has countless research done around it and has had over 4 billion doses administered. Again it's shown promise against COVID why aren't we using it? Oh and the daily COVID pill Pfizer is developing? It's a protease inhibitor similar to what's in Ivermectin. The only 2 differences between Ivermectin and the new Pfizer drug will be cost and research backing them up.

The same with HCQ. It's a drug that's been around for forever, is safe (it would be over the counter in the US if we had a malaria problem) and should be allowed to be prescribed off label. The only reason it isn't is because Trump said it might help. And if anyone believes Trump came up with HCQ on his own and wasn't fed that shit from on of the "experts" that have since jumped off that idea I've got a bridge to sell you.
Because those two particular items are vestiges of a visible control society. People can identify as vaccinated ergo politically correct and they can add to the aura of the control construct by visibly showing their support with facial covering.

It's interesting that the entire national conversation about COVID is centered completely on vaccines and masks when there are a number of other very important issues this pandemic has brought to the forefront.

1. We as a country are fat. Not a little overweight, FATTY FAT FAT FAT! And it's not ok. Your fat ass might be "beautiful" to someone but it isn't healthy, and it leaves you susceptible to a multitude of diseases including COVID and it amplifies those diseases and makes them more lethal. The majority of the people in ICU's for COVID currently might be unvax'd but they are also by a wide margin, tons of fun.

2. We are generally unhealthy. We don't exercise enough and eat like shit. Is it any wonder we are vulnerable to diseases?

3. Our health departments aren't serving us well both on the state and federal level. Low hanging fruit like Vitamin D and C. It's cheap and is known to boost immunity against all kinds of illness. We are all aware that young healthy people aren't being affected by COVID at a significant clip. Getting people to go outside, and supplement Vit D and C, Zinc. They are cheap and easy and it can only be beneficial.

Ivermectin. Ivermectin is a drug that is known for it's antibacterial and antiviral qualities. It's used against Dengue, Yellow Fever and Zika virus (all RNA viruses). It's safe, has countless research done around it and has had over 4 billion doses administered. Again it's shown promise against COVID why aren't we using it? Oh and the daily COVID pill Pfizer is developing? It's a protease inhibitor similar to what's in Ivermectin. The only 2 differences between Ivermectin and the new Pfizer drug will be cost and research backing them up.

The same with HCQ. It's a drug that's been around for forever, is safe (it would be over the counter in the US if we had a malaria problem) and should be allowed to be prescribed off label. The only reason it isn't is because Trump said it might help. And if anyone believes Trump came up with HCQ on his own and wasn't fed that shit from on of the "experts" that have since jumped off that idea I've got a bridge to sell you.
Because it's the only thing they can force on people. And there's no telling how many politicians own stock in the companies that produce them.

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