Zone1 Why Listen to College Students?

The hippies who protested the Vietnam War (or used their connections to avoid seeing combat) are the modern warmongers. They weren't anti-war. They were against getting themselves killed in war. They're perfectly happy sending other people to die.
Or letting other people die.

Such as the Cambodians, Laotians, and non-communist Vietnamese.

A couple decades ago I worked with several of the above sorts of SE Asia "refugees" who had fled/escaped a couple decades prior. They had no praise for the great people's socialist utopia the Communist victors imposed. Many lost family along with all they owned in the collapse of their homelands and they endured many hardship escaping and eventually coming to the USA.
She is embarrassing and her parents should both be put in prison for raising and encouraging such a snot-rag.

I think they deserve some sympathy here.
No, they deserve none. They home-schooled their daughter to be exactly what you see. What you see in her is what her arrogant parents wanted to be themselves. They should be locked up and publicly humiliated. That girl is the product of a cult mentality - her parents'.
Why we can’t trust Conservatives to run our education system
A little over 60 years ago I went to a Catholic school, in a class of 40+ students and one nun teacher we learned more than the comparable public school class with barely 30 students.

However Komrade, with your Leftwing, pseudo-Liberal, regressives running the education system you have better chances of indoctrination and cramming your pravda propaganda into the pliable brains.
The students not only have a better track record, like protesting Vietnam, but also are not yet as material, corrupt, or overly patriotic.
Most have parents who likely weren't alive to protest Vietnam. They do want someone else to pay for everything they need and want, and have to wear latest fashions and brand labels so that makes them overly material and corrupt. Which is a major reason they aren't even slightly patriotic.
Because they have better academic skills and are better read than most Conservatives
And they have minimal to no experience or wisdom to apply their knowledge, which leads them to foolish desires and outcomes

Knowledgeable people can be very stupid. Wisdom is the true metric.

A token of advice: Don’t rely on foolish young folk to guide you, like Democrats seem to do more and more
A word to the Leftists here who subscribe to the myth that Trump's supporters are all "uneducated."

You need to get out more. The people who actually make things work in this country are overwhelmingly Trump supporters. You know, the architects, engineers, accountants, corporate attorneys, corporate administrators, managers, and supervisors, the vast majority of whom have at least bachelor's degrees. This is in addition to the plumbers, electricians, truck drivers, manufacturing workers, and small businessmen who are the backbone of our economy.

The Left is the home of people who generally produce nothing, or in the case of the Media Entertainment, and Academe, little that is worthwhile. THEY are Exhibit A of the people often mentioned who have degrees - often multiple degrees - and lack common sense.

In my long and spotted career, I worked for more than a dozen companies in high-level staff positions, and among all of my peers in all of those companies, finding a Democrat would have been a rare thing indeed. Except among the women, of course.
And they have minimal to no experience or wisdom to apply their knowledge, which leads them to foolish desires and outcomes
I disagree with this. Peaceful "desires" are inherent in all of us and they are not "foolish". "Minimal experience" generally leads to unfavourable "outcomes" when confronting dishonest forces of "maximum experience". So the battle is not about "foolish desires" against hardship but "righteous desires" against deliberately fabricated "outcomes". Intentionally placing banana peels over the pavement doesn't render the pedestrian "foolish".
Wisdom is the true metric.
Yes, it is. But it's merely the "true metric" of those who seek an agenda and succeed in achieving it.
A word to the Leftists here who subscribe to the myth that Trump's supporters are all "uneducated."

It may not be that they are uneducated but are just fucking stupid.

How else do you describe someone who believes Trumps lies without question?

That the election was stolen
Obama was born in Kenya
Covid is no worse than a common flu
Mike Pence could have overturned the election
No, they deserve none. They home-schooled their daughter to be exactly what you see. What you see in her is what her arrogant parents wanted to be themselves. They should be locked up and publicly humiliated. That girl is the product of a cult mentality - her parents'.
and all that being the case they are, for lack of a more accurate term, stuck with a failed product.
and all that being the case they are, for lack of a more accurate term, stuck with a failed product.
Well, yes. I suppose so. But when you purchase a pair of inferior stitched sandals you get "stuck" with them. But in this case, the parents made the sandals with their own hands and of their own design. So, "stuck"? I wouldn't say that. If, on the other hand, you are talking about the girl's mental idiosyncracies then the parents are still culpable because there is a right way and a wrong way to foster children with special needs. Taking advantage of a child's social disabilities and exclusive, symbiotic dependency for your own personal gain is NOT the right way. But here I am talking to Frankenstein about creating life! Why shoot, you know more about it than I do! :eek:
I disagree with this. Peaceful "desires" are inherent in all of us and they are not "foolish". "Minimal experience" generally leads to unfavourable "outcomes" when confronting dishonest forces of "maximum experience". So the battle is not about "foolish desires" against hardship but "righteous desires" against deliberately fabricated "outcomes". Intentionally placing banana peels over the pavement doesn't render the pedestrian "foolish".

Yes, it is. But it's merely the "true metric" of those who seek an agenda and succeed in achieving it.
Pure intentions can cause horrible outcomes.

Those who lack wisdom can act in good faith but cause bad results.

People with wisdom see the bad results and change what should be done.

Many College kids are mostly stuck on intentions only, as well as promoting/exalting themselves. They are often very foolish in their prescriptions to better society.

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