why is there something rather then nothing?

There may be universes where an ultimate cold void exists. There may be universes that are singularities of infinite heat. Either one would not have life that would evolve to ask "why". On an infinite continuum every combination of natural laws would exist. The ones with intelligent life would wonder why things are set up so perfectly for them when really they are just a product of random chance in the multi-verse.
Don't confuse universes with dimensions. Heaven, hell....many more are in other dimensions.There's one where they drive "tic tacs". Now you see it/now you don't. Jesus ans a shitload of white horses aren't coming on clouds.That dimension will open for all to see. It's right there. Look out the window. You can't see it YET
There may be universes where an ultimate cold void exists. There may be universes that are singularities of infinite heat. Either one would not have life that would evolve to ask "why". On an infinite continuum every combination of natural laws would exist. The ones with intelligent life would wonder why things are set up so perfectly for them when really they are just a product of random chance in the multi-verse.


How do you know neither of those universes would have life?


Right. The only people who insist otherwise do so on a religious basis. Which is ironic, as they are basically saying nothing can be eternal...

...except their sky daddy.

And nothing can come from nothing...

....except their sky daddy.

So in insisting nothing is eternal and that nothing can come from nothing, they present their evidence as something that is eternal and came from nothing.

Good luck making sense of it.


I see... So now you're saying all scientists are religious because they worship the Big Bang theory where the universe was created from nothing.

Sounds an awful lot like Genesis from the Holy Bible.


see... So now you're saying all scientists are religious because they worship the Big Bang theory where the universe was created from nothing.
I would not say that, because that is not what the big bang theory really is anymore.

First, no, not all scientists believe the universe came from nothing. In fact, I bet close to 0% of them would assert that with any confidence.

Second, the Big Bang Theory's purview has shrunk. Now it strictly describes how a rapid inflationary period produced our universe from an earlier, dense state. A singularity is not required.
I would not say that, because that is not what the big bang theory really is anymore.

First, no, not all scientists believe the universe came from nothing. In fact, I bet close to 0% of them would assert that with any confidence.

Second, the Big Bang Theory's purview has shrunk. Now it strictly describes how a rapid inflationary period produced our universe from an earlier, dense state. A singularity is not required.


Ah.h..h...h... So the universe existed in a super dense state where one day some magical force suddenly caused it to violate Newton's Laws Of Motion and start expanding to create the universe we know today.

And God said let the be light and he separated the light from the darkness and it was good.
Then he separated the earth from the waters (of space) and created the land.


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the universe existed in a super dense state where one day some magical force suddenly caused it to violate Newton's Laws Of Motion and start expanding to create the universe we know today
Well, you got a lot wrong, there.

No need to invoke "magic". Scientists don't postulate magic, when they don't know something. Magical thinkers do.

Second, you break newton's laws of motion every time you do anything. What prevents you from noticing is your small size and low speed. Fire a satellite into space, and suddenly we see the failings of those laws. So you haven't made much of a point, there.

Also, what you present as an alternative is magic. So you should love it that scientists would propose magic. Unfortunately for you and your ironic attempt to smear them, they don't.
Well, you got a lot wrong, there.

No need to invoke "magic". Scientists don't postulate magic, when they don't know something. Magical thinkers do.

So what external force, because it would have to be an external force, could cause all that condensed universe you postulate existed to change its state of rest? After all you're saying that condensed state was the universe which contains everything. Where did the other thing that gave it a kick start come from?


Second, you break newton's laws of motion every time you do anything. What prevents you from noticing is your small size and low speed. Fire a satellite into space, and suddenly we see the failings of those laws. So you haven't made much of a point, there.

You really don't understand physics do you.


Also, what you present as an alternative is magic. So you should love it that scientists would propose magic. Unfortunately for you and your ironic attempt to smear them, they don't.

I'm proposing nothing of the sort. You're the one kick stating the universe which contains everything and putting it in motion with some outside mysteriously magical force that couldn't exist.




So what external force, because it would have to be an external force,
Oops. No it wouldn't. There is no reason to demand that condition.

could cause all that condensed universe you postulate existed to change its state of rest?
Who says it was at rest? Only you. Another arbitrary condition you have added.

You need to drop this bad habit, it discredits and undermines the rest of what you say.
Oops. No it wouldn't. There is no reason to demand that condition.

Compared to its present state it would be at more of a state of rest.

Who says it was at rest? Only you. Another arbitrary condition you have added.

You need to drop this bad habit, it discredits and undermines the rest of what you say.

The only thing being undermined is your credibility as you attempt to cut snippets from my posts thinking you're capable of debating what I post logically.



I found out a long time ago if you try to figure out the cosmos... it is a recipe for madness.
Just take a look at the lives of those who dedicated their ample brains to answering it.
It ended up consuming their every waking moment... madness.
I found out a long time ago if you try to figure out the cosmos... it is a recipe for madness.
Just take a look at the lives of those who dedicated their ample brains to answering it.
It ended up consuming their every waking moment... madness.
*as stated on his quantum mechanical device that relies on general relativity to send its messages to our eyes

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