Why McGahn should (and probably will) adhere to the request and testify

It doesn't matter what they do or try to do.

McGahn will be kept from testifying because of Executive Privilege. The Dems will go to court.
Whomever loses in court will appeal. The SCOTUS will hear the case sometime in 2021.
What would McGahn reveal that two years, over 2,000 subpoenas, 500 witnesses and a couple of dozen midnight raids couldn't come up with?

Gee.....who knows........But your orange fuckhead is FIGHTING like hell to keep him from testifying......Does your half brain "conclude" that the idiot-in-chief may have something that he doesn't want McGahn to openly REVEAL???

(BTW, READ the fucking report and even a nitwit like you would see that Barr's "interpretation" of Mueller's findings smack of Barr being firmly up Trump's ass........READ.....or have someone read it to you.....LOL).

And he Testifies and offer nothing to help impeach Trump what will you do and who will you blame?

Stormy Davis, The Mueller Probe and Report and now this and all you have is your spin and nothing to remove Trump from office.

Even of your political held the Congress you would not be able to convict and remove because your political will lack the votes.

All this has to do with is Trump birther game and you wanting revenge...
Dude it won’t happen we are ignoring all subpoenas .. nothing you can do

I actually HOPE that some of Trump's stooges ignore the subpoena....NOTHING spell GUILTY more than that.

BTW, moron, its to McGahn's best interests to testify....because your orange moron's big mouth has placed McGahn in a situation where IF he lied to Mueller under oath.......its prison time (like Flynn's little problem.)

Get an education before delving in these discussions.

Here is the thing. Since the day Trump was sworn in you have made a post a day claiming he was a Russian spy and Muller was going to get him. Then you said he obstructed justice and that Muller was going to get him. Then you said Stormy was going to get him, which in the end she ended up shooting her self in the foot. Then after Avanatti milked her for all he could you said he was going to get trump, instead he gets charged with stealing from a crippled guy. Then you said Cohn would get him, he diddnt , but he did catch a few extra criminal referrals, and after all that you posted daily that Muller was going to pull it all together, then frog walk Teump out of the Whitehouse. You have been wrong in every single post you made for like two years. Don’t you ever get tired?

When this does not get Trump Nat will scream the failure of the Democratic Party is Trump fault for not making himself more guilty for impeachment!!!
What would McGahn reveal that two years, over 2,000 subpoenas, 500 witnesses and a couple of dozen midnight raids couldn't come up with?
You pretend as though the reason Trump hasn’t been indicted has nothing to do with the the GOP simply choosing not to go after Trump. The democrats won’t bother with impeachment because they know the cowardly GOP won’t do jack shit regardless of what Trump is guilty of to move for indictment.
You pretend as though the reason Trump hasn’t been indicted has nothing to do with the the GOP simply choosing not to go after Trump. The democrats won’t bother with impeachment because they know the cowardly GOP won’t do jack shit regardless of what Trump is guilty of to move for indictment.
You pretend Trump is guilty of something just because your party are a bunch of Fascist losers.

Guilty of what? Collusion? Not liking a Witch Hunt?

Mueller had unlimited resources and found NADDA.
And he Testifies and offer nothing to help impeach Trump what will you do and who will you blame?[/QUOTE]

What made your half brain "conclude" that I (and others) want Trump impeached???

Trump has not yet finished destroying the GOP......Give him a few more months.
John Dean redux....How drearily droll.

Loser moonbats trying to relive the Watergate years....And they accuse everyone else of living in the past.

View attachment 258080

Trump is making Nixon look honest by comparison.
Because he was the victim of democrat spying? I'm trying to figure out how this could be true when your party was the ones breaking into his campaign and yet you still think he's guilty of something.

You have any insight on how that's possible?

He is not a victim of any spying. I don't have a party. The party of Reagan no longer exists so I am party-less and a independent.
I'm sure that Trump's lawyers are happily racking up those billable hours and, iof they're smart, also know that they don't stand a chance in hell to keep McHahn from testifying....

Don McGahn can prove to be the "new" John Dean for this latest GOP corrupt administration.

First, let's dispel the silly idea that "executive privilege" can be applied by Trump.........Once McGahn testified under oath to Mueller, that "privilege" was voided.

Second, McGahn was WH counsel and NOT Trump personal lawyer with duties to defend the "office of the presidency" and NOT Trump.......a subtle difference but very apropos.

Third, McGahn is basically being called a liar by Trump.....and unless he's a wimp, he should voice his own version of events.

Fourth, McGahn is in a difficult spot.......He ALREADY testified before Mueller HIS version of events (and no one knows yet if he also had documents backing it up) and CANNOT change his testimony before the House committee otherwise he risks "perjury" to Mueller.

Fifth, the congressional sergeant-of arms has full jurisdiction to arrest and detain anyone who is in contempt of congress......and with heavy fines and prison time if the stooge Barr were to do his job, the lawyers' fees and the trashing of one's reputation would be a heavy price.

Finally, Trump is also in trouble because he "fired" McGahn's law firm in representing the presidency...and THAT could easily be viewed as retaliation to a government witness which os against the law.....

(BTW, this latest Trump infraction in firing the law firm may constitute a "white collar crime" whose statute of limitations is 10 years....which places Trump in jeopardy until 2029.....which, of course, by then he would be a private citizen..........unless he pulls a Mussolini on our country.)

Damn, still listening to madcow I see. Trump waived privilege within the Executive Branch. NOT WITH CONGRESS. He is not obligated to give congress shit. Also McGhan resigned, he wasn't fired as WH counsel.

So feel free to spin the commie mslsd propaganda, no one is buying.


I see you are still relying on propaganda. Trump waived immunity so Congress has a right to investigate it as a part of their oversight. Trump can fight it and maybe delay it until after the elections. However people will wonder what he is hiding and this could be a major issue. No one is buying your garbage.

Of course, Trump and his lawyers can delay the process......BUT, not until the next election.......That may have been the case PRIOR to the SCOTUS decision on Nixon.......but now the proverbial "tigger" is out of the bag.

(BTW, did you know that the congressional sergeant of arms CAN arrest someone AND hand the individual over to the D.C. prosecutor and not directly to stooge-Barr.......thereby sowing more discord within the DOJ top heads and state/;oca; prosecutors.)

It would suit Democrats fine if Trump could delay it until after the election.
Tactically McGhan should refuse to testify and force the democrats into court to get a court order. Make them prove the need for each and every thing they want. Make them get a court order every time. Meanwhile proceed with the criminal probe.[/QUOTE[

The Mueller report is all the evidence they need. Meanwhile voters will wonder what Trump is hiding.
I'm sure that Trump's lawyers are happily racking up those billable hours and, iof they're smart, also know that they don't stand a chance in hell to keep McHahn from testifying....

Don McGahn can prove to be the "new" John Dean for this latest GOP corrupt administration.

First, let's dispel the silly idea that "executive privilege" can be applied by Trump.........Once McGahn testified under oath to Mueller, that "privilege" was voided.

Second, McGahn was WH counsel and NOT Trump personal lawyer with duties to defend the "office of the presidency" and NOT Trump.......a subtle difference but very apropos.

Third, McGahn is basically being called a liar by Trump.....and unless he's a wimp, he should voice his own version of events.

Fourth, McGahn is in a difficult spot.......He ALREADY testified before Mueller HIS version of events (and no one knows yet if he also had documents backing it up) and CANNOT change his testimony before the House committee otherwise he risks "perjury" to Mueller.

Fifth, the congressional sergeant-of arms has full jurisdiction to arrest and detain anyone who is in contempt of congress......and with heavy fines and prison time if the stooge Barr were to do his job, the lawyers' fees and the trashing of one's reputation would be a heavy price.

Finally, Trump is also in trouble because he "fired" McGahn's law firm in representing the presidency...and THAT could easily be viewed as retaliation to a government witness which os against the law.....

(BTW, this latest Trump infraction in firing the law firm may constitute a "white collar crime" whose statute of limitations is 10 years....which places Trump in jeopardy until 2029.....which, of course, by then he would be a private citizen..........unless he pulls a Mussolini on our country.)
Dude it won’t happen we are ignoring all subpoenas .. nothing you can do

Voters will wonder what Trump is hiding.
You pretend as though the reason Trump hasn’t been indicted has nothing to do with the the GOP simply choosing not to go after Trump. The democrats won’t bother with impeachment because they know the cowardly GOP won’t do jack shit regardless of what Trump is guilty of to move for indictment.
You pretend Trump is guilty of something just because your party are a bunch of Fascist losers.

Guilty of what? Collusion? Not liking a Witch Hunt?

Mueller had unlimited resources and found NADDA.

He found more than that. He found out that Manafort talked strategy and gave polling data to a business associate linked to Russian Intelligence. That gave them a roadmap for buying social media ads. Trump likely obstructed justice and might have been saved because his associates refused to comply with his orders.
I'm sure that Trump's lawyers are happily racking up those billable hours and, iof they're smart, also know that they don't stand a chance in hell to keep McHahn from testifying....

Don McGahn can prove to be the "new" John Dean for this latest GOP corrupt administration.

First, let's dispel the silly idea that "executive privilege" can be applied by Trump.........Once McGahn testified under oath to Mueller, that "privilege" was voided.

Second, McGahn was WH counsel and NOT Trump personal lawyer with duties to defend the "office of the presidency" and NOT Trump.......a subtle difference but very apropos.

Third, McGahn is basically being called a liar by Trump.....and unless he's a wimp, he should voice his own version of events.

Fourth, McGahn is in a difficult spot.......He ALREADY testified before Mueller HIS version of events (and no one knows yet if he also had documents backing it up) and CANNOT change his testimony before the House committee otherwise he risks "perjury" to Mueller.

Fifth, the congressional sergeant-of arms has full jurisdiction to arrest and detain anyone who is in contempt of congress......and with heavy fines and prison time if the stooge Barr were to do his job, the lawyers' fees and the trashing of one's reputation would be a heavy price.

Finally, Trump is also in trouble because he "fired" McGahn's law firm in representing the presidency...and THAT could easily be viewed as retaliation to a government witness which os against the law.....

(BTW, this latest Trump infraction in firing the law firm may constitute a "white collar crime" whose statute of limitations is 10 years....which places Trump in jeopardy until 2029.....which, of course, by then he would be a private citizen..........unless he pulls a Mussolini on our country.)
Dude it won’t happen we are ignoring all subpoenas .. nothing you can do

Voters will wonder what Trump is hiding.
All is in the open,, what do you want to know?
BTW, McGahn won't be appearing before any commie "hearings" aka waste of time carnival sideshows. What attorney-client privilege doesn't cover, executive privilege does. Looks like you'll be biting your pillow until 2020, gNat.

Wrong on both counts. Trump waived both and as a result he cannot come back and claim it.
It doesn't matter what they do or try to do.

McGahn will be kept from testifying because of Executive Privilege. The Dems will go to court.
Whomever loses in court will appeal. The SCOTUS will hear the case sometime in 2021.

It will sit out there and dominate the headlines, turning 2020 into a referendum on the Mueller report and Trump loses that.
You are a member of a cult. You are delusional. A large majority of Americans thing Trump is dishonest.
Just keep drinking your KoolAid.

Trump didn't win running as Billy Graham.

Trump won because Americans wanted a POTUS to MAGA.

The current economic boom, wage increases, and historic high employment are part of what Trump was elected to do. And his success is making the left piss their panties.
It will sit out there and dominate the headlines, turning 2020 into a referendum on the Mueller report and Trump loses that.
But he wins on doing his job, working to MAGA.

Normal people aren't slobbering all over themselves because they can't see Trump's tax returns.

Normal people care about themselves, their families, and America.

Do you know anyone personally that bothers to read anyone else's tax returns? How many pages of Obama's tax returns did you read? Hillary's? Bush43? I'm guessing. 0.

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