Why McGahn should (and probably will) adhere to the request and testify

Dude it won’t happen we are ignoring all subpoenas .. nothing you can do

I actually HOPE that some of Trump's stooges ignore the subpoena....NOTHING spell GUILTY more than that.

BTW, moron, its to McGahn's best interests to testify....because your orange moron's big mouth has placed McGahn in a situation where IF he lied to Mueller under oath.......its prison time (like Flynn's little problem.)

Get an education before delving in these discussions.
What would McGahn reveal that two years, over 2,000 subpoenas, 500 witnesses and a couple of dozen midnight raids couldn't come up with?
Whether Trump had a history of ordering 2 scoops of ice cream.
Yes.....McGahn should and probably will testify. He is well respected in the conservative world.

Could Don McGahn lead a Trump exodus? Republican lawyers may be ready to jump off sinking ship

trump is an embarrassment. If Fred Smith had committed the acts that trump did....as he did everything he could to obstruct the investigation....he would be in jail.

Barr and the wimp Rosenstein are gonna look pretty silly when McGahn dumps on trump.

McGahn testified under oath to the grand jury....trump goes on TV or tweets that McGahn is lying. Who do you think is telling the truth?
Dude it won’t happen we are ignoring all subpoenas .. nothing you can do

I actually HOPE that some of Trump's stooges ignore the subpoena....NOTHING spell GUILTY more than that.

BTW, moron, its to McGahn's best interests to testify....because your orange moron's big mouth has placed McGahn in a situation where IF he lied to Mueller under oath.......its prison time (like Flynn's little problem.)

Get an education before delving in these discussions.

He wanted Rudy to sue McGahn....that would be great. Then trump would need to testify under oath....
Dude it won’t happen we are ignoring all subpoenas .. nothing you can do

I actually HOPE that some of Trump's stooges ignore the subpoena....NOTHING spell GUILTY more than that.

BTW, moron, its to McGahn's best interests to testify....because your orange moron's big mouth has placed McGahn in a situation where IF he lied to Mueller under oath.......its prison time (like Flynn's little problem.)

Get an education before delving in these discussions.

Here is the thing. Since the day Trump was sworn in you have made a post a day claiming he was a Russian spy and Muller was going to get him. Then you said he obstructed justice and that Muller was going to get him. Then you said Stormy was going to get him, which in the end she ended up shooting her self in the foot. Then after Avanatti milked her for all he could you said he was going to get trump, instead he gets charged with stealing from a crippled guy. Then you said Cohn would get him, he diddnt , but he did catch a few extra criminal referrals, and after all that you posted daily that Muller was going to pull it all together, then frog walk Teump out of the Whitehouse. You have been wrong in every single post you made for like two years. Don’t you ever get tired?
Dude it won’t happen we are ignoring all subpoenas .. nothing you can do
These poor haters spent 2 years kneeling before the Prophet Madcow as she assured all haters that Trump colluded with Russia, and the Demigod Mueller was about to dethrone the archnemisis Trump.

And now... They're as broken hearted as an old fat guy that spends his life's savings for a grogeous mail-order bride and gets a blow-up doll.

Feel sorry for them
BTW, McGahn won't be appearing before any commie "hearings" aka waste of time carnival sideshows. What attorney-client privilege doesn't cover, executive privilege does. Looks like you'll be biting your pillow until 2020, gNat.
That would explain a lot of things...like why her ratings are in the toilet.

I don't watch that much TV, except for movies.....BUT

When Did Rachel Maddow Become No. 1 in Cable News Ratings Over Sean Hannity?

Since Donald Trump became president, following cable news ratings has been a lot like following his approval rating. When Trump’s at his worst and viewers get tired of the state-media approach at Fox News, MSNBC gets a bump in the ratings.
When Did Rachel Maddow Become No. 1 in Cable News Ratings Over Sean Hannity?

January 2019 Ratings: MSNBC Is Home to the No. 1 Show on Cable ...
BTW, McGahn won't be appearing before any commie "hearings" aka waste of time carnival sideshows. What attorney-client privilege doesn't cover, executive privilege does. Looks like you'll be biting your pillow until 2020, gNat.

Read post #5 you illiterate, moron.......lol

There NO executive privilege after McGahb testified to Mueller, and since McGahn was NOT Trump lawyer so there NO attorney-client privilege.

Did you graduate from junior High???
I'm sure that Trump's lawyers are happily racking up those billable hours and, iof they're smart, also know that they don't stand a chance in hell to keep McHahn from testifying....

Don McGahn can prove to be the "new" John Dean for this latest GOP corrupt administration.

First, let's dispel the silly idea that "executive privilege" can be applied by Trump.........Once McGahn testified under oath to Mueller, that "privilege" was voided.

Second, McGahn was WH counsel and NOT Trump personal lawyer with duties to defend the "office of the presidency" and NOT Trump.......a subtle difference but very apropos.

Third, McGahn is basically being called a liar by Trump.....and unless he's a wimp, he should voice his own version of events.

Fourth, McGahn is in a difficult spot.......He ALREADY testified before Mueller HIS version of events (and no one knows yet if he also had documents backing it up) and CANNOT change his testimony before the House committee otherwise he risks "perjury" to Mueller.

Fifth, the congressional sergeant-of arms has full jurisdiction to arrest and detain anyone who is in contempt of congress......and with heavy fines and prison time if the stooge Barr were to do his job, the lawyers' fees and the trashing of one's reputation would be a heavy price.

Finally, Trump is also in trouble because he "fired" McGahn's law firm in representing the presidency...and THAT could easily be viewed as retaliation to a government witness which os against the law.....

(BTW, this latest Trump infraction in firing the law firm may constitute a "white collar crime" whose statute of limitations is 10 years....which places Trump in jeopardy until 2029.....which, of course, by then he would be a private citizen..........unless he pulls a Mussolini on our country.)

He could be sent to jail and fined $25,000.00 per day.
BTW, McGahn won't be appearing before any commie "hearings" aka waste of time carnival sideshows. What attorney-client privilege doesn't cover, executive privilege does. Looks like you'll be biting your pillow until 2020, gNat.

Read post #5 you illiterate, moron.......lol

There NO executive privilege after McGahb testified to Mueller, and since McGahn was NOT Trump lawyer so there NO attorney-client privilege.

Did you graduate from junior High???

Trump is in the clear. The Dems don't have the nerve to even try for impeachment.
Read post #5 you illiterate, moron.......lol

There NO executive privilege after McGahb testified to Mueller, and since McGahn was NOT Trump lawyer so there NO attorney-client privilege.

Did you graduate from junior High???

Yes I did, gNat....how many acid trips convinced you to become a parrot? You believe what you hear from cable news gasbags which makes you entertaining in a cretin slipping on a banana peel sense, but zero when it comes to the law. Executive privilege can't be used like a store coupon...an interview by one of Mueller's creeps doesn't preclude it applying to a Congressional committee. And attorney-client privilege is the bedrock of our legal system, despite Mueller's creeps invading Cohen's office and stealing his files.
Dude it won’t happen we are ignoring all subpoenas .. nothing you can do

I actually HOPE that some of Trump's stooges ignore the subpoena....NOTHING spell GUILTY more than that.

BTW, moron, its to McGahn's best interests to testify....because your orange moron's big mouth has placed McGahn in a situation where IF he lied to Mueller under oath.......its prison time (like Flynn's little problem.)

Get an education before delving in these discussions.
We’ve already had investigations ... no more .. why are so many blacks getting shot in towns run by democrats?
I'm sure that Trump's lawyers are happily racking up those billable hours and, iof they're smart, also know that they don't stand a chance in hell to keep McHahn from testifying....

Don McGahn can prove to be the "new" John Dean for this latest GOP corrupt administration.

First, let's dispel the silly idea that "executive privilege" can be applied by Trump.........Once McGahn testified under oath to Mueller, that "privilege" was voided.

Second, McGahn was WH counsel and NOT Trump personal lawyer with duties to defend the "office of the presidency" and NOT Trump.......a subtle difference but very apropos.

Third, McGahn is basically being called a liar by Trump.....and unless he's a wimp, he should voice his own version of events.

Fourth, McGahn is in a difficult spot.......He ALREADY testified before Mueller HIS version of events (and no one knows yet if he also had documents backing it up) and CANNOT change his testimony before the House committee otherwise he risks "perjury" to Mueller.

Fifth, the congressional sergeant-of arms has full jurisdiction to arrest and detain anyone who is in contempt of congress......and with heavy fines and prison time if the stooge Barr were to do his job, the lawyers' fees and the trashing of one's reputation would be a heavy price.

Finally, Trump is also in trouble because he "fired" McGahn's law firm in representing the presidency...and THAT could easily be viewed as retaliation to a government witness which os against the law.....

(BTW, this latest Trump infraction in firing the law firm may constitute a "white collar crime" whose statute of limitations is 10 years....which places Trump in jeopardy until 2029.....which, of course, by then he would be a private citizen..........unless he pulls a Mussolini on our country.)
Dude it won’t happen we are ignoring all subpoenas .. nothing you can do

There's nothing that person can do but there's a lot that our congress and DOJ can do.

The law is very clear. If McGahn or anyone else ignores those subpoenas they can face monetary fines and even jail time. It's Called contempt of congress and contempt of court. If a cabinet level person violates the subpoena the congress can impeach them and throw them out of their job.

So yes there's a lot that can be done and in the end, trump will lose. The law isn't on his side.

Just saying there's nothing that can be done doesn't make it true. In fact, all it does is show all intelligent people in cyberspace just how down right stupid you are.

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