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Why Jews hate Chistianity?

I've never seen anyone of the Jewish faith "hating" Christianity. However, Christians have a long history of being seriously annoying to Jews, even to the point of torturing and killing them. If I were Jewish, I'd be pretty pissed off. I'm Christian, but this situation pisses me off, too. Everybody, of all faiths, needs to learn to live and let live, and leave everyone else the hell alone. These contention that people "hate Christians" is baseless and utterly moronic.

Many Jews consider Christians one step above Muslims. Their opinion matters not. God's does:

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Historically Jews sided with Muslims against Christians, which is why they were never trusted, and as I said earlier in the European countries they nearly always sided with the feudal lords and worked for them in their own interests against the vast majority of people, the peasants and craftsmen classes, hence their unpopularity. There seems to be some beleif al Jews lived in western Europe or something, which isn't the case; most lived outside Europe, and even in Europe when they were expelled from Spain and other places they also found refuges in other Christian countries as well as Muslim ones, the Papal States being a major mecca; how couls that be if the root of all their alleged 'miseries' were Da Evul Catlicks? The regional Catholic Bishops were their most common protectors and providers of refuge in times of unrest for the most part, even in Germany, the most unreconstructed pagan part of Europe outside of eastern Europe.

The more you expound on 'The Jews' the more obvious it becomes that you've never even met a Jew who wasn't your boss or your landlord.
I call it goysplaining.

Picaro is correct.
The Moors did not want to administer in the Iberian Peninsula, so sent for Jews to act as Viziers and administrator, for them.
Do you remember the date when an Christian activist openly attacked Judaism?
Probably fifty years ago, not now.
But when we ask today about the religion affinity of any anti-Christian politician, journalist, atheist, activist etc. etc. etc., we receive mostly as answer Jewish.
Christians are not allowed to blame Judaism, it would be called antisemitism.
Against that Jewish believers can moke and condemn Christians, Jesus, Christianity, that's fine, no problem.
Like many threads on this Religion Forum.
It looks like something is wrong here.
All humans and religions shall be equal, aren't them?
Would be it not better when bashing of Christians get stopped?
It simple, really. The "chosen" didn't want to hear what he said.
Early on Jews demanded their own quarters with high walls to separate them from othe people they didn't wish to associate with or be exposed to; they considered themselves above the others, and insisted on being treated 'special'.
I provided a link to prove my point. Can you do the same or are you just making your own history?
I provided a link to prove my point. Can you do the same or are you just making your own history?

Wipe the feces from your mouth.

wikipedia is a biased website. I only link it for libs and atheists like you because they will gladly eat up any feces that sides with them.

We know antisemitism and the Holocaust started with the racism behind Darwinism and eugenics as I have pointed out many times -- Eugenics During the Holocaust.

So how did the Christians get blamed? Hitler had to get buy in from the Christian church leaders in Germany for his Nazi movement and afterward manipulated Christian doctrines to serve his anti-Jewish policies.

"Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. Two months later he publicly assured both Catholics and Protestants that he would respect their rights and work “for genuine harmony between Church and State.” Hitler always portrayed himself as a religious supporter, but one who was above the fray of denominational squabbles. He never officially renounced his Roman Catholicism and was not excommunicated until his death. He paid church taxes and listed himself as a Catholic in the party handbook right to the end. Other than Judaism, Hitler wrote favorably of religion in Mein Kampf wherever he mentioned it. Publicly he expressed his support of Christianity and he never publicly revealed his private anti-church attitudes.

However, in private Hitler shared his true feelings. In responding to the anti-Christian campaign of one of his co-conspirators in his 1923 coup attempt, Hitler said “I entirely agree with His Excellency [General Erich Ludendorff], but His Excellency can afford to announce to his opponents that he will strike them dead. But I need for the building up of a great political movement, the Catholics of Bavaria and the Protestants of Prussia. The rest can come later.” (J. S. Conway, The Nazi Persecution of the Churches 1933-1945, (c) 1968) Because of Hitler’s duplicity, many churchmen were unaware of his anti-church bias and they supported him because of the conservative nature of his programs, such as combating Bolshevism.

Christians should have been able to figure what the Nazis intended however, because the rabid anti-Semitism of the National Socialists made it inevitable that they would eventually attack Christianity. Anti-Semitism is a hatred of the people chosen by God, whose very existence is evidence of God’s desire for a relationship with humanity. Rejection of the Jews means rejection of the salvation offered by God through the Jews in Jesus of Nazareth. Anti-Semitism is a form of hatred of God. As it manifests itself in the form of the intense hatred of Jews, it will naturally lead to a hatred of Christianity and from there, all freedom and justice.(Arthur Cochrane, The Church’s Confession under Hitler, (C) 1962)"

It led to much division in the Christian churches and soon after the Nazis took power, Hitler turned against them -- Protestant Churches and the Nazi State
We know antisemitism and the Holocaust started with the racism behind Darwinism and eugenics as I have pointed out many times
So there was no anti-semitism before Darwin? And I thought you were delusional about Darwin before. I had no idea.

Matthew 27:24–25:
So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves." And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!"
I provided a link to prove my point. Can you do the same or are you just making your own history?

Wipe the feces from your mouth.

wikipedia is a biased website. I only link it for libs and atheists like you because they will gladly eat up any feces that sides with them.

We know antisemitism and the Holocaust started with the racism behind Darwinism and eugenics as I have pointed out many times -- Eugenics During the Holocaust.

So how did the Christians get blamed? Hitler had to get buy in from the Christian church leaders in Germany for his Nazi movement and afterward manipulated Christian doctrines to serve his anti-Jewish policies.

"Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. Two months later he publicly assured both Catholics and Protestants that he would respect their rights and work “for genuine harmony between Church and State.” Hitler always portrayed himself as a religious supporter, but one who was above the fray of denominational squabbles. He never officially renounced his Roman Catholicism and was not excommunicated until his death. He paid church taxes and listed himself as a Catholic in the party handbook right to the end. Other than Judaism, Hitler wrote favorably of religion in Mein Kampf wherever he mentioned it. Publicly he expressed his support of Christianity and he never publicly revealed his private anti-church attitudes.

However, in private Hitler shared his true feelings. In responding to the anti-Christian campaign of one of his co-conspirators in his 1923 coup attempt, Hitler said “I entirely agree with His Excellency [General Erich Ludendorff], but His Excellency can afford to announce to his opponents that he will strike them dead. But I need for the building up of a great political movement, the Catholics of Bavaria and the Protestants of Prussia. The rest can come later.” (J. S. Conway, The Nazi Persecution of the Churches 1933-1945, (c) 1968) Because of Hitler’s duplicity, many churchmen were unaware of his anti-church bias and they supported him because of the conservative nature of his programs, such as combating Bolshevism.

Christians should have been able to figure what the Nazis intended however, because the rabid anti-Semitism of the National Socialists made it inevitable that they would eventually attack Christianity. Anti-Semitism is a hatred of the people chosen by God, whose very existence is evidence of God’s desire for a relationship with humanity. Rejection of the Jews means rejection of the salvation offered by God through the Jews in Jesus of Nazareth. Anti-Semitism is a form of hatred of God. As it manifests itself in the form of the intense hatred of Jews, it will naturally lead to a hatred of Christianity and from there, all freedom and justice.(Arthur Cochrane, The Church’s Confession under Hitler, (C) 1962)"

It led to much division in the Christian churches and soon after the Nazis took power, Hitler turned against them -- Protestant Churches and the Nazi State
The peasant Christians are their own worse enemy. They let people with ulterior motives hoodwink them. Time after time. Some potential ruler or ruler or elites or other individuals use them against themselves. Then the conditioning starts and the whole ugliness and viciousness of what humanity does starts all over again. Other parts of the world have their ways on this of course. Christians let what we see today in our nation happen. And it has not played out yet.
We know antisemitism and the Holocaust started with the racism behind Darwinism and eugenics as I have pointed out many times
So there was no anti-semitism before Darwin? And I thought you were delusional about Darwin before. I had no idea.

Matthew 27:24–25:
So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves." And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!"

So you couldn't debunk what Darwin and his cousin did with their racism against the blacks and Jews with evolutionary thinking? I thought not.

Yet, Jesus forgave the Jews even though it was the Romans who did the actual execution. He forgave all. " And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments." Luke 23:34

Lets see if your generalization holds any value then.

Historians and experts of anti-semitism think there at least six possible theories:

Racial Theory – the Jews are hated because they are an inferior race.
Economic Theory – the Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.
Outsiders Theory – the Jews are hated because they are different from everyone else.
Scapegoat Theory – the Jews are hated because they are the cause for all the world’s problems.
Deicide Theory – the Jews are hated because they killed Jesus Christ.
Chosen People Theory – the Jews are hated because they arrogantly declare they are the “chosen ones of God.”

You believe in the Deicide theory. Any others?

There is one answer which I think most Christians believe, but you would not accept it. It makes perfect sense from Jesus viewpoint and thus his followers viewpoint. In fact, I may have mentioned it to you, but it went over your head, i.e. you ignored it. However, you have a chance to crap on Christians so are putting a lot of your chips into this.
I provided a link to prove my point. Can you do the same or are you just making your own history?

Wipe the feces from your mouth.

wikipedia is a biased website. I only link it for libs and atheists like you because they will gladly eat up any feces that sides with them.

We know antisemitism and the Holocaust started with the racism behind Darwinism and eugenics as I have pointed out many times -- Eugenics During the Holocaust.

So how did the Christians get blamed? Hitler had to get buy in from the Christian church leaders in Germany for his Nazi movement and afterward manipulated Christian doctrines to serve his anti-Jewish policies.

"Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. Two months later he publicly assured both Catholics and Protestants that he would respect their rights and work “for genuine harmony between Church and State.” Hitler always portrayed himself as a religious supporter, but one who was above the fray of denominational squabbles. He never officially renounced his Roman Catholicism and was not excommunicated until his death. He paid church taxes and listed himself as a Catholic in the party handbook right to the end. Other than Judaism, Hitler wrote favorably of religion in Mein Kampf wherever he mentioned it. Publicly he expressed his support of Christianity and he never publicly revealed his private anti-church attitudes.

However, in private Hitler shared his true feelings. In responding to the anti-Christian campaign of one of his co-conspirators in his 1923 coup attempt, Hitler said “I entirely agree with His Excellency [General Erich Ludendorff], but His Excellency can afford to announce to his opponents that he will strike them dead. But I need for the building up of a great political movement, the Catholics of Bavaria and the Protestants of Prussia. The rest can come later.” (J. S. Conway, The Nazi Persecution of the Churches 1933-1945, (c) 1968) Because of Hitler’s duplicity, many churchmen were unaware of his anti-church bias and they supported him because of the conservative nature of his programs, such as combating Bolshevism.

Christians should have been able to figure what the Nazis intended however, because the rabid anti-Semitism of the National Socialists made it inevitable that they would eventually attack Christianity. Anti-Semitism is a hatred of the people chosen by God, whose very existence is evidence of God’s desire for a relationship with humanity. Rejection of the Jews means rejection of the salvation offered by God through the Jews in Jesus of Nazareth. Anti-Semitism is a form of hatred of God. As it manifests itself in the form of the intense hatred of Jews, it will naturally lead to a hatred of Christianity and from there, all freedom and justice.(Arthur Cochrane, The Church’s Confession under Hitler, (C) 1962)"

It led to much division in the Christian churches and soon after the Nazis took power, Hitler turned against them -- Protestant Churches and the Nazi State
The peasant Christians are their own worse enemy. They let people with ulterior motives hoodwink them. Time after time. Some potential ruler or ruler or elites or other individuals use them against themselves. Then the conditioning starts and the whole ugliness and viciousness of what humanity does starts all over again. Other parts of the world have their ways on this of course. Christians let what we see today in our nation happen. And it has not played out yet.
The peasant Christians are their own worse enemy. They let people with ulterior motives hoodwink them.
no, they are what you claim they are not - as well the jews -

they revel in the lowest denominator of human kind -
We know antisemitism and the Holocaust started with the racism behind Darwinism and eugenics as I have pointed out many times
So there was no anti-semitism before Darwin? And I thought you were delusional about Darwin before. I had no idea.

Matthew 27:24–25:
So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves." And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!"

So you couldn't debunk what Darwin and his cousin did with their racism against the blacks and Jews with evolutionary thinking? I thought not.

Yet, Jesus forgave the Jews even though it was the Romans who did the actual execution. He forgave all. " And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments." Luke 23:34

Lets see if your generalization holds any value then.

Historians and experts of anti-semitism think there at least six possible theories:

Racial Theory – the Jews are hated because they are an inferior race.
Economic Theory – the Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.
Outsiders Theory – the Jews are hated because they are different from everyone else.
Scapegoat Theory – the Jews are hated because they are the cause for all the world’s problems.
Deicide Theory – the Jews are hated because they killed Jesus Christ.
Chosen People Theory – the Jews are hated because they arrogantly declare they are the “chosen ones of God.”

You believe in the Deicide theory. Any others?

There is one answer which I think most Christians believe, but you would not accept it. It makes perfect sense from Jesus viewpoint and thus his followers viewpoint. In fact, I may have mentioned it to you, but it went over your head, i.e. you ignored it. However, you have a chance to crap on Christians so are putting a lot of your chips into this.
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
jesus never uttered those words, they are forgeries included in the 4th century christian bible.

there would be no reason to ask forgiveness for what was already known of their cowardice in allowing the crucifixion that they willingly committed themselves too despite the denials of the followers.

- they knew perfectly well what they were doing.
Early on Jews demanded their own quarters with high walls to separate them from other people they didn't wish to associate with or be exposed to; they considered themselves above the others, and insisted on being treated 'special'.
I provided a link to prove my point. Can you do the same or are you just making your own history?

You provided a link to a self-serving narrative that deliberately leaves out anything 'inconvenient' to supporting that narrative.
Early on Jews demanded their own quarters with high walls to separate them from other people they didn't wish to associate with or be exposed to; they considered themselves above the others, and insisted on being treated 'special'.
I provided a link to prove my point. Can you do the same or are you just making your own history?

You provided a link to a self-serving narrative that deliberately leaves out anything 'inconvenient' to supporting that narrative.
Curious that you accuse me of leaving out anything 'inconvenient' yet you do exactly the same thing. What do you have that contradicts me or did you just make that up too?
We know antisemitism and the Holocaust started with the racism behind Darwinism and eugenics as I have pointed out many times
So there was no anti-semitism before Darwin? And I thought you were delusional about Darwin before. I had no idea.

Matthew 27:24–25:
So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves." And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!"

So you couldn't debunk what Darwin and his cousin did with their racism against the blacks and Jews with evolutionary thinking? I thought not.

Yet, Jesus forgave the Jews even though it was the Romans who did the actual execution. He forgave all. " And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments." Luke 23:34

Lets see if your generalization holds any value then.

Historians and experts of anti-semitism think there at least six possible theories:

Racial Theory – the Jews are hated because they are an inferior race.
Economic Theory – the Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.
Outsiders Theory – the Jews are hated because they are different from everyone else.
Scapegoat Theory – the Jews are hated because they are the cause for all the world’s problems.
Deicide Theory – the Jews are hated because they killed Jesus Christ.
Chosen People Theory – the Jews are hated because they arrogantly declare they are the “chosen ones of God.”

You believe in the Deicide theory. Any others?

There is one answer which I think most Christians believe, but you would not accept it. It makes perfect sense from Jesus viewpoint and thus his followers viewpoint. In fact, I may have mentioned it to you, but it went over your head, i.e. you ignored it. However, you have a chance to crap on Christians so are putting a lot of your chips into this.
People hate for all sorts of reasons. I'm sure you could find people today, likely right here on USMB, that would (secretly?) agree with each of the theories.

Although not Canonical, the Gospel of Peter and the Gospel of Barnabas, were widely circulated, early Christian texts that continued the tradition of shifting blame for Jesus' death from the Romans to the Jews. Christianity saw itself as a fulfillment of Judaism and was closely associated with it. Not surprising that after 70 AD, Christianity wanted to put some distance between them and the Jews and snuggle up to the Romans.

Here is the introduction to a book on the Gospel of Barnabas:
The Pauline and Gnostic success among non-Jews laid the ground for the demise of the Jewish leadership of the Jesus movement. The weakening of the Jewish and Torah-observant leadership that followed the devastation and the loss of life inflicted upon Judea during the failed uprising of 70 ce further exacerbated this process. From this catastrophic revolt to the reign of Emperor Nerva, 1 Judeans experienced one of their darkest periods. Barnabas lives and writes in the preamble to the forthcoming confrontation among competing forms of belief in Jesus that will dominate the next two centuries, and whose Jewish Gentile facet had been brewing since Paul’s days and permeates the New Testament. Barnabas, Hebrews, and John are early variants in the transition to undifferentiated anti-Jewish polemic. Barnabas and Hebrews are the earliest texts to venture the transition from implied opposition to the Jewish elite to its theological articulation. They are considered by many to be the first seeds of supersession. 2​

F. F. Bruce writes about the Gospel of Peter:
Apart from its docetic tendency, the most striking feature of the narrative is its complete exoneration of Pilate from all responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus. Pilate is here well on the way to the goal of canonisation which he was to attain in the Coptic Church. He withdraws from the trial after washing his hands, and Herod Antipas takes over from him, assuming the responsibility which, in Luke's passion narrative, he declined to accept. Roman soldiers play no part until they are sent by Pilate, at the request of the Jewish authorities, to provide the guard at the tomb of Jesus. The villians [sic] of the piece throughout are 'the Jews' - more particularly, the chief priests and the scribes. It is they who condemn Jesus to death and abuse him; it is they who crucify him and share out his clothes among themselves.[20]
Early on Jews demanded their own quarters with high walls to separate them from other people they didn't wish to associate with or be exposed to; they considered themselves above the others, and insisted on being treated 'special'.
I provided a link to prove my point. Can you do the same or are you just making your own history?

You provided a link to a self-serving narrative that deliberately leaves out anything 'inconvenient' to supporting that narrative.
Curious that you accuse me of leaving out anything 'inconvenient' yet you do exactly the same thing. What do you have that contradicts me or did you just make that up too?

Paul Johnson's history has an entire chapter devoted to the 'Ghetto', and many other chapters of events happening concurrent with your incomplete and deliberately misleading cite. When you've read it, along with as many of his sources you can find, let us know, since it's clear you don't know squat about Jewish history except the fantasy stuff you like to repeat. there are many Jewish writers who have written on Jewish self-segregation and self-isolation over the centuries, the political problems that caused them, and Jewish 'racial purity' laws play a big part in that, so have fun trying to hammer that square peg into a round hole.
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People hate for all sorts of reasons. I'm sure you could find people today, likely right here on USMB, that would (secretly?) agree with each of the theories.

Although not Canonical, the Gospel of Peter and the Gospel of Barnabas, were widely circulated, early Christian texts that continued the tradition of shifting blame for Jesus' death from the Romans to the Jews. Christianity saw itself as a fulfillment of Judaism and was closely associated with it. Not surprising that after 70 AD, Christianity wanted to put some distance between them and the Jews and snuggle up to the Romans.

lol complete rubbish. The Pharisees and rabbis banned Da Evul Xians from the synagogues, and massacred many of them as well. lol @ 'snuggling up to the Romans'. The Romans ,along with Orthodox Jews and pagans, massacred and murdered Christians left and right for centuries. You must have gone to the same synagogues Rosie went to. Citing 'Gnostics' nonsense now, are we? lol even more desperate, I see.
Early on Jews demanded their own quarters with high walls to separate them from other people they didn't wish to associate with or be exposed to; they considered themselves above the others, and insisted on being treated 'special'.
I provided a link to prove my point. Can you do the same or are you just making your own history?

You provided a link to a self-serving narrative that deliberately leaves out anything 'inconvenient' to supporting that narrative.
Curious that you accuse me of leaving out anything 'inconvenient' yet you do exactly the same thing. What do you have that contradicts me or did you just make that up too?

Paul Johnson's history has an entire chapter devoted to the 'Ghetto', and many other chapters of events happening concurrent with your incomplete and deliberately misleading cite. When you've read it, along with as many of his sources you can find, let us know, since it's clear you don't know squat about Jewish history except the fantasy stuff you like to repeat. there are many Jewish writers who have written on Jewish self-segregation and self-isolation over the centuries, the political problems that caused them, and Jewish 'racial purity' laws play a big part in that, so have fun trying to hammer that square peg into a round hole.
I'd love to read it, please send me a copy. Is this the same guy who in 1964 warned of "The Menace of Beatlism"?
People hate for all sorts of reasons. I'm sure you could find people today, likely right here on USMB, that would (secretly?) agree with each of the theories.

Although not Canonical, the Gospel of Peter and the Gospel of Barnabas, were widely circulated, early Christian texts that continued the tradition of shifting blame for Jesus' death from the Romans to the Jews. Christianity saw itself as a fulfillment of Judaism and was closely associated with it. Not surprising that after 70 AD, Christianity wanted to put some distance between them and the Jews and snuggle up to the Romans.

lol complete rubbish. The Pharisees and rabbis banned Da Evul Xians from the synagogues, and massacred many of them as well. lol @ 'snuggling up to the Romans'. The Romans ,along with Orthodox Jews and pagans, massacred and murdered Christians left and right for centuries. You must have gone to the same synagogues Rosie went to. Citing 'Gnostics' nonsense now, are we? lol even more desperate, I see.
You continue to say things without any backup. Gnostics were a sizeable proportion of Christians in the first centuries after Jesus.
People hate for all sorts of reasons. I'm sure you could find people today, likely right here on USMB, that would (secretly?) agree with each of the theories.

>>Historians and experts of anti-semitism think there at least six possible theories:

Racial Theory – the Jews are hated because they are an inferior race.
Economic Theory – the Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.
Outsiders Theory – the Jews are hated because they are different from everyone else.
Scapegoat Theory – the Jews are hated because they are the cause for all the world’s problems.
Deicide Theory – the Jews are hated because they killed Jesus Christ.
Chosen People Theory – the Jews are hated because they arrogantly declare they are the “chosen ones of God.”

You believe in the Deicide theory. Any others? <<

These are the historians and experts who studied it, so their theories should fit most, if not all, the cases. If I understood your latest post, then it adds to the Deicide theory in Christians excusing Pontius Pilate and after 70 AD "snuggle up to the Romans ." The facts are that it was the Romans who killed Jesus. Why didn't Christians and their supporters hate the Romans?

Furthermore, you just conveniently ignore the first Jewish - Roman war before and during that time (66–73 AD) -- Jewish–Roman wars - Wikipedia. It had nothing to do with the Christians.

The cause of the tensions between the Jews and Romans is complex, but major ones are the Economic theory and Chosen People theory. It started much earlier after 37 AD with Emperor Caligula. "The cause of tensions in the east of the Empire was complicated, involving the spread of Greek culture, Roman law, and the rights of Jews in the Empire."


" First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE) — also called the First Jewish Revolt or the Great Jewish Revolt, spanning from the 66 CE insurrection, through the 67 CE fall of the Galilee, the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple and institution of the Fiscus Judaicus in 70 CE, and finally the fall of Masada in 73 CE. "

The Jews as the "chosen ones" believed in monotheism and was against the paganism of Caligula who wanted to erect his own statue in Jerusalem.

I think what the majority of Christians believe more that your Deicide theory is the Chosen People theory. The Jews have been attacked and killed throughout history by the Romans, Babylonians, Persians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Hittites, and the Nazis. Not Christians. This is what I explained to you before, but you could not believe it and ignored it because you believe and take glee in your Deicide theory.

If the Jews are eliminated from the face of the Earth, then Jesus would not be able to fulfill the prophecy of delivering his people to the promised land. That would contradict the Bible and make God look bad. Thus, the Jews will continue to be hated for whatever reason, i.e. all of the above, and their land and people attacked until Jesus returns. Satan would take much glee in this happening. I think then his battle vs Jesus would be won before he returns.
The real question here is how to go forward in the 21st Century without disturbing anybody else and living together peacefully. Rehashing what any political group did 1800-2000 years ago won't change anything. Those people are long dead, and we will never know what actually happened in those times and who said what to whom, even if we read every surviving writing of early authors who were privileged to be literate. (BTW: personal complaint: I think that all libraries that contain antiquities, like the Vatican Library and the British Library, should be available, at least electronically, to all, rather limiting access to a very select few.)

Also, people forget that the centerpiece of the Christian narrative is that Jesus came down with the mission of teaching and then sacrificing himself. He had to die, and somebody had to kill him or God's plan would not be fulfilled. (Why the omnipotent Supreme Being required such a sacrifice is another question.) So Judas, Herrod, Pontius Pilate, and the whole rest of the cast of characters had to do what they did, making the blame-game irrelevant.

Moreover, I studied ancient and medieval history extensively in college and much of it was truly disgusting. Christians spent a lot of time fighting among themselves, and sometimes Muslims. Comparing Christians and Jews, Christians were the far more aggressive and downright murderous. No massive Jewish armies rode out to attack Christians or tortured Christians.

History is interesting, but it only provides us with a starting point, kind of like the maps in shopping malls that are marked with "you are here" arrows. It should not be used to continue useless bickering and violence. How do we use it to improve our world?
I think this is more evidence for God and his protecting the Jews and Israel. Unfortunately, the list of countries support other arguments, too.


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