why jesus was not the moshiah

The truth, from my perspective, is that Jesus could not be the Messiah because well, there is no Messiah. There is no God, no holy trinity. No one is coming to save us. We're on our own whether we like it or not.
btw im not a jew, im just encouraging discussion, i like both jews and christians and im also a christian but moderate, im not extreme.
btw im not a jew, im just encouraging discussion, i like both jews and christians and im also a christian but moderate, im not extreme.

You do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, therefore you are by definition not a Christian. You may not necessarily be a Jew either but you definitely are not Christian.

im nominally a christian, and what i said reflects my thoughts on the subject not neccessarily my end conclusion, im open to discussion about it.
btw im not a jew, im just encouraging discussion, i like both jews and christians and im also a christian but moderate, im not extreme.

You do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, therefore you are by definition not a Christian. You may not necessarily be a Jew either but you definitely are not Christian.

im nominally a christian, and what i said reflects my thoughts on the subject not neccessarily my end conclusion, im open to discussion about it.

Unfortunately the term Christian is not open to any sort of fluidity. You cannot bend the term to encompass more than what it currently describes which is this: "A Christian is defined as a person who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ and who has accepted Christ as his/her savior." There is no room for interpretation there. Taking on the label of "Christian" mandates absolute faith and acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah and your personal savior as well as belief in the Abrahamic God and adherence to the Ten Commandments. Otherwise you are something else entirely.
The insanity is at several levels. Israel, if it existed was long gone forever in 720 BC, after constant wars with Judah. The tribe of Judah, if it existed at all, wanted someone to overturn ROME, not the fabricated mythology of a reconciliation with the genocidal, racist Baal called Yahweh or any other deity. Jesus admitted he was not from the House of David, a racist, slightly inbred requirement to be the revolutionary leader. That is one main reason the inbred racist savages from the tribe of Judah, allegedly living among the civilized Romans rejected Jesus. Also, Jesus really promoted a particular and peculiar variation of the quite qu33r Essene cult called "the poor" which promoted the sick concept of being a eunuch. The "jews" ongoing need for a "messiah" is to defeat the world or "goyem" since their racist, phony reality is everyone else is less important. The authors of the bible where very sick, racist liars.
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Jesus Christ was the Messiah. The Holy Spirit revealed that to me. So who should I believe, a youtube video? Or the Holy Spirit.

Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
There's a lengthy chapter and verse breakdown of how Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah. Who that'll be, what he'll do, etc. is spelled out in great detail in the Jewish Tanach (from which we get the idea of the Messiah int he first place.) Bit of a read but well worth it. After reading it anyone who still thinks he was is consciously lying.

Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus, why Jews reject Jesus

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