College Students now calling for "Infitada" with no clue what that means

I hope not .. but I am concerned that many terrorists have taken advantage of our weakened border ... and I wouldn't be surprised if the left goes absolutely berserk in large numbers if Trump wins the election .
Intifada means shaking off.
If Trump wins the popular vote, there will be no violence.

If Trump wins by only the electoral college, there will be violence.

Since they are more numerous, smarter, hold the government and the military in their power, we may vary well see Trump inaugrated into the federal penitentiary system.
Why do so many criticize college students, when we have a government of by and for the rich running a criminal enterprise?
So you war mongers want to demonize the kids, who will be the very first on the front lines of a war you, not they want?

They’re trained monkeys for the elite.

Plus too many watch Fox News all day.
i've heard that phrase several times .. what does it mean ?

Intifada is an Arabic word that means "shaking off" or "an uprising". In the Palestinian context, it refers to a civil uprising against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The word literally means "a jumping up as a reaction to something".
Those disinterested in history and who do not know it are doomed to repeat it. Obviously the college students screaming for "Infitada" are either dedicated Jew hating antisemites or they are absolutely ignorant of what they are calling for.

We always said enchilada. :)
Who cares what you think? The numbers are there if you don't believe me. You are a stupid modern-day know nothing, nothing more.

i work all week with short brown non english speaking illegals getting cash on jobs, while out gub'mit sets them up here John

Who cares what you think? The numbers are there if you don't believe me. You are a stupid modern-day know nothing, nothing more.
Horsey Horse . Too much racing without a top three finish . Time for you to retire .
Stress is one of the greatest causes of major diseases .
I feel you are badly unwell .You cetainly sound ghastly .
Horsey Horse . Too much racing without a top three finish . Time for you to retire .
Stress is one if the greatest causes of major diseases .
I feel you are badly unwell .You cetainly sound ghastly .
Midsommar will get pushback ( Then The Real Enemy will be so Far outed that they will be fucked )
You are a stupid modern-day know nothing, nothing more.
Oh i'm no more than one of the great unwashed John

That i don't deny

But i know bullsh*t when i hear it, the majority of which comes from the entitled elites on this rock seeking control , power and $$$

The kids are right in pointing any of that out

Oh i'm no more than one of the great unwashed John

That i don't deny

But i know bullsh*t when i hear it, the majority of which comes from the entitled elites on this rock seeking control , power and $$$

The kids are right in pointing any of that out

You have all the MAGA verbiage down, that's for sure.
Intifada is an Arabic word that means "shaking off" or "an uprising". In the Palestinian context, it refers to a civil uprising against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The word literally means "a jumping up as a reaction to something".
I know what intifada means and stands for .. I also know what the leftwing Nazis mean when they chant it .. i was inquiring about a different word midsommar .
Intifada is an Arabic word that means "shaking off" or "an uprising". In the Palestinian context, it refers to a civil uprising against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The word literally means "a jumping up as a reaction to something".
The first time I heard the word many years ago, I thought they were saying "infant/toddler".

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