Why Isn't Ron DeSantis Dropping Out?

Because he's basing his presidential campaign strategy on the possibility that his Republican opponent could go to jail?

Most folks could come up with a better plan than that.
DeSantis' strongest argument was that he would be an eight year President. Instead, he took Trump's bait and became nasty. But no one can out nasty The Boss.
Because when people are suspected of crimes we tend to prosecute them, but you knew that already

So why only now after he announced his 2024 presidential run is he being charged with these alleged crimes when they supposedly occurred years ago?
So when does Joe's prosecution begin? Don't you believe in "equal justice across the board"?

Maybe direct your question to the DOJ or the regular Americans like yourself who sat on the juries and decided enough evidence existed to indict Trump and his alleged co-conspirators.

Maybe ask your House Republicans who keep claiming to have all of this damming evidence against the Bidens, yet do nothing.
I mean he isn't really doing a good job in the polls and definitely isn't beating Trump. Why waste his time?

What else is he gonna do? He's term limited as Governor isn't he?
Maybe direct your question to the DOJ or the regular Americans like yourself who sat on the juries and decided enough evidence existed to indict Trump and his alleged co-conspirators.

Maybe ask your House Republicans who keep claiming to have all of this damming evidence against the Bidens, yet do nothing.

Nobody "conspired" to do anything except question the results of the 2020 election. And one damned thing for sure, Trump nor any of his associates never took scores of millions of dollars from China, Russia, or Ukraine in order to to influence American political policies, and then lie about it.

If for nothing else, that sonofbitch Biden should be locked for getting 13 American killed during his botched Afghan withdrawal, his failure to protect the American border, and his destruction of the economy.

And what about all those documents he had scattered all over the place? He was in no position to even have any of those in his possession. When's that trial going to happen?
Maybe direct your question to the DOJ or the regular Americans like yourself who sat on the juries and decided enough evidence existed to indict Trump and his alleged co-conspirators.

Maybe ask your House Republicans who keep claiming to have all of this damming evidence against the Bidens, yet do nothing.

So in other words you don't have a clue do you? 🙄

He knows what?

So when does Joe's prosecution begin? Don't you believe in "equal justice across the board"?

Great point but notice he avoided answering it.

Why Isn't Ron DeSantis Dropping Out?​

I mean he isn't really doing a good job in the polls and definitely isn't beating Trump. Why waste his time?

Wait, wasn't he "your guy" not too long ago? He did after all get voted the winner of the Fox GOP debate last week, didn't he?

I've not written him nor Ramaswamy out. Maybe 1-2 others. I think a lot of them are waiting to see how things go with Trump, to see if Trump drops out or loses his legal battle or whatever.

Once you are out, you are out.

DeSantis, Ramasswamy and Trump still haven't debated in public.

That might go very well for Trump, or he could tumble and fall precipitously.

Then there is the Biden impeachment, if the GOP ever get off their asses and get started with it.

Any of those things could drastically change the picture.

The election like the hurricane are far to premature for anyone to make any committal yet much less drop out.
Wait, wasn't he "your guy" not too long ago? He did after all get voted the winner of the Fox GOP debate last week, didn't he?

Yeah but I changed my mind as I do believe now that Trump is the strongest candidate and that's impossible. DeSantis raised his hand that he would still support President Trump no matter what happens next only after his fellow candidates did. He's more of a follower than a leader.
I mean he isn't really doing a good job in the polls and definitely isn't beating Trump. Why waste his time?

Hurricane Huffy

His own listless vessel broke its rudder and is spiraling into the Bermuda Triangle.
I mean he isn't really doing a good job in the polls and definitely isn't beating Trump. Why waste his time?

Everybody's jockeying to be number two so that if something happens to Trump they will be in position to be the top dog. Unfortunately for them, even most democrats realize nothing is going to happen to Trump.
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Maybe direct your question to the DOJ or the regular Americans like yourself who sat on the juries and decided enough evidence existed to indict Trump and his alleged co-conspirators.

Maybe ask your House Republicans who keep claiming to have all of this damming evidence against the Bidens, yet do nothing.
Maybe you should answer a question instead of constantly dissembling.

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