Why is the US the only developed country in the World without Universal Healthcare for all its citizens?

What does that have to do with the price of Covid in China? The truth of your assertion was destroyed by the fact that the southern states do NOT control anything in this nation.
Ffs. How blind are you? Anyone would think they don't control the Senate and are willing to give 'free stuff' to blacks. This disingenuity about America's birth defect can be taken too far.
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Modern Obamacare Policies have yearly deductibles of $5000-$6000 already, so in essence they are close to "catastrophic" type policies already, no?

But your thesis here is that people will not pursue routine medical exams, screenings and treatments unless they are somehow "covered by insurance". Do you really think that's true? Do you have any evidence on this?

Particularly since the Hyde Amendment, most insurance policies don't cover the Abortuary Arts. Has this hampered that business? Lasik eye surgery, butt enhancements, dental and breast implants, etc. as well aren't usually covered by policies , yet practitioners do pretty well.

The present extremely expensive high deductible private insurance policies on the markets for individual or family purchase is indeed one of the worst problems of our present private system. To avoid this is a big reason many advocate the less expensive “Universal Healthcare” systems that are generally adopted by advanced countries elsewhere. I can’t “prove” anything, but many can’t afford routine health care as is. There are many other societal reasons to abolish the present mishmash compromise system, which doesn't even provide a government insurance option. We should go for something less expensive overall, and more comprehensive.

I certainly agree that our cosmetic and vanity-driven society will not disappear just because we have universal healthcare. Private doctors will surely continue to do well providing private services to the rich or to those for whom such things are very important. There may also be doctors making money providing “elective sex change operations” ... but hopefully not on the taxpayer’s dime! I support Universal Health insurance because I am convinced it will be good for our society as a whole, as I have explained earlier.

By the way, I just spent $13,000 for (needed) dental work, paying in cash. I know lots of people who could not have afforded this. We are a rich society still, and for many of us putting beautiful front teeth on 70+ oldsters is great. Maybe one day, after we have “universal health,” we can tackle dentistry as well. I would certainly be inclined right now to include such services for all children who need treatment, braces, etc.

Our economy is helped by expanding medical services in general, as skilled jobs are created for the next generation. It is not work that can be “exported” easily, and is far preferable to alternatives like training young unemployed as cannon fodder, or teaching them to rain down death on imagined enemies abroad.
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The present extremely expensive high deductible private insurance policies on the markets for individual or family purchase is indeed one of the worst problems of our present private system, and a big reason that less expensive “Universal Healthcare” systems are generally adopted by advanced countries everywhere. There are many other societal reasons to abolish the present mishmash compromise system, which doesn't even provide an government insurance option, and go for something less expensive and more comprehensive.

I certainly agree that our cosmetic and vanity-driven society will not disappear just because we have universal healthcare. Private doctors will surely continue to do well providing private services to the rich or to those for whom such things are very important. There may also be doctors making money providing “elective sex change operations” ... but hopefully not on the taxpayer’s dime. My interest in Universal Health insurance is because I am convinced it will be good for our society as a whole, as I have explained earlier.

By the way, I just spent $13,000 for (needed) dental work, paying in cash. I know lots of people who could not have afforded this. We are a rich society still, and for many of us putting beautiful front teeth on 70+ oldsters is great. Maybe one day, after we have “universal health,” we can tackle dentistry as well. I would certainly be inclined right now to include such services for all children who need treatment, braces, etc.

Our economy is helped by expanding medical services in general, as skilled jobs are created for the next generation. It is not work that can be “exported” easily, and is preferable to training young unemployed as cannon fodder, or to rain down death on imagined enemies abroad.

Sex-Change operations aren't considered to be "elective" in 2020, but instead as essential and mandated to be covered under ACA-approved insurance policies.
Sex-Change operations aren't considered to be "elective" in 2020, but instead as essential and mandated to be covered under ACA-approved insurance policies.
Obviously, to the extent that is so, I would strongly disagree with any such “mandate.” But I’m not very familiar with the ACA-approved rule, how it is worded, or the many different insurance policy coverages.
My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....
This is because we're THE smartest country, numbnuts!
What does that have to do with the price of Covid in China? The truth of your assertion was destroyed by the fact that the southern states do NOT control anything in this nation.
Ffs. How blind are you? Anyone would think they don't control the Senate and are willing to give 'free stuff' to blacks. This disingenuity about America's birth defect can be taken too far.

In 1857 there were 15 slave states. In 1861 there were 11. So you're suggesting slave states own the Senate today and control it? You certainly mean states like New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland, right?

Neither all of the slave states nor all of the states below the Mason Dixon line and from Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, etc., east, have enough votes to stop universal health care. Universal health care doesn't fail because of the south. It fails because it's a bad idea.
The United States is run by primitive, tribal people, particularly in the south, which is awash in primitive cults. Otherwise, we would have national healthcare.
So Sargent York was a primitive person, And all the rest?
My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....

Because we do. Those who can't pay get to use the ER's. And it is free to them. That's one of the reasons why our healthcare insurance costs so much. Also, we actually GET to see our doctors. Canadian politicians come to the US to get their healthcare. You should ask yourself why, if Canada's healthcare system is so good, do they do that?
People who can't pay go bankrupt a lot, losing all their assets is. The good old GOP scam way... Canadian healthcare is great. They don't know what you're talkin about. The GOP brainwash is the answer to all these questions....we are also the only developed country to not have a living wage or daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations or Fair taxes for the rich mainly. Great job scumbag GOP and brainwashed functional morons........
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My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....

Because we do. Those who can't pay get to use the ER's. And it is free to them. That's one of the reasons why our healthcare insurance costs so much. Also, we actually GET to see our doctors. Canadian politicians come to the US to get their healthcare. You should ask yourself why, if Canada's healthcare system is so good, do they do that?
People who can't pay go bankrupt a lot, losing all their assets is. The good old GOP scam way... Canadian healthcare is great. They don't know what you're talkin about. The GOP brainwash is the answer to all these questions....we are also the only developed country to not have a living wage or daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations or Fair taxes for the rich mainly. Great job scumbag GOP and brainwashed functional morons........

Yes. The biggest group responsible for medical bankruptcy is medicare. They have to bankrupt you before they can put you in a rest home.

That's government for you.
Mario Cuomo said Reagan made blaming poor people acceptable. A disgrace.
What's a disgrace? Reagan making it ok to blame poor people? Blaming poor people? Or Cuomo saying it?

  • Blaming poor people is OK when poor people make bad choices that affect people other than themselves.
  • Blaming rich people is OK when they make bad choices that affect others.
  • Blaming people is OK when they make bad choices that affect others.
  • Blaming black people, usually not OK.
  • Blaming white people, usually not OK.
Yes. The biggest group responsible for medical bankruptcy is medicare. They have to bankrupt you before they can put you in a rest home.

That's government for you.

I'm not supportive of big government, that's for sure, but your not accounting for other causes of medical bankruptcy. Like hospitals, medical service providers, and doctors, overcharging

My wife had brain surgery and when we were going through the finances, pre-check-in, at the hospital, they started with telling us the hospital charge, not counting doctors, anesthesiologists, radiologists, medicines, etc., our charge was going to be $56,000. Then we got to the insurance question and provided our information. Now the charge was $3600, less than 10%. In this case, the insurance company had negotiated a better price so the private insurance was a good thing.

My wife is also on oxygen. To rent a 1000 dollar oxygen concentrator and send $12.00 in supplies once a month, at best, the provider charges $330 a month. On insurance, $100 a month.

If these insurance prices were not profitable the providers wouldn't sign the contracts. So if you don't have insurance, and you get ripped off by the providers, bankruptcy may be your only option.
People who can't pay go bankrupt a lot, losing all their assets is. The good old GOP scam way... Canadian healthcare is great. They don't know what you're talkin about. The GOP brainwash is the answer to all these questions....we are also the only developed country to not have a living wage or daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations or Fair taxes for the rich mainly. Great job scumbag GOP and brainwashed functional morons........

I notice that you've been a member since 2011. Can you provide the links to your calls about scumbag Democrats when Obama was President? That will help demonstrate that you actually care about healthcare for the poor versus simply hating Trump.
People who can't pay go bankrupt a lot, losing all their assets is. The good old GOP scam way... Canadian healthcare is great. They don't know what you're talkin about. The GOP brainwash is the answer to all these questions....we are also the only developed country to not have a living wage or daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations or Fair taxes for the rich mainly. Great job scumbag GOP and brainwashed functional morons........

I notice that you've been a member since 2011. Can you provide the links to your calls about scumbag Democrats when Obama was President? That will help demonstrate that you actually care about healthcare for the poor versus simply hating Trump.
everything you know about Democrats is garbage propaganda with no evidence all this credited but of course never retracted by your scumbag media. Which is all owned by Rupert Murdoch for crying out loud. Wake up and smell the coffee. America is a GOP corrupt corporate disgrace at this point. Great job. I don't know what you're babbling about otherwise.
Mario Cuomo said Reagan made blaming poor people acceptable. A disgrace.
What's a disgrace? Reagan making it ok to blame poor people? Blaming poor people? Or Cuomo saying it?

  • Blaming poor people is OK when poor people make bad choices that affect people other than themselves.
  • Blaming rich people is OK when they make bad choices that affect others.
  • Blaming people is OK when they make bad choices that affect others.
  • Blaming black people, usually not OK.
  • Blaming white people, usually not OK.
We used to call them the unfortunate before they magically became lazy and stupid. when they have cheap college and training and a living wage and healthcare like every other modern country, I'll blame them.
People who can't pay go bankrupt a lot, losing all their assets is. The good old GOP scam way... Canadian healthcare is great. They don't know what you're talkin about. The GOP brainwash is the answer to all these questions....we are also the only developed country to not have a living wage or daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations or Fair taxes for the rich mainly. Great job scumbag GOP and brainwashed functional morons........

I notice that you've been a member since 2011. Can you provide the links to your calls about scumbag Democrats when Obama was President? That will help demonstrate that you actually care about healthcare for the poor versus simply hating Trump.
My father was a rare Doctor who was for socialized medicine since 1940. I've always been for socialized medicine. As well as all those other issues I keep repeating. The United States is a pathetic GOP corrupt corporate Mess. Thanks GOP and the brainwashed.
Yes. The biggest group responsible for medical bankruptcy is medicare. They have to bankrupt you before they can put you in a rest home.

That's government for you.

I'm not supportive of big government, that's for sure, but your not accounting for other causes of medical bankruptcy. Like hospitals, medical service providers, and doctors, overcharging

My wife had brain surgery and when we were going through the finances, pre-check-in, at the hospital, they started with telling us the hospital charge, not counting doctors, anesthesiologists, radiologists, medicines, etc., our charge was going to be $56,000. Then we got to the insurance question and provided our information. Now the charge was $3600, less than 10%. In this case, the insurance company had negotiated a better price so the private insurance was a good thing.

My wife is also on oxygen. To rent a 1000 dollar oxygen concentrator and send $12.00 in supplies once a month, at best, the provider charges $330 a month. On insurance, $100 a month.

If these insurance prices were not profitable the providers wouldn't sign the contracts. So if you don't have insurance, and you get ripped off by the providers, bankruptcy may be your only option.
Profit should not be the basis for medical system. Only the brainwash makes the idea possible

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