Why Mitt Romney Is Unlikeable

Asswipe, the US led the world in manufacturing after WWII because we were on the winning side and we were the only show in town outside little England. Just shut the fuck up, I'm not responding to a dead brain factory worker like you anymore. You

First, most of those countries were completely rebuilt, at our expense, pretty quickly. If you compare reconstruction in Japan or Germany to reconstruction in Iraq, you can see a world of difference.

Of course, the goal was to get those countries back on their feet, not make billions for Halliburton...

The fact is, our dominant position continued well into the 1970's, long after those countries had rebuilt themselves...

But somewhere, morons decided that we needed to get rid of those middle class jobs and the wealthy needed to control more of the wealth...

Thus why we are at where we are now while those battered countries - rebuilt with New Deal idealism- are outpeforming us.[/QUOTE]
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Asswipe, the US led the world in manufacturing after WWII because we were on the winning side and we were the only show in town outside little England. Just shut the fuck up, I'm not responding to a dead brain factory worker like you anymore. You

You just get so many things wrong, don't you?

We weren't the only show in town. In fact, the only reason we came out on the winning side was that FDR used the war as an excuse to pretty much socialize everything. Gas was rationed, so was sugar, meat, etc.

More to the point, the industry in the defeated countries bounced back pretty quickly. During the Korean war, the US had to rely on vendors in Japan to supply the military because it was taking the factories in the US too long to ramp up. It was a huge boost to Japanese industry.

Incidently, we were the biggest manufacturer in the world before WWII, and we are the biggest manufacturer now. (Although China will probably surpase us shortly.)

Learn a little bit about your history.

What made us prosperous was that we had a Labor movement that made sure working folks were getting a fair share of the rewards. In turn, that allowed them to buy more consumer goods that in turn created more jobs.

Until all the free trade and union busting stupidity came into play.
Rich white male that made his money.

Idiots today admire losers like Obamination that live off their skin color and make money via an egotistical book about themselves.

The American Left, Romney has to defend his success in life, Obama doesn't have to defend having accomplished nothing.

Venture capitalism is not what we need in a president's policies.
Uh dumbfuck....that is what Obamination did with taxpayer money dumping billions down the toilet investing our money into Solyndra and other scams.

But in the private sector there isn't some bailout of investors like what happened with Solyndra.

So shut the fuck up.

Rich white male that made his money.

Idiots today admire losers like Obamination that live off their skin color and make money via an egotistical book about themselves.

The American Left, Romney has to defend his success in life, Obama doesn't have to defend having accomplished nothing.

Venture capitalism is not what we need in a president's policies.
Rich white male that made his money.

Idiots today admire losers like Obamination that live off their skin color and make money via an egotistical book about themselves.

The American Left, Romney has to defend his success in life, Obama doesn't have to defend having accomplished nothing.

Venture capitalism is not what we need in a president's policies.

I see what you're saying. We want a President who's proven to be quite adept at destroying businesses, we can't take a chance on a businessman who's proven to be quite adept at saving them.

With the mess we're in, we can't risking going outside the group of lawyer politicians who got us into the mess, can we?
Obama's not on tape denouncing half the country... Romney is.

Obama denounced - in a far more condescending and denigrating tone - far more than 47% of the population with his comments about people of faith and gun owners.

And, YES, it IS on tape!

Actually, what did he say there that was really out of bounds?

There are people who vote against their own economic interests because of the God, Gays and Gun issues. It's the only thing that keeps the GOP afloat.

If Romney ran as a social liberal and a economic conservative- you know, like he was in Massachusetts - you guys never would have supported him for the nomination.

I used to get really upset about the Gun and Abortion issues. (Gay marriage, not so much.)

Then I realized that the real problems in my life have to do with the fact that the people I work for will try to cheat me at every oppurtunity, and the GOP totally has their backs.

According to the latest polls, not a single black person would vote for Romney. And you have the nerve to castigate those you don`t agree with for voting against their own interest!

Blacks forgot that it was a Republican president who was willing to go to war - and got assassinated - for freeing black slaves.

Blacks forgot that the most ferocious opponents of desegregation were such beautiful people as Robert Byrd, Al Gore Sr. and George Wallace, all DEMOCRATS, just to mention the most egregious phonies.

Blacks forgot that Ted Kennedy - a DEMOCRAT - opposed any and all attempts to give black kids a good opportunity for a good school by opposing school vouchers.

Blacks forgot that the only President who publicly called them ******* was Lyndon Baines Johnson, again, a DEMOCRAT.

Blacks forgot that the first and only (half)black President snubbed their highest level organization, the NAACP, but the Republican contender showed up and spoke to them.

So, like brainwashed lambs, they pledge their votes for someone who has nothing but contempt for them.

But blacks DO remember the slogans they have been fed all their lives. They take it their their moral obligation to call any and all black person who has the courage, honesty and integrity to vote Republican, a sell-out, an Uncle Tom and worse.

100% of blind and YES!!! slavish vote helps to keep the Democratic Party afloat. Along with the guilt-ridden whites who had nothing to do with slavery.
According to the latest polls, not a single black person would vote for Romney. And you have the nerve to castigate those you don`t agree with for voting against their own interest!

Blacks forgot that it was a Republican president who was willing to go to war - and got assassinated - for freeing black slaves.


100% of blind and YES!!! slavish vote helps to keep the Democratic Party afloat. Along with the guilt-ridden whites who had nothing to do with slavery.

I'm going to snip this, because it's the tired "why don't you love me" crap we get from the GOP on race issues.

Lincoln was a long time ago.

So was Eisenhower, who still managed to get 36% of the African American vote. But Ike stood up for the right things.

If blacks don't vote for republicans, it's because they remember Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of appealling to disaffected segregationists. They remember Reagan fabricating stories about "Welfare Queens" cheating the system. They remember the Elder Bush showing picture of the scary black Willie Horton. The remember Jesse Helm's "White Hands" ad and Corkers "Playboy Mansion" ad. After about 1968, the GOP made the conscious decision to stir up white fears. And for a while, it worked. And , yes, add to that, Mitt Romney telling a room full of rich guys about the 47%.

The guy who was kind of smart on this was George W. Bush. (Dammit, having to call Dubya smart on something.) He realized the GOP had to make inroads with minorities, and he did a lot of things that were meant to do that. And certain elements in the GOP went apeshit when he did.

Romney will need to win 65% of the white vote to overcome Obama's advantages with blacks and hispanics... problems Obama didn't create.

The GOP did this to themselves.
The American Left, Romney has to defend his success in life, Obama doesn't have to defend having accomplished nothing.

Venture capitalism is not what we need in a president's policies.

I see what you're saying. We want a President who's proven to be quite adept at destroying businesses, we can't take a chance on a businessman who's proven to be quite adept at saving them.

With the mess we're in, we can't risking going outside the group of lawyer politicians who got us into the mess, can we?

Romney destroyed businesses for the windfall benefit of a tiny handful of rich investors

The private sector (Wall Street) got us in this mess. Romney wants to take the chains OFF of Wall Street so they can do it again.

No 'oopsie', dear G. I asked a question.... what does my country of residence have to do with the discussion. Fact is, it is irrelevant... unless you mean 'oopsie' in that NoBrain is an idiot for raising country of residence?

Try not to be a hack, G. It's beneath you.

Admit it, you lost that point. It hurts...

There was no 'point'. He rants at me for daring to live outside the US... he made it an issue, not me. He's a fucking prat. Are you?
1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesman like aura. Looks like every central casting's #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.


The dude has the fucking brow ridge of a neanderthal, small beady eyes, fake as shit hair and more.

Obama looks way more presidential. And in the end, what the fuck does "looking" presidential even fucking matter?
I guess you think a voodoo doll looks more appealing than Barbie :lol:

What is this, I don't even
No 'oopsie', dear G. I asked a question.... what does my country of residence have to do with the discussion. Fact is, it is irrelevant... unless you mean 'oopsie' in that NoBrain is an idiot for raising country of residence?

Try not to be a hack, G. It's beneath you.

Admit it, you lost that point. It hurts...

There was no 'point'. He rants at me for daring to live outside the US... he made it an issue, not me. He's a fucking prat. Are you?

No one rants at you for anything.
Why Mitt Romney Is Unlikeable

Ask Ted Bundy.. He impersonated cops also.. Oh no you can't he was executed for what he did to the gals after he tricked em into his car.

No 'oopsie', dear G. I asked a question.... what does my country of residence have to do with the discussion. Fact is, it is irrelevant... unless you mean 'oopsie' in that NoBrain is an idiot for raising country of residence?

Try not to be a hack, G. It's beneath you.

Admit it, you lost that point. It hurts...

There was no 'point'. He rants at me for daring to live outside the US... he made it an issue, not me. He's a fucking prat. Are you?

No one rants at you for anything. You accuse me of never having been out of the United States, when the truth is that I have lived in Europe for 16 years. Now my dear, who is the fucking prat? I just see humor in someone identifying herself as California Girl when she resides in Great Britain. It would be like me calling myself New Yorker.
I don't think Romney is unlikeable. But his proposed policies will be lethal for the middle class and the poor.

Well Joe Biteme doesn't think much of Barry's handling of the middle class:

"This is a man without a core, a man without substance, a man that will say anything to become president of the United States."

Republican Rudy Giuliani on Romney
“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was." - Mitt Romney
"This is a man without a core, a man without substance, a man that will say anything to become president of the United States."

Republican Rudy Giuliani on Romney

So you quote Giuliani crediting him with your point of view? Then why don't you quote what he says about your Messiah. You are so shallow, we all know if he was running you'd be saying what he said about Romney, about him.

- Guess you'd quote Clinton on Obama when he SLAMED Barack Obama's lies at a 2008 event in South Carolina [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBMDm7mfSVA]Bill Clinton: President Obama is selling the "biggest fairy tale I've ever seen" - YouTube[/ame]
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