Why is this Michigan football sign-stealing investigation being treated as such a big deal?

I thought they found evidence on a computer. Lists of tickets bought for games of future opponents. Weren't all these tickets located on the 45 yard line? Coincidence?
We know multiple teams had Michigans signs last year before they played them. So we know they scouted too.

If 2 guys get caught with drugs, but you only see one guy in the act of getting them, do you let the other guy go free because you didn’t catch him in the transaction but he still had the drugs?

That would be dumb. Both people with drugs would be busted. But not here.
We know multiple teams had Michigans signs last year before they played them. So we know they scouted too.
Is it against the rules to possess that information? If you had any evidence of that you’d have posted it.
If 2 guys get caught with drugs, but you only see one guy in the act of getting them, do you let the other guy go free because you didn’t catch him in the transaction but he still had the drugs?

That would be dumb. Both people with drugs would be busted. But not here.
If it’s not illegal to possess drugs, but one guy stole the. And the other didn’t…. That’s closer to the situation here. I have no doubt teams try to break the signal code of other teams. How they go about doing that is the issue here not that it happened. That’s precisely the issue with UM. It’s not THAT they had other teams signals but HOW they got that information.
Is it against the rules to possess that information?
There’s no way to get it without breaking the rules.
It’s not THAT they had other teams signals but HOW they got that information.
Wow, Nope, it’s the end result. The whole idea for the rule is to supposedly prevent teams from having signs going into a game they can exploit.

You have proof (sheets, texts, testimony) other teams had Michigans signs last year, that OSU gave Purdue Michigans signs in the Big 10 championship. They all did it, yet there’s a push against Michigan just because the process was supposedly seen. But it all produced the same end, which is the issue.

It’s weird that you don’t care about the results and are hung up on technicalities.
There’s no way to get it without breaking the rules
Really is it against the rules to stand on your sideline and look at the signs the opposing team is using and figure it out? That’s against the rules? Link please.

Is it illegal for you to give other teams that info? Link please
Wow, Nope, it’s the end result. The whole idea for the rule is to supposedly prevent teams from having signs going into a game they can exploit.
Link to the rule stating you are not allowed to figure out another teams signs.
You have proof (sheets, texts, testimony) other teams had Michigans signs last year, that OSU gave Purdue Michigans signs in the Big 10 championship. They all did it, yet there’s a push against Michigan just because the process was supposedly seen. But it all produced the same end, which is the issue.
It’s the same to you because you’re being a whiny Michigan fan. You’re mad your team got caught breaking the rules and is suffering because of it. Be mad at Harbaugh. He made a the UM coaching staff. They broke the rules.
It’s weird that you don’t care about the results and are hung up on technicalities.
Because the method of getting the signs is the part that’s against the rules. If it weren’t there would be no reason to have the other rules. If it were just blanket against the rules to have or use another teams signs there’s no need to have the rules about how they are collected. Regardless of how you did it you’d be in violation. Since that’s not the case….

I have no dog in this fight. I’m not a fan of any particular college football program so I can be objective. You obviously can’t.
I don’t get it, is an Ohio State alum on the prosecution board here?

I don’t get how one can “steal signs” by simply attending a game. 80,000 people can steal signs? Scouting a team as they openly play games is normal in sports. And what about in-game? Are you not allowed to look at the other teams sidelines?

This is nothing like the Patriots taping other teams practices, or the Astros using real time technology, yet it’s being treated as such.

I guess if there’s technically a rule against it, you can go for it if you’re the NCAA. It seems very petty and minute.. like ticketing someone for jaywalking.

To all the other salty Big 10 teams: If you don’t want your signs stolen, hide them. Michigan would have rolled them regardless
Patriots didn’t do what you said they did lol
Such an uncompelling take from you here. By your logic there is no such thing as unjust punishment.

What’s weird is how the Big 10 commish went completely rogue here based on no evidence. The Big 10 isn’t performing an investigation, the NCAA is. There’s due process clauses in the Big 10 handbook that prevent this, the commish ignored them, and made sure to implement it on a Friday at 4pm on Veterans Day to screw a team out of their coach who will file an injunction and nearly certainly get a stay. This all stinks to high heavens. I’m fine with a fine or minimal punishment if you need to. The media/Big 10/NCAA have been treating this like the MSM/CNN/MSNBC/Democrats have been treating January 6th.. with absolute ridiculous hyperbole
Total BS I'm glad Michigan won, even with the bogus 3 game ban on Harbaugh.
Really is it against the rules to stand on your sideline and look at the signs the opposing team is using and figure it out? That’s against the rules? Link please.

Is it illegal for you to give other teams that info? Link please

Link to the rule stating you are not allowed to figure out another teams signs.

It’s the same to you because you’re being a whiny Michigan fan. You’re mad your team got caught breaking the rules and is suffering because of it. Be mad at Harbaugh. He made a the UM coaching staff. They broke the rules.

Because the method of getting the signs is the part that’s against the rules. If it weren’t there would be no reason to have the other rules. If it were just blanket against the rules to have or use another teams signs there’s no need to have the rules about how they are collected. Regardless of how you did it you’d be in violation. Since that’s not the case….

I have no dog in this fight. I’m not a fan of any particular college football program so I can be objective. You obviously can’t.
You miss the point. The Big 10 claimed unsportsmanlike conduct. The coaches from Ohio State, Purdue, and others also participated in unsportsmanlike conduct by giving Michigan’s signs to opponents. Meaning their coaches must now immediately ALL be suspended for 3 games. I’m not a Michigan fan, but you just seem hung up on getting Michigan and ignoring the misconduct by everybody else involved.
You miss the point. The Big 10 claimed unsportsmanlike conduct. The coaches from Ohio State, Purdue, and others also participated in unsportsmanlike conduct by giving Michigan’s signs to opponents. Meaning their coaches must now immediately ALL be suspended for 3 games. I’m not a Michigan fan, but you just seem hung up on getting Michigan and ignoring the misconduct by everybody else involved.
Michigan was punished because they violated NCAA rules. This really isn’t that hard to understand.
I don’t get it, is an Ohio State alum on the prosecution board here?

I don’t get how one can “steal signs” by simply attending a game. 80,000 people can steal signs? Scouting a team as they openly play games is normal in sports. And what about in-game? Are you not allowed to look at the other teams sidelines?

This is nothing like the Patriots taping other teams practices, or the Astros using real time technology, yet it’s being treated as such.

I guess if there’s technically a rule against it, you can go for it if you’re the NCAA. It seems very petty and minute.. like ticketing someone for jaywalking.

To all the other salty Big 10 teams: If you don’t want your signs stolen, hide them. Michigan would have rolled them regardless
Maybe they sent spies or went too far. At least they’re still in the top 4.

Interesting that Tom Brady came from Michigan. Maybe he learned how to cheat in college and took what he learned to the patriots. Lol

jk. I’m a Michigan fan
You miss the point. The Big 10 claimed unsportsmanlike conduct. The coaches from Ohio State, Purdue, and others also participated in unsportsmanlike conduct by giving Michigan’s signs to opponents. Meaning their coaches must now immediately ALL be suspended for 3 games.
I’m not a Michigan fan, but you just seem hung up on getting Michigan and ignoring the misconduct by everybody else involved.
That’s blatantly the case here
Mr. Friscus lantern2814

post the rule where it says you cant figure out another teams signs.

post the rule that says you can’t tell another team what those signs are once you figure it out.

I can post the rule that says you can’t do what Michigan did……
Mr. Friscus lantern2814

post the rule where it says you cant figure out another teams signs.

post the rule that says you can’t tell another team what those signs are once you figure it out.

I can post the rule that says you can’t do what Michigan did……
They’ve said that getting a competitive advantage from having a teams’ signs is against the sportsmanship clause.. so it wouldnt matter how the signs were shared for this to take effect. And I don’t get why anyone would be so driven to try to make a big issue out of the difference. You have ironclad tunnel vision on this. Totally aloof
They’ve said that getting a competitive advantage from having a teams’ signs is against the sportsmanship clause.. so it wouldnt matter how the signs were shared for this to take effect. And I don’t get why anyone would be so driven to try to make a big issue out of the difference. You have ironclad tunnel vision on this. Totally aloof
They violated NCAA rules. That’s why. A fact you seem to want to just gloss over.
They’ve said that getting a competitive advantage from having a teams’ signs is against the sportsmanship clause.. so it wouldnt matter how the signs were shared for this to take effect. And I don’t get why anyone would be so driven to try to make a big issue out of the difference. You have ironclad tunnel vision on this. Totally aloof
Find those rules violations yet?
They violated NCAA rules. That’s why. A fact you seem to want to just gloss over.
As I’ve said all along, and you keep on missing.. If the NCAA wants to fine Michigan, go ahead

The punishment is arbitrary.. there is no assigned punishment. So, some massive penalty for getting other teams signs when we know other teams do it would be very suspicious

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