Why Jordan Doesn't Want More Palestinians

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The British confirmed in intelligence reports confirm that the Arab armies intervention was the only hope to stop the Jews from evicting and slaughtering the native Muslims and Christians. Trying to deny it is absurd.
The British confirmed in intelligence reports confirm that the Arab armies intervention was the only hope to stop the Jews from evicting and slaughtering the native Muslims and Christians. Trying to deny it is absurd.
Yes, yes, Monty. You can cut and paste the same material as often as you do and never manage to produce a coherent argument.

As you were told, the above cut and paste is just spam intended to cover your tracks on your silly claim that the invading Arab-Moslem crusaders were intending some imagined "intervention" in 1948 and later wars of aggression and hoped-for annihilation of the Jews.

The historical facts are that in 1948 and later wars of waged by the Arab-Moslem crusaders, the goal was to push the Jews into the sea and purge the area of Jews, all in concert with Islamist ideology.
Your opinion versus British intelligence reports. You have no facts. You never post a link. You just blabber. Lying Hollie is at it again.
Your opinion versus British intelligence reports. You have no facts. You never post a link. You just blabber. Lying Hollie is at it again.
It's not at all surprising that you have retreated from your silly claim of some invented notion of "intervention" by the Arab-Moslem crusaders. If you're going to present such an invention in the context of a public discussion board, you shouldn't be surprised if your silliness is pointed out as such.
The British intelligence reports confirm the facts. Your internet silliness only demonstrates that you are a clown.
Actually the current Palestinian leader and many Arab leaders are on record saying that the Arab armies told them to get out of the way, and when they failed to drive the Jews into the sea, put the Arabs who later called themselves Palestinians, in concentration style camps in the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years. The "occupation" actually started with the Egyptians and Jordanians who once again used those same territories to attack Israel in 1967, and once again, FAILED.

That's a big tough shit for genocidal Muslim Arabs who were also on record for saying that as soon as they get rid of all the Jews, they're going to start on the Christians.

Hey, it isn't like the genocidal Arab Muslim animals aren't slaughtering Christians today. When given the opportunity they always will, that's what an Islamists religion commands them to do. After all, the Nazi Palestinian Mufti, the founder of the Palestinian movement, did indeed slaughter tens of thousands of Christians.
The Arab states intervened to prevent the takeover of Palestine and the eviction of the non-Jews by the Zionists. They were unable to do so. The Muslims and Christians called themselves Palestinians at least since the Mandate was signed. They were Palaestinesi during Roman rule. What are you on about. This constant lying of yours gets tiresome.
The Arab states attacked, not to create this mythical Palestine, but to prevent the creation of a Jewish state, by destroying it. The Arabs themselves vehemently denied the existence of a Palestine or Palestinian people. In other words, this is about Arab Muslim intolerance and violence towards all peoples of other faiths, but especially the Jews that they had oppressed and persecuted for hundreds of years in their own countries. They just couldn't bear to see the same people they have subjugated, about to create their own nation now. Tough shit Abdul. The Jews are the real freedom fighters here, truth be told.
Reading Monty's nonsense is a lot like reading the comics.

My only regret is I didn't safe this thread for my morning coffee ;--)


And the simple reason Jordan doesn't want more Jordanians is that Jordan is trying to destabilize Israel
The British confirmed in intelligence reports confirm that the Arab armies intervention was the only hope to stop the Jews from evicting and slaughtering the native Muslims and Christians. Trying to deny it is absurd.
Bullshit! Palestinians are genocidal maniacs. Why should they be judged any differently than other IslamoNazi genocidal movements?

After Saturday Comes Sunday - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to a publication by the American Foreign Policy Council, the proverb in the form ‘After Saturday, Sunday’, was brandished as a popular slogan among supporters of Haj Amin al-Husseini’s faction during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The message is reported to have meant that once the Jews had been driven out, the Christians would be expelled.

At that time, it is attested as a Lebanese Christian proverb in Christian circles among the Maronite community, who read the Palestinian revolt against Great Britain and Jewish immigration as a foretaste of what they imagined might befall their community were Lebanese Muslims to gain ascendancy.[4][11]

On the eve of the publication of the White Paper of 1939, in which Great Britain decided on a restriction on Jewish immigration to Palestine the Palestine Post, founded by the Zionist newspaper man Gershon Agron, reported that the provisions of the policy were injurious not only to Jews, but to Christian Palestinian Arabs, who held twice the number of government jobs than local Muslim Arabs. Morris in this context speaks of the British authorities favoring the Christians with contracts, permits, and jobs, further alienating the majority.[10] The Palestinian Christians were, the article continued, worried that their jobs might be axed. The correspondent then concluded:-

‘Apart from this consideration of enlightened self-interest, the Christians are anxious for their future as a minority under what will amount to Moslem rule. In fact, some Moslems have been tactless enough to point out to Christians that “after Saturday comes Sunday.” [12]

In 1940 soil conservationist Walter Clay Lowdermilk asserted the proverb meant that after Arabs ‘have destroyed the Jews they will destroy the Christians,’ predicting a massacre of Jews would occur if Britain left Palestine. Lowdermilk further claimed that 80,000 Iraqi Assyrians had been massacred after the British relinquished their mandate in Iraq in 1932.

In the opinion of Benny Morris, around 1947-8 in Palestine, ‘all (Christians) were aware of the saying: 'After Saturday, Sunday,' which he calls a 'popular mob chant' of the time and glosses as meaning,'after we take care of the Jews it will be the Christians’ turn'
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Reading Monty's nonsense is a lot like reading the comics.

My only regret is I didn't safe this thread for my morning coffee ;--)


And the simple reason Jordan doesn't want more Jordanians is that Jordan is trying to destabilize Israel
Jordan also knows that it got a hell of a deal as a result of the peace treaty. Israel got the short end of the stick. Fortunately for the Jordanians, Israelis are honorable people and will abide by the deal no matter what. However, if this problem is to be resolved, the Jordanians will have to agree to take back the Palestinian invaders in the West Bank. Perhaps some financial and other enticements for the Jordanians would be part of a future treaty.
I'm sure Israel can fit the hostiles among them into Gaza in a pinch. Let them rot on that side of the fence. Its a better wall anyway.

Jordan did walk like a bandit but it doesn't mean that Israel is stuck with the bastards
Reading Monty's nonsense is a lot like reading the comics.

My only regret is I didn't safe this thread for my morning coffee ;--)


And the simple reason Jordan doesn't want more Jordanians is that Jordan is trying to destabilize Israel
Jordan also knows that it got a hell of a deal as a result of the peace treaty. Israel got the short end of the stick. Fortunately for the Jordanians, Israelis are honorable people and will abide by the deal no matter what. However, if this problem is to be resolved, the Jordanians will have to agree to take back the Palestinian invaders in the West Bank. Perhaps some financial and other enticements for the Jordanians would be part of a future treaty.

Good point. In fact, Jordan has open borders with Israel whereby tourists to Israel can also visit Jordan to purchase Jordanian goods & servises thus boosting Jordan's economy thanks to Israel.
Reading Monty's nonsense is a lot like reading the comics.

My only regret is I didn't safe this thread for my morning coffee ;--)


And the simple reason Jordan doesn't want more Jordanians is that Jordan is trying to destabilize Israel

That's what happens when you grow accustomed to Hasbara propaganda as your only source of information. Regarding facts as comical, is a defense mechanism.
I'm sure Israel can fit the hostiles among them into Gaza in a pinch. Let them rot on that side of the fence. Its a better wall anyway.

Jordan did walk like a bandit but it doesn't mean that Israel is stuck with the bastards
Yup, the Jordanians hit two birds with one stone. End of a humiliating military conflict with Israel, and shafting Israel with a problem they were responsible for creating.
I'm sure Israel can fit the hostiles among them into Gaza in a pinch. Let them rot on that side of the fence. Its a better wall anyway.

Jordan did walk like a bandit but it doesn't mean that Israel is stuck with the bastards
Yup, the Jordanians hit two birds with one stone. End of a humiliating military conflict with Israel, and shafting Israel with a problem they were responsible for creating.

Truly Jordan is the smartest player in all of the Middle East. King Hussein gave the Palestinians Black Septermber to communicate a lasting peace from the Palestinians. And King Abdullah marries the most gorgeous Palestinian queen Rania while refusing to grant any right of return to all other Palestinians.
Palestinians can't return to a place that they or their ancestors have never lived. The Palestinians can only return to occupied Palestine, i.e. Israel.
Palestinians can't return to a place that they or their ancestors have never lived. The Palestinians can only return to occupied Palestine, i.e. Israel.

Well gee. Here's the part I don't get. We all agree that Jews were indigenous Palestinians. So why are you saying Jews can only return to their own occupied land?
Palestinians can't return to a place that they or their ancestors have never lived. The Palestinians can only return to occupied Palestine, i.e. Israel.

Well gee. Here's the part I don't get. We all agree that Jews were indigenous Palestinians. So why are you saying Jews can only return to their own occupied land?

Sure sounds like Monte is saying the Muslim Palestinians are stealing Israel's land. Hey,I have no argument with that.
Palestinians can't return to a place that they or their ancestors have never lived. The Palestinians can only return to occupied Palestine, i.e. Israel.
You're quite befuddled. Pal'istanians cannot return to their homelands of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon because those nations want nothing to do with their former citizens.
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