Just saw some people with masks on today

They are still out there, that is, those people who are still terrified of Covid and wear masks everywhere. Every waking hour is spent in fear from Covid or climate change. And no, they were not really old or sickly, the opposite, they looked young and healthy. I felt sorry for them to be honest, looking at them in the same light I do as those who are scientologists or JW's going door to door selling their cult.

It got me thinking, most people have rejected the Fauci mandate of wearing masks, realizing they were lied to. After all, what has changed? It's still out there. The only thing that has changed is that more people have died from the virus under Biden than under Trump, and that was even with their so-called cure of an antiviral jab. However, many have distanced themselves from the jab as well.

Just out of curiosity, how many people here still mask up and/or get the jab?
It's seems you have a problem minding your own fucking business. :rolleyes:
And you are the legitimate 5% or so who have always legitimately existed. Otherwise the fearful show boaters now gave masking up to 20% and 50% in those so very lethal grocery stores.
Where do you see this happening? I don't see more than an occasional mask at Walmart and they are usually senior citizens.
How so. I’m not the one loosing my mind over someone in a mask. If you want to wear one go for it if you don’t then don’t. Everyone should be able to do as they please
Same thing we said during Covid. But wear them get fired.

Remember that? I wore a fucking mask in 115 heat index because of rhat BS. Like getting water boarded with your own sweat.

So pardon me when I make fun of people wearing them and still think they stopped Covid.

Wear 5. But this BS happen again mind your own business of those forced to wear them.
I see stupid people at time still wearing a mask in cars with no one else in the car.

I think to myself. What an idiot.

Thanks to govt shut down we have inflation from hell

Mind your business, fuck face.
It is free to observe and think like I want, but it is another to take a man's livelihood because you are a vaccine busy body like you.

You fascist freak you.

My only hope is that one day the truth makes Leftists spontaneously combust.

It is free to observe and think like I want, but it is another to take a man's livelihood because you are a vaccine busy body like you.

You fascist freak you.

My only hope is that one day the truth makes Leftists spontaneously combust.
Funny how its over and they say how dare you make fun of maskers.

Back then do it or else. Idiots having us wear masksvinb115 heat. In the everyone finally said fuck it. Couldnt fire everyone.
Funny how its over and they say how dare you make fun of maskers.

Back then do it or else. Idiots having us wear masksvinb115 heat. In the everyone finally said fuck it. Couldnt fire everyone.
For the record, I did not make this thread to make fun of those who still mask.

I just wondered how prevalent it still was, that is, the fear that was created.

I also wanted the Left who stopped masking a chance to stand back and look at how they were back then and now.

What changed, that is, what made them change?

And most importantly, do you feel at all bad how you treated those who refused to mask like you don't mask today?
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Same thing we said during Covid. But wear them get fired.

Remember that? I wore a fucking mask in 115 heat index because of rhat BS. Like getting water boarded with your own sweat.

So pardon me when I make fun of people wearing them and still think they stopped Covid.

Wear 5. But this BS happen again mind your own business of those forced to wear them.
I am consistent in my approach felt the same now as I did on the hight is Covid. If you want to wear a mask great of you don’t then don’t
I also wanted the Left who stopped masking a chance to stand back and look at how they were back then and now.
Consider it was all about control cloaked in the guise of safety to the 'left' Votto

Consider it was all about control cloaked in the guise of safety to the 'left' Votto

Sure, but I don't think all of them were that way.

There were a few true believers

For example, I heard a story about a guy who could not unmask for his wife and it cost him his marriage.

Compare that to governor Newsom of California who punished people for not wearing masks and closing down restaurants and then secretly opening a restaurant so they could party without masks.

He was just a fascist prick and still is.

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